Any of these publications are available as Adobe files and the others can be requested from fort.keogh@ars.usda.gov . If you do not have Adobe click here: 
If you don't see an animal related paper you're looking for, please check the Nutrition or Physiology article lists.
Toghiani, S., Hay, E.A., Fragomeni, B., Rekaya, R., Roberts, A.J. 2020. Genotype by environment interaction in response to cold stress in a composite beef cattle breed. Animal-The International Journal of Animal Biosciences. 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1751731120000531.
Chang, L., Toghiani, S., Hay, E., Aggrey, S.E., Rekaya, R. 2019. A weighted genomic relationship matrix based on Fixation Index (FST) prioritized SNPs for genomic selection. Genes. 10(11):922. https://doi.org/10.3390/genes10110922.
Hay, E.A., Roberts, A.J. 2019. Genomic evaluation of genotype by prenatal nutritional environment interaction for maternal traits in a composite beef cattle breed. Livestock Science. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.livsci.2019.09.022.
Roberts, A.J., Hay, E.A. 2019. Multigenerational Effects. In: Funston, R.N., Mulliniks, J.T., editors. Developmental Programming in Livestock Production. Volume 35, Issue 2. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier. p. 355-364. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cvfa.2019.02.009.
Chang, L., Toghiani, S., Aggrey, S.E., Rekaya, R. 2019. Increasing accuracy of genomic selection in presence of high density marker panels through the prioritization of relevant polymorphisms. BMC Genetics. 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12863-019-0720-5.
Paim, T., Faria, D., Hay, E., McManus, C., Lanari, M., Esquivel, L., Cascante, M., Alfaro, E., Mendez, A., Faco, O., Silva, K., Mezzadra, C., Mariante, A., Paiva, S., Blackburn, H. 2019. New world goat populations are a genetically diverse reservoir for future use. Scientific Reports. 9:1476-1487. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-38812-3.
Sumreddee, P., Toghiani, S., Hay, E.A., Roberts, A.J., Aggrey, S., Rekaya, R. 2018. Inbreeding depression in line 1 Hereford cattle population using pedigree and genomic information. Journal of Animal Science. 97(1):1-18. https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/sky385.
Ling, A., Hay, E.A., Aggrey, S., Rekaya, R. 2018. A Bayesian approach for analysis of ordered categorical responses subject to misclassification. PLoS One. 13(12):e0208433. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0208433.
Hay, E.A., Roberts, A.J. 2018. Genome-wide association study for carcass traits in a composite beef cattle breed. Livestock Science. 213:35-43. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.livsci.2018.04.018.
Hay, E.A., Rekaya, R. 2018. Use of observed genomic information to infer linkage disequilibrium between markers and QTLs. Agricultural Sciences. 9(11):4170-4178. https://doi.org/10.4236/as.2018.911102.
Hay, E.A., Roberts, A.J. 2018. Genotype x prenatal and post-weaning nutritional environment interaction in a composite beef cattle breed using reaction norms and multi-trait model. Journal of Animal Science. 96:444-453. https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skx057.
Hay, E.A., Utsunomiya, Y.T., Xu, L., Neves, H.H., Carvalheiro, R., Bickhart, D.M., Ma, L., Garcia, J.F., Liu, G. 2018. Genomic predictions combining SNP markers and copy number variations in Nellore cattle. BMC Genomics. 19(1):441-449. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12864-018-4787-6.
Guo, P., Gao, H., Zhu, B., Gao, X., Xu, L., Hay, E.A., Niu, H., Wang, Z., Li, J., Linag, Y., Chen, Y., Zhang, L., Ni, H., Guo, Y. 2018. Fast genomic prediction of breeding values using parallel Markov chain Monte Carlo with convergence diagnosis. BMC Bioinformatics. 19:1-11. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12859-017-2003-3.
Hay, E.A., MacNeil, M., Cardoso, F. 2017. Genotype by environment interaction effects in genetic evaluation of preweaning gain for Line 1 Hereford cattle from Miles City, Montana. Journal of Animal Science. 95:3833-3838. https://doi.org/10.2527/jas2017.1829.
Toghiani, S., Hay, E.A., Sumreddee, P., Geary, T.W., Rekaya, R., Roberts, A.J. 2017. Genomic prediction of continuous and binary fertility traits of females in a composite beef cattle breed. Journal of Animal Science. 95:4787-4795. doi:10.2527/jas2017.1944.
Cronin, M.A., Leesburg, V.L.R., 2016. Genetic variation and differentiation in parent-descendant cattle and bison populations. Journal of Animal Science. 94:4491-4497. doi:10.2527/jas2016-0476.

