Research Leader
Robert J. Lascano, Ph.D., Research Leader
Wind Erosion and Water Conservation Research Unit
3810 4th Street, Lubbock, TX 79415
Voice: 806-723-5238
Fax: 806-723-5272
Cell: 806-317-9182
Dr. Lascano is a GS-15 Soil Scientist and Research Leader of the Wind Erosion & Water Conservation (WEWC) Research Unit of the Cropping Systems Research Laboratory at Lubbock. Dr. Lascano has studied the water balance of cropping systems at a landscape-scale and site-specific management of cotton demonstrating that cotton lint yield across the landscape, calculated using state-space analysis, can be predicted from soil water supply, elevation and soil nitrogen. Dr. Lascano also worked on a recursive calculation of crop evapotranspiration that uses as iterative solution to calculate the surface temperature that satisfies the energy balance of the evaporative surface. More recently, Dr. Lascano has evaluated conservation measures to make better use of rain by reducing runoff and investigated irrigation scheduling techniques under deficit conditions using a landscape-scale model that simulates the water, energy and carbon balance of irrigated fields. Dr. Lascano has authored more than 100 refereed journal publications and numerous conference proceedings. He has co-edited an Irrigation of Agricultural Crops Monograph and Advances in Agricultural Systems Modeling book. Since 1994, Dr. Lascano taught a graduate level class on soil-water-plant relations at Texas Tech University and has served on the Graduate Committee of more than 20 students and supervised 10 M.S. and 20 Ph.D. students as an Adjunct Professor at Texas Tech University, Texas A&M University, and Wageningen University. He is Fellow of the American Society of Agronomy. As a faculty member of Texas A&M University and as principal and co-investigator Dr. Lascano secured funding in excess of $7,000,000 of external competitive grants and more than $2,500,000 of internal funding from different agencies. Received competitive funding from Federal agencies such as the National Science Foundation, Department of Energy, and USDA-ARS.
- (Clicking on the reprint icon will take you to the publication reprint.)
- Direct measurement of infiltration through a playa basin using automated double ring infiltrometers-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
- Soil hydraulic properties - Martin County -(Other)
Lascano, R.J., Goebel, T.S., Gitz, D.C. 2024. Soil hydraulic properties - Martin County. Mendeley Data. 1.
- Evaluation of a wireless solar powered personal weather station -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Lascano, R.J., Goebel, T.S., Gitz, D.C., Stout, J.E. 2024. Evaluation of a wireless solar powered personal weather station. Agricultural Sciences. 15(1).
- Elevated [CO2] enhanced soil respiration and amf abundance in a semiarid peanut agroecosystem -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Laza, H., Acosta Martinez, V., Cano, A., Baker, J.T., Mahan, J.R., Gitz, D.C., Emendack, Y., Slaughter, L., Lascano, R.J., Tissue, D., Payton, P.R. 2023. Elevated [CO2] enhanced soil respiration and AMF abundance in a semiarid peanut agroecosystem. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 355.
- Evaluation of growth-stage-based variable deficit irrigation strategies for cotton production in the Texas High Plains -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Himanshu, S.K., Ale, S., Bell, J., Fan, Y., Samanta, S., Bordovsky, J., Gitz, D.C., Lascano, R.J., Brauer, D.K. 2023. Evaluation of growth-stage-based variable deficit irrigation strategies for cotton production in the Texas High Plains. Agricultural Water Management. 280.
- Stable carbon isotope discrimination of cotton burrs and seeds as a season-long integrator of crop water stress -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gitz, D.C., Baker, J.T., Lascano, R.J. 2022. Stable carbon isotope discrimination of cotton burrs and seeds as a season-long integrator of crop water stress. American Journal of Plant Sciences. 13. Article 12.
- Nighttime CO2 enrichment did not increase leaf area or shoot biomass in cotton seedlings -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Baker, J.T., Lascano, R.J., Yates, C.E., Gitz, D.C. 2022. Nighttime CO2 enrichment did not increase leaf area or shoot biomass in cotton seedlings. Agriculture and Forest Meteorology. 320.
- Annual rainfall and dryland cotton lint yield - Southern High Plains of Texas -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Lascano, R.J., Payton, P.R., Mahan, J.R., Goebel, T.S., Gitz, D.C. 2022. Annual rainfall and dryland cotton lint yield - Southern High Plains of Texas. Agricultural Sciences. 13:177-200.
- Conservation tillage and soil water-(Book / Chapter)
- Transition from deficit-irrigated to dryland crop production -(Other)
Lascano, R.J. 2021. Transition from deficit-irrigated to dryland crop production. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. 5. Article 707782.
- Soil and soil organic carbon effects on simulated Southern High Plains dryland cotton production -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mauget, S.A., Himanshu, S., Goebel, T.S., Ale, S., Lascano, R.J., Gitz, D.C. 2021. Soil and soil organic carbon effects on simulated Southern High Plains dryland cotton production. Soil and Tillage Research. 212.
- Simulated dryland cotton yield response to selected scenario factors associated with soil health -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ale, S., Himanshu, S., Mauget, S.A., Hudson, D., Goebel, T.S., Liu, B., Baumhardt, R.L., Bordovsky, J., Brauer, D.K., Lascano, R.J., Gitz, D.C. 2021. Simulated dryland cotton yield response to selected scenario factors associated with soil health. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems.
- Addition of thiourea host monomer to polymer flocculants to improve selectivity of phosphate sorption -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Goebel, T.S., McInnes, K.J., Senseman, S.A., Lascano, R.J., Cullen, A.M., Fuhrer, T.J., Pickle, S., Adeolokun, N.O., Davis, T.A. 2020. Addition of thiourea host monomer to polymer flocculants to improve selectivity of phosphate sorption. Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Environment. 9:147-158.
- Water balance of two major soil types of the Texas High Plains: Implications for dryland crop production -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Lascano, R.J., Leiker, G.R., Goebel, T.S., Mauget, S.A., Gitz, D.C. 2020. Water balance of two major soil types of the Texas High Plains: Implications for dryland crop production. Open Journal of Soil Science. 10:274-297.
- Simulated effects of changes in selected soil physical and chemical properties associated with soil health on dryland cotton production-(Abstract Only)
Ale, S., Himanshu, S.K., Mauget, S.A., Hudson, D., Goebel, T.S., Liu, B., Baumhardt, R.L., Bordovsky, J.P., Brauer, D.K., Lascano, R.J., Gitz III, D.C. 2020. Simulated effects of changes in selected soil physical and chemical properties associated with soil health on dryland cotton production [abstract].ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings (2020), Virtual.
- Potential dryland cotton yield increases from management of selected soil physical and chemical properties associated with soil health-(Abstract Only)
Srinivasulu, A., Sushil, H.K., Hudson, D., Mauget, S.A., Goebel, T.S., Baumhardt, L.R., Bordovsky, J.P., Brauer, D.K., Lascano, R.J., Gitz, D.C. 2020. Potential dryland cotton yield increases from management of selected soil physical and chemical properties associated with soil health. ASABE Food Processing Automation Conference. Presentation. Omaha, NE, July 12-15, 2020.