Leesburg, V.L., MacNeil, M.D., Neser, F.C. 2014. Influence of Miles City Line 1 on the United States Hereford Population. Journal of Animal Science 92:2387-2394.

Matjuda, L.E., MacNeil, M.D., Maiwashe, A., Leesburg, V.R., Malatje, M. 2014. Index-in-retrospect and breeding objectives characterizing genetic improvement programmes for South African Nguni cattle. South African Journal of Animal Science 44(2):161-172.

Cronin, M.A., MacNeil, M.D., Vu, N., Lessburg, V., Blackburn, H.D., Derr, J.N. 2013. Genetic Variation and Differentiation of Bison (Bison bison) Subspecies and Cattle (Bos taurus) Breeds and Subspecies The Journal of Heredity 104:500-509.

Leesburg, V.L.R., MacNeil, M.D., van Marle-Koster, E., Mapholi, O., Neser, F.W.C. 2013. Impact of Line 1 germplasm on South African Hereford cattle. SA Journal of Animal Science 43(2):153-158.
Chen, C., Herzig, C.T., Alexander, L.J., Keele, J.W., McDaneld, T.G., Teifer, J.C., Baldwin, C.L. 2012. Gene number determination and genetic polymorphism of the gamma delta T cell co-receptor WC1 genes. BMC Genetics. 13:86.

Cronin, M.A., MacNeil, M.D. 2012. Genetic Relationships of Extant Brown Bears (Ursus arctos) and Polar Bears (Ursus maritimus) Journal of Heredity 103(6):873-881.

MacNeil, M.D., Lopez-Villalobos, N., and Northcutt, S.L. 2011. A prototype national cattle evaluation for feed intake and efficiency of Angus cattle. Journal of Animal Science 11:R102 (online serial).

MacNeil, M.D. and Vukasinovic, N. 2011. A prototype national cattle evaluation for sustained reproductive success in Hereford cattle. Journal of Animal Science 89:1712-1718.

Jiang, Z., Michael, J., Wu, X., Pan, Z., and MacNeil, M.D. 2011. The Heparan and Heparin metabolism pathway is involved in regulation of fatty acid composition. International Journal of Biological Sciences 7(5):659-663.

Tang, G., Stewart-Smith, J., Plastow, G., Moore, S., Basarab, J., MacNeil, M.D., and Wang, Z. 2011. Opitimizing a beef production system using specialized sire and dam lines. Canadian Journal of Animal Science 91:353-361.

Zhihua, J., Michal, J.J., Wu, X-L., Pan, Z., and MacNeil, M.D. 2011. The Heparan and Heparin Metabolism pathway is involved in regulation of fatty acid composition. International Journal of Biological Science 7:659-663.

Daniels, T.F., Wu, X., Pan, Z., Michal, J.J., Wright, R.W., Kililnger, K.M., MacNeil, M.D., and Jiang, Z. 2010. The reverse cholesterol transport pathway improves understanding of genetic networks for fat deposition and muscle growth in beef cattle. PLoS One 5(12): e15203. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0015203.

MacNeil, M.D., Nkrumah, J.D., Woodward, B.W., and Northcutt, S. 2010. Genetic evaluation of Angus cattle for carcass marbling using ultrasound and genomic indicators. Journal of Animal Science. 88:517-522.

Alexander, L.J., Kuehn, L.A., Smith, T.P., Matukumalli, L.K., Mote, B., Koltes, J.E., Reecy, J., Geary, T.W., Rule, D.C., MacNeil, M.D. 2009. A Limousin specific myostatin allele affects longissimus muscle area and fatty acid profiles in a Wagyu-Limousin F2 population. Journal of Animal Science 87:1576-1581.

Elsik, C.G., Gibbs, R., Skow, L., Tellam, R., Weinstock, G., Worley, K., Kappes, S.M., Green, R.D., Alexander, L.J., Bennett, G.L., Carroll, J.A., Chitko Mckown, C.G., Hamernik, D.L., Harhay, G.P., Keele, J.W., Liu, G., Macneil, M.D., Matukumalli, L.K., Rijnkels, M., Roberts, A.J., Smith, T.P., Snelling, W.M., Stone, R.T., Waterman, R.C., White, S.N. 2009. The Genome Sequence of Taurine Cattle: A Window to Ruminant Biology and Evolution. Science. 324:522-528.

Jiang, Z., Michal, J.J., Chen, J., Daniels, T.F., Kunej, T., Garcia, M.D., Gaskins, C.T., Busboom, J.R., Alexander, L.J., Wright, R.W., MacNeil, M.D. 2009. Discovery of novel genetic networks associated with 19 economically important traits in beef cattle. International Journal of Biological Sciences 5:528-542.