- Potential dryland cotton yield increases from management of selected soil physical and chemical properties associated with soil health-(Abstract Only)
Ale, S., Himanshu, S., Mauget, S.A., Hudson, D., Goebel, T.S., Baumhardt, R.L., Bordovsky, J.P., Brauer, D.K., Lascano, R.J., Gitz, D.C. 2020. Potential dryland cotton yield increases from management of selected soil physical and chemical properties associated with soil health. ASABE Annual International Meeting. Presentation.
- Potential dryland cotton yield increases from management of selected soil physical and chemical properties associated with soil health-(Abstract Only)
Ale, S., Himanshu, S.K., Mauget, S.A., Hudson, D., Goebel, T.S., Liu, B., Baumhardt, R.L., Bordovsky, J.P., Brauer, D.K., Lascano, R.J., Gitz, D.C. 2020. Potential dryland cotton yield increases from management of selected soil physical and chemical properties associated with soil health. Meeting Abstract. 2020 Ogallala Summit and Joint meeting of the OAP and OA CAP grant. Presentation. Meeting was cancelled. Amarillo, TX. April 1-2, 2020.
- Precision Agriculture: Water and Nutrient Management-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
- Ecosystem Services from Circular Buffer Strips of Perennial Grasses to Sustain Irrigated Agriculture in the U.S. Great Plains.-(Abstract Only)
- Sap flow measurements and cotton irrigation-(Abstract Only)
Lascano, R.J., Van Bavel, M.J., Baker, J.T. 2019. Sap flow measurements and cotton irrigation. International Workshop on Sap Flow. Presentation. Helsinki, Finland, October 5-11, 2019.
- A portable and mobile rainfall simulator -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Lascano, R.J., Stout, J.E., Goebel, T.S., Gitz, D.C. 2019. A portable and mobile rainfall simulator. Open Journal of Soil Science. 9:207-218.
- Increased soil respiration and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi under elevated [CO2] and soil water deficit in a peanut agroecosystem-(Abstract Only)
Echevarria Laza, H.J., Cano, A., Cotton, J.E., Slaughter, L., Baker, J.T., Lascano, R.J., Emendack, Y., Chen, J., Acosta Martinez, V., Payton, P.R. 2019. Increased soil respiration and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi under elevated [CO2] and soil water deficit in a peanut agroecosystem. Plant Biology. Presentation.
- Systematic error introduced into sorghum yield data: Does the multiseed (msd) trait increase sorghum seed yield? -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gitz, D.C., Baker, J.T., Xin, Z., Lascano, R.J., Stout, J.E. 2019. Systematic error introduced into sorghum yield data: Does the multiseed (msd) trait increase sorghum seed yield? American Journal of Plant Sciences. 10:1503-1516.
- Increased soil respiration and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi under elevated [CO2] and soil sater deficit in a peanut agroecosystem-(Abstract Only)
Echevarria Laza, H.J., Cano, A., Cotton, J.E., Slaughter, L., Baker, J.T., Lascano, R.J., Emendack, Y., Acosta Martinez, V., Payton, P.R. 2019. Increased soil respiration and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi under elevated [CO2] and soil sater deficit in a peanut agroecosystem. Plant Biology. Presentation.
- Novel methodology to evaluate and compare evapotranspiration algorithms in an agroecosystem model -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Thorp, K.R., Marek, G.W., DeJonge, K.C., Evett, S.R., Lascano, R.J. 2019. Novel methodology to evaluate and compare evapotranspiration algorithms in an agroecosystem model. Journal of Environmental Modeling and Software. 199:214-227.
- Investigating the specificity of thiourea host molecules for inorganic phosphate-(Abstract Only)
- Rainwater use by cotton under subsurface drip and center pivot irrigation -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Goebel, T.S., Lascano, R.J. 2019. Rainwater use by cotton under subsurface drip and center pivot irrigation.. Agricultural Water Management. 215(C):1-7.
- Analysis of grain size distribution through image analysis-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gitz, D.C., Baker, J.T., Payton, P.R., Xin, Z., Lascano, R.J. 2018. Analysis of grain size distribution through image analysis. American Journal of Plant Sciences. 9:2339-2346.
- Measurement of cotton transpiration -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Lascano, R.J., Baker, J.T., Payton, P.R., Gitz, D.C., Mahan, J.R., Goebel, T. 2018. Measurement of cotton transpiration. Agricultural Sciences.
- Comments on "J. Singh et al., Performance assessment of factory and field calibrations for electromagnetic sensors in a loam soil [Agric. Water Manage. 196 (2018) 87-98]-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Schwartz, R.C., Evett, S.R., Lascano, R.J. 2018. Comments on "J. Singh et al., Performance assessment of factory and field calibrations for electromagnetic sensors in a loam soil [Agric. Water Manage. 196: 87-98]. Agricultural Water Management. 203:236-239.
- Description of a novel allelic “thick leafed” mutant of sorghum-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gitz, D.C., Liu Gitz, L., Xin, Z., Baker, J.T., Payton, P.R., Lascano, R.J. 2017. Description of a novel allelic “thick leafed” mutant of sorghum. American Journal of Plant Sciences. 8:2956-2965.
- Seasonal changes in water quality of the lower ogallala aquifer-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Goebel, T.S., Stout, J.E., Lascano, R.J. 2018. Seasonal changes in water quality of the lower Ogallala Aquifer. Texas Water Journal. 9:69-81.
- Irrigation termination date and amount on cotton lint yield and fiber quality -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Lascano, R.J., Baumhardt, R.L., Goebel, T.S., Baker, J.T., Gitz, D.C. 2017. Irrigation termination date and amount on cotton lint yield and fiber quality. Open Journal of Soil Science. 7(9):216-234. doi:10.4236/ojss.2017.79016.
- Ogallala Aquifer Program: A catalysis for research and education to sustain the Ogallala Aquifer on the Southern High Plains (2003-2017)-(Proceedings)
Brauer, D.K., Devlin, D., Wagner, K., Ballou, M., Hawkins, D., Lascano, R.J. 2017. Ogallala Aquifer Program: A catalysis for research and education to sustain the Ogallala Aquifer on the Southern High Plains (2003-2017). Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education. 162: 4-17.
- Calculation of evapotranspiration: Recursive and explicit methods-(Abstract Only)
Lascano, R.J., Goebel, T.S. 2017. Calculation of evapotranspiration: Recursive and explicit methods. [abstract]. 2017 UCOWR/NIWR Annual Conference Water in a Changing Environment. June 13-15, 2017, Fort Collins, Colorado. Abstract No.001.
- CO2 and chamber effects on epidermal development in field grown peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.)-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gitz, D.C., Baker, J.T., Echevarria-Laza, H., Payton, P.R., Mahan, J.R., Lascano, R.J. 2017. CO2 and chamber effects on epidermal development in field grown peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). American Journal of Plant Sciences. 8:349-362.
- Evaluation of stable isotopes of water to determine rainwater infilitration in soils under conservation reserve program-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Goebel, T.S., Lascano, R.J., Acosta Martinez, V. 2016. Evaluation of stable isotopes of water to determine rainwater infilitration in soils under conservation reserve program. Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Environment. 5:179-190.
- Scaling leaf measurements to estimate cotton canopy gas exchange-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gitz, D.C., Baker, J.T., Lascano, R.J. 2016. Scaling leaf measurements to estimate cotton canopy gas exchange. American Journal of Plant Sciences. 7:1952-1963.
- Temporal variations in water quality of the Ogallala Aquifer on the Texas High Plains-(Abstract Only)
Goebel, T.S., Lascano, R.J., Stout, J.E. 2016. Temporal variations in water quality of the Ogallala Aquifer on the Texas High Plains.[abstract]. 2016 AGU Fall Meeting. December 12-16, 2016, San Francisco, California. Abstract No. 435-1593.
- The stem heat balance method to measure transpiration:Evaluation of a new sensor-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Lascano, R.J., Goebel, T.S., Booker, J.D., Baker, J.T., Gitz, D.C. 2016. The stem heat balance method to measure transpiration:Evaluation of a new sensor. Agricultural Sciences. 7:604-620.
- Irrigation analysis based on long-term weather data-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mahan, J.R., Lascano, R.J. 2016. Irrigation analysis based on long-term weather data. Agriculture. 6(3):42.
- Phosphate Sorption in Water by Several cationic Polyer flocculants-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Goebel, T.S., Lascano, R.J., Davis, T. 2016. Phosphate Sorption in Water by Several cationic Polyer flocculants. Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Environment. 5:45-51.
- Evaluation of several commercially available caitionic polymer flocculants for phosphate sorption in water-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
- Rainwater use by cotton under different irrigation systems-(Abstract Only)
Goebel, T.S., Lascano, R.J. 2015. Rainwater use by cotton under different irrigation systems.[abstract]. ASA-CSSA-SSSA 2015 Annual Meeting. November 15-18, 2015, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Abstract No. 1212.
- Planting Cotton in a Crop Residue in a Semiarid Climate: Water Balance and Lint Yield-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Lascano, R.J., Krieg, D., Baker, J.T., Goebel, T.S., Gitz, D.C. 2015. Planting Cotton in a Crop Residue in a Semiarid Climate: Water Balance and Lint Yield. Open Journal of Soil Science. Open Journal of Soil Science, 2015, 5, 236-249.
- Canopy Light Interception of a Conventional and an Erect Leaf Mutant Sorghum-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gitz, D.C., Baker, J.T., Xin, Z., Burke, J.J., Lascano, R.J. 2015. Canopy Light Interception of a Conventional and an Erect Leaf Mutant Sorghum. American Journal of Plant Sciences. 6, 2576-2584.
- Cotton Water Use Efficiency Under Two Different Deficit Irrigation Scheduling Methods-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Baker, J.T., Gitz, D.C., Stout, J.E., Lascano, R.J. 2015. Cotton Water Use Efficiency Under Two Different Deficit Irrigation Scheduling Methods. Agronomy. 5:363-373.
- Relating xylem cavitation to gas exchange in cotton-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gitz, D.C., Baker, J.T., Lascano, R.J. 2015. Relating xylem cavitation to gas exchange in cotton. American Journal of Plant Sciences. 6(11):1742-1751.
- Temporal and spatial simulation of production-scale irrigated cotton-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
- Rainwater use by irrigated cotton measured with stable isotopes of water-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Goebel, T.S., Lascano, R.J., Payton, P.R., Mahan, J.R. 2015. Rainwater use by irrigated cotton measured with stable isotopes of water. Agricultural Water Management. 158:17-25.
- The microenvironment within and pollen transmission through paper and polyethylene sorghum pollination bags-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gitz, D.C., Baker, J.T., Burke, J.J., Xin, Z., Lascano, R.J. 2015. The microenvironment within and pollen transmission through paper and polyethylene sorghum pollination bags. American Journal of Plant Sciences. 6:265-274.
- Field measurement of cotton seedling evapotranspiration-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Lascano, R.J., Duesterhaus, J.L., Booker, J.D., Goebel, T.S., Baker, J.T. 2014. Field measurement of cotton seedling evapotranspiration. Agricultural Sciences. 5(13).
- Deficit irrigation: Arriving at the crop water stress index via gas exchange measurements-(Abstract Only)
Baker, J.T., Gitz, D.C., Payton, P.R., Mahan, J.R., Lascano, R.J. 2014. Deficit irrigation: Arriving at the crop water stress index via gas exchange measurements[abstract]. American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting. November 2-6, 2014. Long Beach, California.
- Syntheses of the current model applications for managing water and needs for experimental data and model improvements to enhance these applications-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ahuja, L.R., Ma, L., Lascano, R.J., Anapalli, S., Fang, Q.X., Nielsen, D.C., Wang, E., Colaizzi, P.D. 2014. Syntheses of the current model applications for managing water and needs for experimental data and model improvements to enhance these applications. Advances in Agricultural Systems Modeling. pp. 399-437.
- Evaluation of several commercially available cationic polymer flocculants for phosphate sorption in water-(Abstract Only)
- Evaluation of a Landscape-Scale Approach to Cotton Modeling-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
- Circular planting to enhance rainfall capture in dryland cropping systems at a landscape scale-(Book / Chapter)
Lascano, R.J., Nelson, R. 2014. Circular planting to enhance rainfall capture in dryland cropping systems at a landscape scale. In: Ahuja, L.R., Ma, L., Lascano, R.J., editors. Practical Applications of Agricultural System Models to Optimize the Use of Limited Water. Volume 5. Madison, WI: American Society of Agronomy, Inc., Crop Science Society of American, Inc., Soil Science Society of American, Inc. p. 85-112.
- Time for cotton to uptake water of a known isotopic signature as measured in leaf petioles-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Goebel, T.S., Lascano, R.J. 2014. Time for cotton to uptake water of a known isotopic signature as measured in leaf petioles. Agricultural Sciences. 5(2): 170-177.
- Time for cotton to uptake water of a known isotopic signature as measured in leaf petioles-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
- Development and application of process-based simulation models for cotton production: A review of past, present, and future directions-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Thorp, K.R., Ale, S., Bange, M.P., Barnes, E.M., Hoogenboom, G., Lascano, R.J., Mccarthy, A.C., Nair, S., Paz, J.O., Rajan, N., Reddy, K.R., Wall, G.W., White, J.W. 2014. Development and application of process-based simulation models for cotton production: A review of past, present, and future directions. Journal of Cotton Science. 18:10-47.
- Carbon dioxide control in an open system that measures canopy gas exchanges-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
- Carbon dioxide control in an open system that measures canopy gas exchanges-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Baker, J.T., Gitz, D.C., Payton, P.R., Broughton, K.J., Bange, M.P., Lascano, R.J. 2014. Carbon dioxide control in an open system that measures canopy gas exchanges. Agronomy Journal. 106(3):789-792.
- Field Evaluation of Open System Chambers for Measuring Whole Canopy Gas Exchanges-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Baker, J.T., Gitz, D.C., Lascano, R.J. 2014. Field evaluation of open system chambers for measuring whole canopy gas exchanges. Agronomy Journal. 106(2):537-544.