MacNeil, M.D.2009. Invited Review: Research contributions from 75 years of breeding Line 1 Hereford cattle at Miles City, Montana. Journal of Animal Science 87:2489-2501.

Marquez, G.C., Enns, R.M., Grosz, M.D., Alexander, L.J., MacNeil, M.D. 2009. Quantitative trait loci with effects on feed efficiency traits in Hereford x composite double backcross populations. Animal Genetics 40:986-988.

Jiang, Z., Michal, J.J., Tobey, D.J., Daniels, T.F., Rule, D.C., MacNeil, M.D. 2008. Significant associations of stearoyl-CoA desaturase (SCD1) gene with fat deposition and composition in skeletal muscle. International Journal of Biological Sciences 4(6):345-351.

Jiang, Z., Michal, J.J., Tobey, D.J., Wang, Z., MacNeil, M.D., Magnuson, N.S. 2008. Comparative understanding of UTS2 and UTS2R genes for their involvement in type 2 diabetes melitus. International J. Biol. Sci. 4:96-102.

MacNeil, M.D. and Northcutt, S.L. 2008. National cattle evaulation system for combined analysis of carcass characteristics and indicator traits recorded using ultrasound in Angus cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 86:2518-2524.

Spangler, M.L., Sapp, R.L., Bertrand, J.K., MacNeil, M.D., Rekaya, R. 2008. Different methods of selecting animals for genotyping to maximize the amount of genetic information known in the population. J. Anim. Sci. 86:2471-2479.

Sprangler, M.L., Robbins, K.R., Bertrand, J.K., MacNeil, M.D., Rekaya, R. 2009. Ant colony optimization as a method for strategic genotype sampling. Animal Genetics 40:308-314.

Tshipuliso, N.O.M., Alexander, L.J., Geary, T.W., Snelling, W.M., Rule, D.C., Koltes, J.E., Mote, B.E., MacNeil, M.D. 2008. Mapping quantitative trait loci for fatty acid composition that segreate between Wagyu and Limousin. South African J. Anim. Sci. 38:126-130.

Tshipuliso, N.O., Alexander, L.J., Koltes, J.E., Ehlers, K., Leesburg, V.L., and MacNeil, M.D. 2008. Structural assessment of backcrossing using microsatellite markers. South African Journal of Science 38(4):290-292.

Alexander, L.J., Geary, T.W., Snelling, W.M., and MacNeil, M.D. 2007. Quantitative trait loci with additive effects on growth and carcass traits in a Wagyu-Limousin F2 population. Anim. Genet. 38:413-416.

Alexander, L.J., Juneja, B., Shiroma, D., Nonneman, D.J., Snelling, W.M., Fahrenkrug, S.C. 2007. Comparative and physical mapping of 112 previously reported and 105 new porcine microsatellites. Animal Genetics 38:584-594.

Alexander, L.J., MacNeil, M.D., Geary, T.W., Snelling, W.M., Rule, D.C., and Scanga, J.A. 2007. Quantitiative trait loci with additive effects on palatability and fatty acid composition of meat in a Wagyu-Limousin F2 population. Anim. Genet. 38:506-513.
MacNeil, M.D. 2007. Retrospective analysis of selection applied to a ratio. Western Section of Animal Science Proceedings 57:85-88.

MacNeil, M.D., Cronin, M.D., Blackburn, H.D., Richards, C.M., Lockwood, D. R., and Alexander, L.J. 2007. Genetic relationship between feral cattle from Chirikof Island, Alaska, and other breeds. Animal Genetics 38:193-197.

MacNeil, M.D., Matjuda, E. 2007. Breeding objectives for Angus and Charolais specialized sire lines for use in the emerging sector of South African beef production. South African Journal of Animal Science 37(1):1-10.
Alexander, L.J., Juneja, B., Fahrenkrug, S. 2006. Isolation and radiation hybrid mapping of 213 porcine microsatellites. Animal Genetics 37(6):596-597.

Cronin, M.D., MacNeil, M.D., and Patton, J.C. 2006. Mitochondrial dna and microsatellite dna variation in domestic reindeer (rangifer tarandus tarandus) and relationships with wild caribou (r.t. granti, r.t. groenlandicus, r.t. caribou). Journal of Heredity doi:10.1093/jhered/es1012.
MacNeil, M.D., T.W. Geary, G.A. Perry, A.J. Roberts, and L.J. Alexander. 2006. Genetic partitioning of variation in ovulatory follicle size and probability of pregnancy in beef cattle. Journal of Animal Science 84:1646-1650.
MacNeil, M.D. and T.B. Mott. 2006. Genetic analysis of gain from birth to weaning, milk production, and udder conformation in Line 1 Hereford cattle. Journal of Animal Science 84:1639-1645.