- Energy and water balance determination in an advective environment:From direct measurement to microclimate based estimation-(Abstract Only)
Evett, S.R., Lascano, R.J., Kustas, W.P., Howell, T.A. 2013. Energy and water balance determination in an advective environment:From direct measurement to microclimate based estimation [abstract]. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. Session 195-6, p. 123.
- Evaluation of the precision agricultural landscape modeling system (PALMS) in the semiarid Texas southern high plains-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Nelson, J.R., Lascano, R.J., Booker, J.D., Zartman, R.E., Goebel, T.S. 2013. Evaluation of the precision agricultural landscape modeling system (PALMS) in the semiarid Texas Southern High Plains. Open Journal of Soil Science. 3:169-181.
- Evaluation of the Precision Agricultural Landscape Modeling System (PALMS) in the Semiarid Texas Southern High Plains-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Nelson, R., Lascano, R.J., Booker, J.D., Zartman, R., Goebel, T.S. 2013. Evaluation of the Precision Agricultural Landscape Modeling System (PALMS) in the semiarid Texas Southern High Plains. Open Journal of Soil Science. 3(4):169-181.
- Bird-resistant pollination bags for sorghum breeding and germplasm maintenance-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gitz, D.C., Baker, J.T., Xin, Z., Lascano, R.J., Burke, J.J., Duke, S.E. 2013. Bird-resistant pollination bags for sorghum breeding and germplasm maintenance. American Journal of Plant Sciences. 4(4):571-574.
- Suitability of Eastern Gamagrass for in situ Precipitation Catchment Forage Production in Playas-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gitz, D.C., Baker, J.T., Stout, J.E., Brauer, D.K., Velten, J.P., Lascano, R.J. 2013. Suitability of eastern gamagrass for in situ precipitation catchment forage production in playas. Agronomy Journal. 105(4):907-914.
- Cotton 2K-Management tools for irrigated cotton-(Abstract Only)
Lascano, R.J., Booker, J.D., Salisbury, D., Booker, J.D. 2013. Cotton 2K-Management tools for irrigated cotton. Proceedings of National Cotton Council Beltwide Cotton Conference. January 7-10, 2013. San Antonio, Texas. p. 171.
- Comparison if seepage rates in playa lakes in grassland and cropland basins, Texas High Plains-(Abstract Only)
Gitz, D.C., Xin, Z., Baker, J.T., Lascano, R.J. 2012. Comparison if seepage rates in playa lakes in grassland and cropland basins, Texas High Plains[abstract]. National Ground Water Association. December 4-7, 2012. Las Vegas, NV.
- Comparison of deficit irrigation scheduling methods that use canopy temperature measurements-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Baker, J.T., Mahan, J.R., Gitz, D.C., Lascano, R.J., Ephrath, J.E. 2013. Comparison of deficit irrigation scheduling methods that use canopy temperature measurements. Plant Biosystems. 147(1):40-49.
- Contribution of soil lead in children: A study from New Orleans, LA-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Abel, M., Suedel, B., Presley, S., Cox, S., Mcdaniel, L., Rigdon, R., Goebel, T.S., Lascano, R.J., Zartman, R., Anderson, T., Cobb, G. 2012. Contribution of soil lead in children: A study from New Orleans, LA. Journal of Environmental Protection. 3(12):1704-1710.
- Field-scale modeling of center pivot irrigated cotton: Oullman clay loam series-(Abstract Only)
- Biomass Accretion and Yield of Erect Leafed and Conventional Sorghum at Low and High Population Densities-(Abstract Only)
Gitz, D.C., Xin, Z., Baker, J.T., Lascano, R.J. 2012. Biomass Accretion and Yield of Erect Leafed and Conventional Sorghum at Low and High Population Densities[abstract]. American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America. October 21-25, 2012. Cincinnati, OH. Paper No. 362-5.
- Landscape-Scale water balance of cotton fields-(Abstract Only)
Lascano, R.J., Booker, J. 2012. Landscape-Scale water balance of cotton fields[abstract]. American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America. October 21-25, 2012. Cincinnati, OH. Paper No. 205-1.
- System for high throughput water extraction from soil material for stable isotope analysis of water-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Goebel, T.S., Lascano, R.J. 2012. System for high throughput water extraction from soil material for stable isotope analysis of water. Journal of Analytical Sciences, Methods and Instrumentation. 2(4):203-207.
- Comparison of Deficit Irrigation Scheduling Methods that Use Canopy Temperature Measurements-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Baker, J.T., Gitz, D.C., Lascano, R.J., Mahan, J.R., Eprath, J.E. 2013. Comparison of deficit irrigation scheduling methods that use canopy temperature measurements. Plant Biosystems. 147(1):40-49.
- Test of the Rosetta Pedotransfer Function for saturated hydraulic conductivity-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Alvarez-Acosta, C., Lascano, R.J., Stroosnijder, L. 2012. Test of the Rosetta Pedotransfer Function for saturated hydraulic conductivity. Open Jouranl of Soil Science. 2(3):203-212.
- Technical Note: Orientation of cracks and hydrology in a shrink-swell soil-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Dinka, T.M., Lascano, R.J. 2012. Technical Note: Orientation of cracks and hydrology in a shrink-swell soil. Open Journal of Soil Science. 2(2):91-94.
- Challenges and limitations in studying the shrink-swell and crack dynamics of vertisol soils-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Dinka, R., Lascano, R.J. 2012. Challenges and limitations in studying the shrink-swell and crack dynamics of vertisol soils. Open Journal of Soil Science. 2(2):82-90.
- Soil water sensors:Problems, advances and potential for irrigation scheduling-(Other)
Evett, S.R., Schwartz, R.C., Casanova, J.J., Lascano, R.J., Oshaughnessy, S.A., Colaizzi, P.D. 2012. Soil water sensors:Problems, advances and potential for irrigation scheduling. Scientific and Technical Review. 2012 CDROM.
- Effect of solar loading on greenhouse containers used in transpiration efficiency screening-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gitz, D.C., Xin, Z., Baker, J.T., Lascano, R.J., Burke, J.J. 2012. Effect of solar loading on greenhouse containers used in transpiration efficiency screening. Agronomy Journal. 104(2):388-392.
- Single- and dual-surface iterative energy balance solutions for reference ET-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Evett, S.R., Lascano, R.J., Howell, T.A., Tolk, J.A., O'Shaughnessy, S.A., Colaizzi, P.D. 2012. Single- and dual-surface iterative energy balance solutions for reference ET. Transactions of the ASABE. 55(2):533-541.
- Field test of an open system to measure canopy gas exchange-(Abstract Only)
Gitz, D.C., Baker, J.T., Payton, P.R., Lascano, R.J. 2011. Field test of an open system to measure canopy gas exchange[abstract]. American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America. October 16-20, 2012. San Antonio, TX. Paper No. 224-20.
- Modeling Center Pivot Irrigated Cotton at Field Scale-(Abstract Only)
Booker, J., Lascano, R.J. 2011. Modeling Center Pivot Irrigated Cotton at Field Scale[abstract]. American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America,Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting. October 16-19, 2011, San Antonio, Texas.
- Modifying Polymer Flocculants for the Removal of Inorganic Phophate from Water-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Goebel, T.S., Mckinnes, K., Lascano, R.J., Marchand, L., Davis, T. 2011. Modifying polymer flocculants for the removal of inorganic phophate from water. Tetrahedron Letters. 52(41): 5241-5244.
- Enzyme Activities as Sensitive Indicators of Changes in Soil Metabolic Functioning in Alternative Management for Continuous Cotton-(Abstract Only)
Acosta Martinez, V., Zobeck, T.M., Lascano, R.J., Upchurch, D.R., Allen, V., Wester, D. 2011. Enzyme Activities as Sensitive Indicators of Changes in Soil Metabolic Functioning in Alternative Management for Continuous Cotton[abstract]. Enzymes in the Environment. July 17-21, 2011, Bad Nauheim, Germany.
- Precision Agriculture and Nutrient Cycling-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Lascano, R.J., Booker, J.D. 2013. Precision Agriculture and Nutrient Cycling. In: Encyclopedia of Environmental Management. Taylor and Francis: New York, NY. 2217-2223.
- Recursive Calculation of Crop Evaptranspiration-(Abstract Only)
Lascano, R.J. 2011. Recursive Calculation of Crop Evaptranspiration[abstract]. Biological Systems Simulation Group. April 18-21, 2011, Austin, Texas. p. 22-24.
- Modeling Pivot Irrigated Cotton at Field-Scale: Development of the PALMSCot Model-(Abstract Only)
Booker, J., Lascano, R.J., Zartan, R. 2011. Modeling Pivot Irrigated Cotton at Field-Scale: Development of the PALMSCot Model[abstract]. Biological Systems Simulation Group. April 18-21, 2011 Austin, Texas. p. 2.
- Measurements of CO2 and H2O fluxes of crop plants are essential to understand the impacts of environmental variables on crop productivity-(Proceedings)
Baker, J.T., Gitz, D.C., Payton, P.R., Lascano, R.J. 2011. Measurements of CO2 and H2O fluxes of crop plants are essential to understand the impacts of environmental variables on crop productivity[abstract]. Biological Systems Simulation Group Proceedings, April 18-21, 2011, Austin, Texas, p.1.
- Soil Water Content on Drip Irrigated Cotton: Comparison of Measured and Calculated Values Obtained with the Hydrus 2-D Model-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bufon, V.B., Lascano, R.J., Bednarz, C., Booker, J.D., Gitz, D.C. 2012. Soil Water Content on Drip Irrigated Cotton: Comparison of Measured and Calculated Values Obtained with the Hydrus 2-D Model. Irrigation Science. 30(4):259-273.
- Analysis of coaxial soil cell in reflection and transmission-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Pelletier, M.G., Schwartz, R.C., Evett, S.R., McMichael, B.L., Lascano, R.J., Gitz, D.C. 2011. Analysis of coaxial soil cell in reflection and transmission. Sensors. 11:2592-2610.
- Dryland cropping systems influence microbial biomass and enzyme activities in a sandy soil in a semiarid region-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Acosta Martinez, V., Lascano, R.J., Calderon, F.J., Booker, J.D., Zobeck, T.M., Upchurch, D.R. 2011. Dryland cropping systems influence microbial biomass and enzyme activities in a sandy soil in a semiarid region. Biology and Fertility of Soils. 47(6):655-667.
- Fringe capacitance correction for a coaxial soil cell-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Pelletier, M.G., Viera, J., Schwartz, R.C., Lascano, R.J., Evett, S.R., Green, T.R., Wanjura, J.D., Holt, G.A. 2011. Fringe capacitance correction for a coaxial soil cell. Sensors. 11(1):757-770.
- Deficit irrigation for enhancing sustainable water use: Comparison of cotton nitrogen uptake and prediction of lint yield in a multivariate autoregressive state-space model-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Li, H., Lascano, R.J. 2011. Deficit irrigation for enhancing sustainable water use: Comparison of cotton nitrogen uptake and prediction of lint yield in a multivariate autoregressive state-space model. Soil Use and Management. 71(2):224-231.
- Single-and dual-surface implicit energy balance solutions for reference ET-(Proceedings)
Evett, S.R., Lascano, R.J., Howell, T.A., Tolk, J.A., Oshaughnessy, S.A., Colaizzi, P.D. 2010. Single-and dual-surface implicit energy balance solutions for reference ET. Decennial National Irrigation Symposium, December 5-8, 2010, Phoenix, Arizona. Paper no: IRR10-8347.
- Incorporation of Hourly Weather Input Data to Cotton2K-(Abstract Only)
Booker, J.D., Lascano, R.J., Booker, J. 2011. Incorporation of Hourly Weather Input Data to Cotton2K. National Cotton Council Beltwide Cotton Conference. January 4-7, 2011, Atlanta, Georgia. p. 158-165.
- Incorporation of Monitoring Systems to Model Irrigated Cotton at a Landscape Level-(Proceedings)
Booker, J.D., Lascano, R.J., Molling, C.C. 2011. Incorporation of Monitoring Systems to Model Irrigated Cotton at a Landscape Level. National Cotton Council Beltwide Cotton Conference. January 4-7, 2011, Atlanta, Georgia. p. 1389-1396.
- In-Soil and Down-Hole Soil Water Sensors: Characteristics for Irrigation Management-(Proceedings)
Evett, S.R., Schwartz, R.C., Lascano, R.J., Pelletier, M.G. 2010. In-Soil and Down-Hole Soil Water Sensors: Characteristics for Irrigation Management. In: Proceedings of the 5th Decennial National Irrigation Symposium, December 5-8, 2010, Phoenix, Arizona. Paper No:IRR10-8346.2010 CDROM.
- A field test of recursive calculation of crop evapotranspiration-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Lascano, R.J., Van Bavel, C., Evett, S.R. 2010. A field test of recursive calculation of crop evapotranspiration. Transactions of the ASABE. 53(4):1117-1126.
- Microbial community composition as affected by dryland cropping systems and tillage in a semiarid sandy soil-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Acosta Martinez, V., Dowd, S.E., Bell, C., Lascano, R.J., Booker, J.D., Zobeck, T.M., Upchurch, D.R. 2010. Microbial community composition as affected by dryland cropping systems and tillage in a semiarid sandy soil. Diversity. 2(6):910-931.
- Calculation of water evapoation in arid climates-(Abstract Only)
Lascano, R.J., Van Bavel, C.H., Evett, S.R. 2012. Calculation of water evapoation in arid climates[abstract]. 3rd International Conference on Deserts, Drylands, and Desertification. November 8-11, 2011, Sede Boqer, Israel.
- Sand abrasion injury and plant survival in cotton seedlings of different ages-(Abstract Only)
Ephrath, J., Baker, J.T., Mcmichael, B.L., Burke, J.J., Gitz, D.C., Lascano, R.J. 2010. Sand abrasion injury and plant survival in cotton seedlings of different ages[abstract]. 3rd International Conference on Deserts, Drylands, and Desertification. November 8-11, 2011, Sede Boqer, Israel.