Kealey, C.G., M. D. MacNeil, M. W. Tess, T. W. Geary, and R. A. Bellows. 2006. Genetic Parameter Estimates for Scrotal Circumference and Semen Characteristics of Yearling Line 1 Hereford Bulls. Journal of Animal Science 84:283-290.

Cronin, M.W., MacNeil, M.D., and Patton, J.C. 2005.Variation in mitochondrial dna and microsatellite dna in caribou (rangifer tarandus) in North America. Journal of Mammalogy 86:495-505.

MacNeil, M.D.2005. Genetic evaluation of the ratio of calf weaning weight to cow weight. Journal of Animal Science 83:794-802.
MacNeil, M.D. 2005. Mathematical models: production systems. In: Encyclopedia of Animal Science. Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York, New York p. 612-614.
MacNeil, M.D. 2005. Beef cattle management: crossbreeding. In: Encyclopedia of Animal Science. Marcel Dekker, inc. New York, New York p. 61-64.
MacNeil, M.D. and Cronin, M.A. 2005. Mathematical models: population dynamics. In: Encyclopedia of Animal Science. Marcel Dekker, Inc. p. 609-311.
MacNeil, M.D. and Heitschmidt, R.K. 2005. Beef cattle management: extensive. In: Encyclopedia of Animal Science. Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York, New York p. 65-67.

Wu, X.L., MacNeil, M.D., De, S., Xiao, Q.J., Michal, J.J., Gaskins, C.T., Reeves, J.J., Busboom, J.R., Wright Jr., R.W., and Jiang, Z. 2005. Evaluation of candidate gene effects for beef backfat via bayesian model selections. Genetica 125:103-113.
De, S., MacNeil, M.D., Wu, X.L., Michal, L.L., Xiao, Q., Garcia, M.D., Griffin, K.B., Gaskins, C.T., Reeves, J.J., and Busboom, J.R. 2004.Detection of quantitative trait loci for marbling and backfat in Wagyu X Limousin F2 crosses using a candidate gene approach. Proceedings of the Western Section, American Society of Animal Science 55:95-98.

Fahrenkrug, S., Wagner, M., Morrison, L., and Alexander, L.J. 2004.Map assignments of 373 previously unreported porcine microsatellites. Animal Genetics 36:76-86.
Kealey, C.G., MacNeil, M.D., Tess, M.W., Geary, T.W., and Bellows, R.A.2004.Genetic parameter estimates for yearling scrotal circumferences and semen traits of line 1 Hereford bulls. Proceedings of the Western Section, American Society of Animal Science 55:36-39.
MacNeil, M.D.2004.Multiple sire mating: an experimental perspective. Beef Improvement Federation Proceedings p. 59-62.

Mickelson, J.R., Wagner, M.L., Goh, G., Wu, J.T., Morrison, L.Y., Alexander, L.J., Raudsepp, T., Skow, L.C., Chowdhary, B.P., Swinburne, J.E., and Binns, M.M. 2004.Thirty-five new equine microsatellite loci assigned to genetic linkage and radiation hybrid maps. Animal Genetics 35:481-484.
Reisenauer, V.L. and M.D. MacNeil.2004.SAS® tools to facilitate QTL discovery. Proceedings of the Western Section, American Society of Animal Science 55:126-129.

Robic, A., T. Faraut, N. Iannuccelli, Y. Lahbib-Mansais, V. Cantegrel, L.J. Alexander, and D. Mian. 2004. A new contribution to the integration of human and porcine maps: 623 new points of homology. Cytogenet. Gen. Res. 102: 100-108.

Rogers, P.L., Gaskin, C.T., Johnson, K.A., and MacNeil, M.D. 2004.Evaluating longevity of composite beef females using survival analysis techniques. J. Anim. Sci. 82:860-866.

Senneke, S.L., M.D. MacNeil, and L.D. Van Vleck. 2004. Effects of sire misidentification on estimates of genetic parameters for birth and weaning weights in Hereford cattle. Journal of Animal Science 82:2307-2312.

Wagner, M.L.,. G. Goh, J.T. Wu, T. Raudsepp, L.Y. Morrison, L.J. Alexander, L.S. Skow, B.P. Chowdhary, and J.R. Mickelson. 2004.Radiation hybrid mapping of 75 previously unreported equine microsatellite loci. Anim. Genet. 35:68-71.

Wagner, M.L., G. Goh, J.T. Wu, L.Y. Morrison, L.J. Alexander, T. Raudsepp, L.C. Skow, B.P. Chowdhary, and J.R. Mickelson. 2004.Sixty-seven new equine microsatellite loci assigned to the equine radiation hybrid map. Animal Genetics 35:484-486.

Cronin, M.A., Patton, J.C., and MacNeil, M.D. 2003. Genetic variation in reindeer and wild caribou (Rangifer tarandus). Animal Genetics, v. 34. p. 33-41.

MacNeil, M.D. 2003. Genetic evaluation of an index of birth weight and yearling weight to improve efficiency of beef production. Journal of Animal Science 81:2425-2433.
Rogers, P.L., Gaskins, C.T., Johnson, K.A., and MacNeil, M.D. 2003. Risk factors associated with culling females in a composite beef herd. Proc. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. 54:68-71.

MacNeil, M.D. and Grosz, M.D. 2002. Genome-wide scans for QTL affecting carcass traits in Hereford x composite double backcross populations. J. Anim. Sci. 80:2316-2324.
Cronin, M.A., Patton, J.C., and MacNeil, M.D. 2002. Genetic variation in domestic reindeer and wild caribou (Rangifer tarandus). Proc. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. 53:138-141.
Kealey, C.G., MacNeil, M.D. and Golden, B.L. 2002. Genetic distance between a multi-breed composite and two inbred lines of Hereford cattle. Proc. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. 53:127-131.
MacNeil, M.D. and Grosz, M.D. 2002. A genome-wide scan for QTL affecting carcass traits at constant fat depth in a Hereford x composite double backcross population. Proc. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. 53:132-134.
Herring, W.O. and MacNeil, M.D. 2001. An overview of the 1999Angus sire alliance. Proc. Beef Improvement Federation p. 147-157.
MacNeil, M.D., Frahm, R.R., Flora, L.F., and Mirando, M. 2001. Integrated research to strengthen global competitiveness of American animal agriculture. FAIR 2002. Handout.

MacNeil, M.D., R.E. Short, and E.E. Grings. 2001. Characterization of topcross progenies from Hereford, Limousin, and Piedmontese sires. J. Anim. Sci. 79:1751-1756.
MacNeil, M.D. 2001. Comparison of mass selection by independent culling levels for below average birth weight and greater yearling weight with single-trait mass selection for greater yearling weight in Line 1 Hereford cattle. Proc. Beef Improvement Federation. p. 125-128.

Grosz, M.D. and MacNeil, M.D. 2000. Putative quantitative trait locus affecting birth weight on bovine chromosome 2. J. Anim. Sci. 79:68-72.

MacNeil, M.D., Urick, J.J. and Decoudu, G. 2000. Characteristics of Line 1 Hereford females resulting from selection by independent culling levels for below-average birth weight and high yearling weight or by mass selection for high yearling weight. J. Anim. Sci. 78:2292-2298.

MacNeil, M.D. and Mott, T.B. 2000. Using genetic evaluations for growth and maternal gain from birth to weaning to predict energy requirements of Line 1 Hereford beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. 78:2299-2304.
MacNeil, M.D. 2000. Engaging information: With the introduction of carcass EPDs, Charolais breeders need to know how all of this information can be used for better genetic selection. Charolais J. p. 58, January 2000.

Antoniou, E., Hirst, B.J., Grosz, M., and Skidmore, C.J. 1999. A single strand conformational polymorphism in the bovine gene STAT5A. Animal Genetics 30:232.

Antoniou, E., and Grosz, M. 1999. PCR based detection of bovine myostatin Q204X mutation. Animal Genetics 30:231-232.

Antoniou, E., Womack, J.E., and Grosz, M.D. 1999. Synteny mapping of five human chromosome 7 genes on bovine chromosomes 4 and 21. Cytogenetics and Cell Genetics 84:121-124.

Ferreira, G.B., MacNeil, M.D., and Van Vleck, L.D. 1999. Variance components and breeding values for growth traits from different statistical models. J. Anim. Sci. 77:2641-2650.
Grosz, M.D., Fahrenkrug, S., and MacNeil, M.D. 1999. Comparative positional candidate cloning: KIT as a candidate gene for the Hereford coat colour phenotype. International Symposium, Candidate Genes for Animal Health. Special Issue, 42: 160-162.

Grosz, M.D. and MacNeil, M.D. 1999. The "spotted" locus maps to bovine chromosome 6 in a Hereford-cross population. J. of Heredity 90(1):233-236.
Kress, D.D. and MacNeil, M.D. 1999. Crossbreeding beef cattle for western range environments. WCC-1 Publication #TB-99-1. p. 1-21. May 1999.