- Sand abrasion injury and biomass partitioning in cotton seedlings-(Abstract Only)
Baker, J.T., Ephrath, J., Mcmichael, B.L., Burke, J.J., Gitz, D.C., Lascano, R.J. 2010. Sand abrasion injury and biomass partitioning in cotton seedlings[abstract]. 3rd International Conference on Deserts, Drylands, and Desertification. November 8-11, 2011, Sede Boqer, Israel.
- Calculation of canopy resistance with a recursive evapotranspiration model-(Proceedings)
Lascano, R.J., Evett, S.R. 2010. Calculation of canopy resistance with a recursive evapotranspiration model[abstract]. World Congress of Soil Science. August 1-6, 2010, Brisbane, Australia. p. 20-23.
- Sand abrasion injury and biomass partitiioning in cotton seedlings-(Abstract Only)
Baker, J.T., Mcmichael, B.L., Burke, J.J., Gitz, D.C., Lascano, R.J., Eprath, J. 2009. Sand abrasion injury and biomass partitiioning in cotton seedlings[abstract]. American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America. Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. November 1-5, 2009. Paper No. 32-3.
- Simulating semiarid dryland cropping systems using the precision agricultural landscape modeling system-(Abstract Only)
Nelson, J.R., Lascano, R.J., Booker, J.D., Booker, J.D. 2009. Simulating semiarid dryland cropping systems using the precision agricultural landscape modeling system[abstract]. American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America. November 1-5, 2009. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Paper No. 226-7.
- Optimizing subsurface drip irrigation in the Texas High Plains-(Abstract Only)
Bufon, V., Lascano, R.J., Booker, J.D. 2009. Optimizing subsurface drip irrigation in the Texas High Plains[abstract]. American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America. November 1-5, 2009. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Paper No. 339-6.
- Wastewater reuse and Ogallala Aquifer Recharge in the Southern High Plains of Texas-(Abstract Only)
Booker, J.D., Lascano, R.J. 2009. Wastewater reuse and Ogallala Aquifer Recharge in the Southern High Plains of Texas[abstract]. American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America. November 1-5, 2009. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
- Alfalfa canopy resistance from lysimetric and radiometric measurements-(Abstract Only)
Lascano, R.J., Van Bavel, C.M., Evett, S.R. 2009. Alfalfa canopy resistance from lysimetric and radiometric measurements[abstract]. American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America. November 1-5, 2009. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Paper No. 34-7.
- Evaluation of hydraulic lift in cotton germplasm-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
McMichael, B.L., Lascano, R.J. 2010. Evaluation of hydraulic lift in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) germplasm. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 68(1):26-30.
- Sand abrasion injury and biomass partitioning in cotton seedlings-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Baker, J.T., McMichael, B.L., Burke, J.J., Ephrath, J., Gitz, D.C., Lascano, R.J. 2009. Sand abrasion injury and biomass partitioning in cotton seedlings. Agronomy Journal. 101(6):1297-1303.
- Application of the precision agricultural landscape modeling system in semiarid environments-(Abstract Only)
Nelson, J.R., Lascano, R.J., Booker, J.D. 2009. Application of the precision agricultural landscape modeling system in semiarid environments[abstract]. Western Society of Soil Science Branch Meeting. June 22-24, 2009. Fort Collins, Colorado.
- Canopy gas exchange measurements of cotton in an open system-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Baker, J.T., Van Pelt, R.S., Gitz, D.C., Payton, P.R., Lascano, R.J., McMichael, B.L. 2009. Canopy gas exchange measurements of cotton in an open system. Agronomy Journal. 101(1):52-59.
- The impact of sub-surface drip on cotton productivity-(Abstract Only)
McMichael, B.L., Lascano, R.J., Gitz, D.C., Mahan, J.R., Wanjura, D.F. 2008. The impact of sub-surface drip on cotton productivity[abstract]. American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America Annual Conference. October 5-9, 2008, Houston, Texas.
- Hydrus-3D simulations: Irrigation management strategies for the Texas High Plains-(Abstract Only)
Bufon, V., Lascano, R.J. 2008. Hydrus-3D simulations: Irrigation management strategies for the Texas High Plains[abstract]. American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America Joint Annual Meeting. October 5-9, 2008. Houston, Texas. Paper No. 534-12.
- Evapotranspiration: Measured with a lysimeter vs. calculated with a recursive method-(Abstract Only)
Lascano, R.J., Evett, S.R., Van Bavel, C. 2008. Evapotranspiration: Measured with a lysimeter vs. calculated with a recursive method[abstract]. American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America Joint Annual Meeting. October 5-9, 2008. Houston, Texas. Paper No. 703-2.
- Cicular planting patterns in dryland crops: Surface hydrology-(Abstract Only)
Nelson, R., Lascano, R.J., Booker, J. 2008. Cicular planting patterns in dryland crops: Surface hydrology[abstract]. American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America Joint Annual Meeting. October 5-9, 2008. Houston, Texas. Paper No. 755-4.
- Comparison between BIOTIC irrigation scheduling and a recursive ET method-(Abstract Only)
Mahan, J.R., Lascano, R.J., Evett, S.R. 2008. Comparison between BIOTIC irrigation scheduling and a recursive ET method[abstract]. ASA-CSSA-SSSA. October 5-9, 2008, Houston, Texas. CDROM.
- An open system for measuring canopy gas exchange-(Abstract Only)
Baker, J.T., Lascano, R.J., Gitz, D.C., Payton, P.R., Van Pelt, R.S., Garcia, R. 2008. An open system for measuring canopy gas exchange[abstract]. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Joint Annual Meeting. Houston, Texas. October 5-9, 2008. Abstract No. 779-4.
- Analysis of Coaxial Soil Cell-(Abstract Only)
Pelletier, M.G., Schwartz, R.C., Evett, S.R., Mcmichael, B.L., Lascano, R.J., Gitz, D.C., Baker, J.T., Payton, P.R. 2008. Analysis of Coaxial Soil Cell. In: Agronomy Society of America, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America Meeting, Oct. 6-8, 2008, Houston, TX. 2008 CDROM.
- Two- and one-layer implicit energy balance solutions compared with the one-layer explicit Penman-Monteith solution for evapotranspiration of alfalfa-(Abstract Only)
Evett, S.R., Howell, T.A., Lascano, R.J., Tolk, J.A. 2008. Two- and one-layer implicit energy balance solutions compared with the one-layer explicit Penman-Monteith solution for evapotranspiration of alfalfa [abstract]. 2008 Joint Meeting of American Society of Agronomy, Soil Science Society of America, and Crop Science Society of America, October 5-9, 2008, Houston, Texas. Paper No.703-3. 2008 CDROM.
Publications Pre-2008
- Van Bavel, C.H.M., J. Lascano, and D.R. Wilson. 1978. Water relations of fritted clay. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 32:317–321.
1980 – 1984
- Lascano, R.J., and C.H.M. van Bavel. Spatial variability of soil hydraulics and remotely sensed soil parameters. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 46:223–228.
- Lascano, R.J., and C.H.M. van Bavel. 1983. Experimental verification of a model to predict soil moisture and temperature profiles. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 47:441–448.
- Lascano, R.J., and C.H.M. van Bavel. 1984. Root water uptake and soil water distribution: test of an availability concept. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 48:233–237.
- Van Bavel, C.H.M., J. Lascano, and L. Stroosnijder. 1984. Test and analysis of a model of water use by sorghum. Soil Sci. 137:443–456.
1985 – 1989
- Van Bavel, C.H.M., J. Lascano, and J.M. Baker. 1985. Calibrating two-probe, gamma-gauge densitometers. Soil Sci. 140:393–395.
- Stroosnijder, L., J. Lascano, C.H.M. van Bavel, and R.W. Newton. 1986. Relation between L-band emittance and soil water content. Remote Sen. Envir. 19:117–125.
- Lascano, R.J., C.H.M. van Bavel, and J.L. Hatfield. 1986. Field calibration of neutron meters using a two-probe gamma-density gauge. Soil Sci. 141:442–447.
- Hicks[1], S.K., J. Lascano, C.W. Wendt, and A.B. Onken. 1986. Use of a hydraulic press for estimation of leaf water potential in grain sorghum. Agron. J. 78:749–751.
- Lascano, R.J., and C.H.M. van Bavel. 1986. Simulation and measurement of evaporation from a bare soil. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 50:1127–1132.
- Lascano, R.J., C.H M. van Bavel, J.L. Hatfield, and D.R. Upchurch. 1987. Energy and water balance of a sparse crop: simulated and measured soil and crop evaporation. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 51:1113–1121.
- Baker, J.M., and J. Lascano. 1989. The spatial sensitivity of time-domain reflectometry. Soil Sci. 147:378–384.
- Lascano, R.J. 1989. Simulation of the energy and water balance of a field crop: comparison between measured and calculated surface temperatures. Proc. of the 1989 Summer Computer Simulation Conference, July 24–27, 1989, Austin, TX, pp. 649–654. (Peer reviewed).
1990 – 1994
- Payne, W.A.,W. Wendt, and R.J. Lascano. 1990a. Root zone water balances of three low-input millet fields in Niger, West Africa. Agron. J. 82:813–819.
- Payne, W.A.,W. Wendt, and R.J. Lascano. 1990b. Evaluation of bare fallowing on sandy fields of Niger, West Africa. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 54:1079–1084.
- Ham, J.M., L. Heilman, and R.J. Lascano. 1990. Determination of soil water evaporation and transpiration from energy balance and stem flow measurements. Agric. For. Meteorol. 52:287–301.
- Ham, J.M.,L. Heilman, and R.J. Lascano. 1991. Separate determination of soil evaporation and transpiration from energy balance and stem flow measurements. Agron. J. 83:744–753.
- Baker, J.M., and J. Lascano. 1991. Response to the letter of the editor. Soil Sci. 151:256–257.
- Lascano, R.J. 1991. Review of models for predicting soil water balance. In: Sivakumar, M.V.K., J.S. Wallace, C. Renard, and C. Giroux (Eds.). Proc. Int. Workshop, Niamey, Niger, February 1991). IAHS Public. No. 1991. IAHS Press, Institute of Hydrology, Wallingford, U. K. pp. 443–458. (Peer reviewed).
- Payne, W.A., J. Lascano, and C.W. Wendt. 1991. Annual soil water balance of cropped and fallowed millet fields in Niger. In: Sivakumar, M.V.K., J.S. Wallace, C. Renard, and C. Giroux (Eds.). Proc. Int. Workshop, Niamey, Niger, February 1991). IAHS Public. No. 1991. IAHS Press, Institute of Hydrology, Wallingford, U. K. pp. 401–411. (Peer reviewed).
- Payne, W.A., J. Lascano, and C.W. Wendt. 1991. Physical and hydrological characterization of three sandy millet fields in Niger. In: Sivakumar, M. V. K., J. S. Wallace, C. Renard, and C. Giroux (Eds.). Proc. Int. Workshop, Niamey, Niger, February 1991). IAHS Public. No. 1991. IAHS Press, Institute of Hydrology, Wallingford, U. K. pp. 199–207.
- Payne, W.A., J. Lascano, L.R. Hossner, and C.W. Wendt. 1991. Pearl millet growth as affected by phosphorus and water. Agron. J. 83:942–948.
- Lascano, R.J., and J.L. Hatfield. 1992. Spatial variability of soil evaporation along two transects of a bare soil. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 56:341–346.
- Lascano, R.J., R.L. Baumhardt, and W.N. Lipe. 1992. Measurement of water flow in young grapevines using the stem heat balance method. J. Enol. Vitic. 43:159–165.
- Payne, W.A.,C. Drew, L.R. Hossner, R.J. Lascano, A.B. Onken, and C.W. Wendt. 1992. Soil phosphorus availability and pearl millet water use efficiency. Crop Sci. 32:1010–1015.
- Bordovsky, J.P., W.M. Lyle, J. Lascano, and D.R. Upchurch. 1992. Cotton irrigation management with LEPA systems. Trans. ASAE. 35:879–884.
- Heilman, J.L., K.J. McInnes, R.W. Gesch, and J. Lascano. 1992. Evaporation from ridge-tilled soil covered with herbicide killed winter wheat. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 56:1278–1286.
- Baumhardt, R.L., and J. Lascano. 1992. Physical and hydraulic properties of a calcic horizon. Soil Sci. 155:368–375.
- Evett, S.R., and J. Lascano. 1993. ENWATBAL.BAS: A mechanistic evapotranspiration model written in compiled BASIC. Agron. J. 85:763–772.
- Lascano, R.J., and L. Stroosnijder. 1993. A simple method for predicting the spatial distribution of soil hydraulic properties. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 57:1479–1484.
- Lascano, R.J., L. Baumhardt, S.K. Hicks, and J.L Heilman. 1994. Soil and plant water evaporation from strip tilled cotton: measurement and simulation. Agron. J. 86:987–994.
- Heilman, J.L., K.J. McInnes, M.J. Savage, R.W. Gesch, and J. Lascano. 1994. Soil and canopy energy balances in a west Texas vineyard. Agric. For. Meteorol. 71:99–114.
1995 – 1999
- Hicks, S.K., and J. Lascano. 1995. Estimation of leaf area index for cotton canopies using the LI-COR LAI–2000 plant canopy analyzer. Agron. J. 87:458–464.
- Heilman, J.L., K.J. McInnes, R.W. Gesch, J. Lascano, and M. J. Savage. 1996. Effects of trellising on the energy balance of a west Texas Vineyard. Agric. For. Meteorol. 81:79–93.
- Lascano, R.J., and R.L. Baumhardt. 1996. Effects of crop residue on soil and plant water evaporation in a dryland cotton system. Appl. Climatol. 54:69–84.
- McInnes, K.J., J.L. Heilman, and J. Lascano. 1996. Aerodynamic conductances at the soil surface in a vineyard. Agric. For. Meteorol. 79:29–37.
- Staggenborg, S.A., J. Lascano, and D.R. Krieg. 1996. Determining cotton water use in a semiarid climate with the GOSSYM cotton simulation model. Agron. J. 88:740–745.