MacNeil, M.D., Short, R.E., and Urick, J.J. 1999. Progeny testing sires selected by independent culling levels for below-average birth weight and high yearling weight or by mass selection for high yearling weight. J. Anim. Sci. 77:2345-2351.
MacNeil, M.D. 1999. Looking at breeder obligations and expectations in performance testing. Proc., Beef Improvement Federation. p. 131-134.
Stockburger, E. M., Green, R. D., Wood, W. O., Holm, T., MacNeil, M. D., Schafer, D. W., Yemm, R. S., and Berg-Ramsey, J. 1999. Determination of the stringency of DNA microsatellite marker genotypes for use in individual animal identification. Proc. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. 50:55-58.
Stockburger, E. M., Green, R. D., Wood, W. O., Holm, T., MacNeil, M. D., Schafer, D. W., Yemm, R. S., and Berg-Ramsey, J. 1999. Determination of the stringency of DNA microsatellite marker genotypes for use in individual animal identification. 1999Beef Program Report, ColoradoStateUniversity. p. 209-216.
Grosz, M.D. 1998. "Marker assisted selection" made easy. Proc. International Beef Symposium. Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, Jan. 6-8, 1998. Pp. 1-4.

MacNeil, M.D., Urick, J.J., and Snelling, W.M. 1998. Comparison of selection by independent culling levels for below-average birth weight and high yearling weight with mass selection for high yearling weight in Line 1 Hereford cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 76:458-467.
MacNeil, M.D., Newman, S., Lamberson, W.R., and Hochman, Z. 1998. Decision support systems to aid beef producers in choosing a crossbreeding strategy. Proc. of the 6 thWorld Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production. Pp. 437-440.

Pariacote, F., Van Vleck, L.D., and MacNeil, M.D. 1998. Effects of inbreeding and heterozygosity on preweaning traits in a closed population of Herefords under selection. J. Anim. Sci. 76(5):1303-1310.

Gengler, N., Van Vleck, L.D., MacNeil, M.D., Misztal, I., and Pariacote, F.A. 1997. Influence of dominance relationships on the estimation of dominance variance with sire-dam subclass effects. J. Anim. Sci. 75:2885-2891.
Grosz, M.D. 1997. What are genetic markers, and what can they tell us? Proc. of the Bovine Connection, Williston, ND. Pp. 54-57.
Herring, W.O., MacNeil, M.D., Kriese, L.A., Bertrand, J.K., and Crouch, J. 1997. Comparison of four real-time ultrasound systems that predict intramuscular fat in beef cattle. p. 184-193. Proc. Beef Improvement Fed. Dickinson, ND.
MacNeil, M.D., Nugent, R.A., and Snelling, W.M. 1997. Breeding for profit: An introduction to selection index concepts. Proc., The Range Beef Cow Symposium XV. P. 47-62.
MacNeil, M.D. and Grosz, M.D. 1997. Selection of beef cattle breeding stock for improved economic merit. Proc. of International Conference on Animal Biotechnology, Beijing, China. P. 274-278.
MacNeil, M.D., Herring, W.O., Kriese, L.A., Bertrand, K.K., and Crouch, J. 1997. Comparison of ultrasound systems to predict marbling in beef cattle. Proc. Governor's Conference on the Cattle Industry. P. 66-67.
MacNeil, M.D., VanTassell, L.W., McNeley, S.M., Short, R.E., and Grings, E.E. 1997. Retained ownership: A management strategy for cow-calf producers to increase profitability. Proc. Governor's Conference on the Cattle Industry. P. 44-45.
MacNeil, M.D., Pariacote, F., and VanVleck, L.D. 1997. Heteriosis and inbreeding depression. Proc. Governor's Conference on the Cattle Industry. P. 24-25.
MacNeil, M.D. and Staigmiller, R.B. 1997. Genetic conservation of Line 1 Hereford germ plasm. Proc. Governor's Conference on the Cattle Industry. P. 22-23.
MacNeil, M.D., Ferreira, G.B., Gengler, N., and VanVleck, L.D. 1997. Effects of different statistical models on prediction of expected progeny differences. Proc. Governor's Conference on the Cattle Industry. P. 20-21.
MacNeil, M.D. and Newman, S. 1997. Selecting beef cattle to genetically increase profit. Proc. Governor's Conference on the Cattle Industry. P. 15-19.