- Baumhardt, R.L., and J. Lascano. 1996. Rain infiltration as affected by wheat residue amount and distribution in ridged tillage. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 60:1908–1913.
- Payne, W.A., M.C. Drew, L.R. Hossner, and J. Lascano. 1996. Measurement and modeling of photosynthetic response of pearl millet to soil phosphorus addition. Plant Soil. 184:67–73.
- Lascano, R.J.,T. Vorheis, R.L. Baumhardt, and D.R. Salisbury. 1997. Computer controlled variable intensity rain simulator. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 61:1182–1189.
- Zaongo, C.G.L., C.W. Wendt, J. Lascano, and A.S.R. Juo. 1997. Interactions of water, mulch and nitrogen on sorghum in Niger. Plant Soil 197:119–126.
- Lascano, R.J. 1998. Technological basis for the irrigation of palm oil. Palmas. 19:229–241.
- Staggenborg, S.A., D.R. Krieg, and J. Lascano. 1998. Validation of GOSSYM on the Texas High Plains. Agron. J. 88:740–745.
- Qui, G. Y., K. Momii, T. Yano, and J. Lascano. 1999. Experimental verification of a mechanistic model to partition evapotranspiration into soil water and plant evaporation. Agric. For. Meteorol. 93:79–93.
- Baumhardt, R.L., and J. Lascano. 1999. Water budget of dryland cotton intercropped with terminated winter wheat. Agron. J. 91:922–927.
2000 – 2004
- Lascano, R.J. 2000. A general system to measure and to calculate daily crop water use. Agron. J. 92:821–832.
- Baumhardt, R.L., J. Lascano, and S.R. Evett. 2000. Soil material, temperature, and salinity effects on calibration of multisensor capacitance probe. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 64:1940–1946.
- Lascano, R.J., and F. Munévar. 2000. Technological criteria for irrigation systems selection: application to the oil palm crop in Colombia. 21:270–279.
- Machado, S.,D. Bynum, Jr., T.L. Archer, R.J. Lascano, L.T. Wilson, J.P. Bordovsky, E. Segarra, K.F. Bronson, D.M. Nesmith, and Wenwei Xu. 2000. Spatial and temporal variability of corn grain yield: site-specific relationships of biotic and abiotic factors. Prec. Agric. 2:359–376.
- Bronson, K.F., A.B. Onken, J.D. Booker, J. Lascano, T.L. Provin, and H.A. Torberg. 2001. Irrigated cotton lint yield as affected by phosphorus fertilizer and landscape position. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 32:1959–1967.
- Li, Hong,J. Lascano, Jill Booker, L.T. Wilson, and K.F. Bronson. 2001. Cotton lint yield variability in a heterogeneous soil at a landscape level. Soil Tillage Res. 58:245–258.
- Li, Hong, J. Lascano, E.M. Barnes, Jill Booker, L.T. Wilson, K.F. Bronson, and E. Segarra. 2001. Multispectral reflectance of cotton related to plant growth, soil water, texture and site elevation. Agron. J. 93:1327–1337.
- Li, Hong, J. Lascano, Jill Booker, L.T. Wilson, K.F. Bronson, and E. Segarra. 2002. State-space description of underlying field heterogeneity on water and nitrogen use in cotton. Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J. 66:585–595.
- Lascano, R.J. 2002. Precision agriculture and nutrient cycling. Soil Sci. 1044–1047, Marcel Dekker.
- Machado, S.,D. Bynum, Jr., T.L. Archer, R.J. Lascano, L.T. Wilson, J.P. Bordovsky, E. Segarra, K.F. Bronson, D.M. Nesmith, and Wenwei Xu. 2002. Spatial and temporal variability of corn growth and grain yield: implications for site-specific farming. Crop Sci. 42:1564–1576.
- Machado, S., D. Bynum, Jr., T.L. Archer, J. Bordovsky, D.T. Rosenow, C. Peterson, K. Bronson, D.M. Nesmith, R.J. Lascano, L.T. Wilson, and E. Segarra. 2002. Spatial and Temporal Variability of Sorghum Grain Yield: Influence of Soil, Water, Pests, and Diseases Relationships. Prec. Agric. 3: 389–406.
- Chilcutt, C.F.,T. Wilson, and R.J. Lascano. 2003. Field evaluation of a Helicoverpa zea (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) damage simulation model: effects of irrigation, H. zea density, and time of damage on cotton yield. J. Econ. Entomol. 96:1174–1183.
- Chua, T.C., K.F. Bronson, J.D. Booker, J.W. Keeling, A.R. Moser, J.P. Bordovsky, J. Lascano, G.J. Green, and E. Segarra. 2003. In-season nitrogen status sensing in irrigated cotton. I. Yields and Nitrogen15 recovery. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 67:1428–1438.
- Bronson, K F., T.D. Chua, J.D. Booker, J.W. Keeling, and J. Lascano. 2003. In-season nitrogen status sensing in irrigated cotton: II. Leaf nitrogen and biomass. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 67:1439–1448.
- Bronson, K.F., J.W. Keeling, J.D. Booker, T.T. Chua, T.A. Wheeler, R.K. Boman, and J. Lascano. 2003. Cotton lint yields: influence of phosphorus fertilizer, landscape position and soil type. Agron. J. 95:949–957.
- Officer, S.J., J. Lascano, Jill Booker, and S.J. Maas. 2003. Comparison of methods to extract correlations for canonical correlation analysis of cotton yields. Prec. Agric. 5:475–480.
- Lascano, R.J., and Hong Li. 2003. Precision agriculture and water use. Water Sci. 740–743.
- McMichael, B.L., and J. Lascano. 2003. Laboratory evaluation of a commercial dielectric soil water sensor. Vadose Zone J. 2:650–654.
- Yu, M., E. Segarra, J. Lascano, and Jill Booker. 2004. Economic impacts of precision farming in irrigated cotton production. Texas J. Agric. Nat. Res. 16:1–14.
- Watson, S.E., E. Segarra, M. Yu, Hong Li, J. Lascano, K. Bronson, and Jill Booker. 2004. Technological efficiency gains in irrigated cotton production. Texas J. Agric. Nat. Res. 17:72–86.
2005 – 2009
- Watson, S.E., E. Segarra, R.J. Lascano, K. Bronson, and A. M. Schubert. 2005. Guidelines for Recommending Precision Agriculture in Southern Crops. J. Extension. 43(2):8–15.
- Chilcutt, C.F.,T. Wilson, R.J. Lascano, K.F. Bronson, and Jill Booker. 2005. Scaling the effects of plant, soil, and landscape characteristics on sap-feeding herbivores in cotton. Environ. Entomol. 34:75–86.
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[1]Name in italics are Technicians, Graduate Student, Research Associate, or Post-Doctoral that did their work under my supervision and/or with other Principal Investigators.
Developing Strategies for Resilient and Sustainable Crop, Water, and Soil Management in Semi-Arid Environments In-House Appropriated (D) Accession Number:441616 Agricultural Research Projects Conducted at the Cropping Systems Research Laboratory and Texas Tech University Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement (N) Accession Number:442626