Smith, T.P.L., Lopez-Corrales, N.L., Grosz, M.D., Beattie, C.W., and Kappes, S.M. 1997. Anchoring of bovine chromosomes 4,6,7,10, and 14 linkage group telomeric ends via FISH analysis of lambda clones. Mammalian Genome 8:333-336.
Grosz, M.D. and MacNeil, M.D. 1996. "Marker assisted selection" made easy. Proc. Governor's Conference on the State of the Cattle Industry. P. 90-94.
Kress, D.D. and MacNeil, M.D. 1996. Crossbreeding for current markets. Proc. Governor's Conference on the State of the Cattle Industry. P. 82-89.
MacNeil, M.D. 1996. Breeding for profit: an introduction to selection index concepts. Proc. Commercial Agriculture Beef Institute, Positioning for Profit. Univ.of Missouri, Columbia. Tab B.
MacNeil, M.D. 1996. Breeding for profit: An introduction to selection index concepts. Proc. BIF Systems Workshop II: Multiple-Trait Selection Technology for North American Beef Production. November 14-16, 1996, Estes Park, CO. P. 1-15.
MacNeil, M.D. and Kress, D.D. 1996. Genetic strategies to reduce production costs and improve profitability. Proc. Governor's Conference on the State of the Cattle Industry. P. 77-81.

MacNeil, M.D. and Snelling, W.M. 1996. Systematic error in genetic evaluation of Miles City Line 1 Hereford cattle resulting from preadjustment for age of dam. J. Anim. Sci. 74:1794-1800.
MacNeil, M.D. and Nugent, R.A. 1996. Concepts relating genetic improvement to profitability and their use in the swine industry. P. 153-158. In : Proc. Beef Improvement Federation, 28th Annual Mtg. May 15-18, Birmingham, Alabama.

Moody, D.E., Pomp, D., Newman, S., and MacNeil, M.D. 1996. Characterization of DNA polymorphisms in three populations of Hereford cattle and their associations with growth and maternal EPD in Line 1 Herefords. J. Anim. Sci. 74:1784-1793.
Snelling, W.M., MacNeil, M.D., and Golden, B.L. 1996. Genetic evaluation of heifer pregnancy. P. 194-199. In : Proc. Beef Improvement Federation, 28th Annual Mtg. May 15-18, Birmingham, Alabama.

Snelling, W.M., MacNeil, M.D., Kress, D.D., Anderson, D.C., and Tess, M.W. 1996. Factors influencing genetic evaluations of linebred Hereford cattle in diverse environments. J. Anim. Sci. 74:1499-1510.

Jenkins, T.G., Leymaster, K.A., and MacNeil, M.D. 1995. Development and evaluation of a regression equation of prediction for fat-free soft tissue in heterogenous populations of cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 73:3627-3632.
MacNeil, M.D. and Snelling, W.M. 1995. Potential for bias in genetic evaluation of Miles City Line 1 Hereford cattle resulting from a priori adjustment for age of dam with inappropriate factors. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. Proc. 46:220-222.
MacNeil, M.D. 1995. Using expected progeny differences to improve profitability, p. 190-194. In : Proc. International Beef Symposium. January 18-20, 1995, Great Falls, MT.
Snelling, W.M., Golden, B.L., and Hyde, L.R. 1995. Implementation of stayability in national cattle evaluations. p. 206-211. Proc. Beef Improvement Fed. Sheriday, WY.
Snelling, W.M. 1995. Nonlinear mixed-model methods for reproductive traits. Proc. WRCC-100, Brainerd, MN.

Snelling, W.M., Golden, B.L., and Bourdon, R.M. 1995. Within-herd genetic analyses of stayability of beef females. J. Anim. Sci. 73:993-1001.
Golden, B.L., Bourdon, R.M., and Snelling, W.M. 1994. Additive genetic groups for animals evaluated in more than one breed assocation national cattle evaluation. J. Anim. Sci.72:2559.
Harris, D.L. and Newman, S. 1994. Breeding for Profit: Synergism between genetic improvement and livestock production (A review). J. Anim. Sci. 72:2178-2200.
MacNeil, M.D.and Newman, S. 1994. Selection indices for Canadian beef production using specialized sire and dam lines. Canadian J. Anim. Sci. 74:419-424.
MacNeil, M.D., Newman, S., Enns, R.M., and Stewart-Smith, J. 1994. Relative economic values for Canadian beef production using specialized sire and dam lines. Canadian J. Anim. Sci. 74:411-417.
MacNeil, M.D., Reynolds, W.L., and Urick, J.J. 1994. Production by crossbred beef females in a range environment. Proc. 5th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production. 17:288-291.
MacNeil, M.D. and Newman, S. 1994. Genetic analysis of calving date in Miles City Line 1 Hereford cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 72:3073-3079.
MacNeil, M.D. and Newman, S. 1994. Calving date in Line 1 Hereford cattle, p. 214-217. In : Proc. Beef Improvement Federation.
Moody, D.E., Pomp, D., Newman, S., and MacNeil, M.D. 1994. Characterization of DNA polymorphisms and their associations with growth and maternal traits in Line 1 Hereford cattle. Proc. 5th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production. 21: 221-224.
Newman, S. 1994. Quantitative- and molecular-genetic effects on animal well-being: Adaptive mechanisms. J. Anim. Sci. 72:1641-1653.
Newman, S., MacNeil, M., Golden, B., and Barwick, S. 1994. Implementation and use of selection indexes in genetic evaluation schemes for beef cattle. In : Proc. for the 4th Genetic Prediction Workshop.
Newman, S. and Ponzoni, R.W. 1994. Experience with economic weights. Proc. 5th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production. 18:217-223.
Snelling, W.M. and Golden, B.L. 1994. Stayability as an indicator of reproduction in beef females. In : Proc. V. 26 Beef Improvement Federation. Des Moines, IA.
Snelling, W.M., Golden, B.L., and Bourdon, R.M. 1994. An EPD for stayability of beef cows. In : Proc. 5th World Cong. Genet. Appl. Livest. Prod. 17:169.
Tess, M.W. and MacNeil, M.D. 1994. Evaluation of cytoplasmic genetic effects in Miles City Line 1 Hereford cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 72:851-856.
MacNeil, M.D., Cundiff, L.V., Gregory, K.E., and Koch, R.M. 1993. Using crossbreeding systems to produce beef. Beef Research Program Progress Report No. 4, USDA-ARS. ARS-71:164-166.
MacNeil, M.D., Kress, D.D., and Dickerson, G.E. 1993. Simulated effects of herd-level management strategies on efficiency of beef production. Beef Research Program Progress Report No. 4, USDA-ARS. ARS-71:162-163.
MacNeil, M.D., Kress, D.D., and Brinks, J.S. 1993. Linebreeding beef cattle. Western Regional Research Publ. USDA-ARS, MilesCity, MT.
MacNeil, M.D., Dearborn, O.D., Cundiff, L.V., Dinkel, C.A., and Gregory, K.E. 1993. Effects of inbreeding and heterosis in Hereford lines on reproduction and maternal performance. Beef Research Program Progress Report No. 4, USDA-ARS. ARS-71:167.
Newman, S., MacNeil, M.D., Reynolds, W.L., Knapp, B.W., and Urick, J.J. 1993. Fixed effects in the formation of a composite line of beef cattle: II. Pre- and postweaning growth and carcass composition. J. Anim. Sci. 71:2033-2039.
Newman, S., MacNeil, M.D., Reynolds, W.L., Knapp, B.W., and Urick, J.J. 1993. Fixed effects in the formation of a composite line of beef cattle: I. Experimental design and reproductive performance. J. Anim. Sci. 71:2026-2032.
Veseth, D.A., Reynolds, W.L., Urick, J.J., Nelsen, T.C., Short, R.E., and Kress, D.D. 1993. Paternal half-sib heritabilities and genetic, environmental, and phenotypic correlation estimates from randomly selected Hereford cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 71:1730-1736.
Enns, R.M.. MacNeil, M.D., Newman, S., and Stewart-Smith, J. 1992. Relative economic values for specialized sire and dam lines in Canada. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. Proc. 43:124-126.
Harris, D.L. and Newman, S. 1992. How does genetic evaluation become economic improvement?, p. 21-50. In : (Stewart, T.) Applications of Expected Progeny Differences to Livestock Improvement.
MacNeil, M.D., Urick, J.J., Newman, S., and Knapp, B.W. 1992. Selection for postweaning growth in inbred Hereford cattle: the FortKeogh, Montana Line 1 example. J. Anim. Sci. 70:723-733.
MacNeil, M.D. and Newman, S. 1992. Relative economic values for traits affecting probability of beef production in Canada. Proc. Beef Improv. Fed. 24:40-43.
MacNeil, M.D. 1992. Reconciling expected progeny differences (EPD's) across breeds, p. 3-7. In : Proc. The Bovine Connection, NDSU Ext. Serv., Watford City, ND.
Newman, S., Morris, C.A., Baker, R.L., and Nicoll, G.B. 1992. Genetic improvement of beef cattle in New Zealand: Breeding objectives. Livest. Prod. Sci. 32:111-130.
Patterson, D.J., Perry, R.C., Kiracofe, G.H., Bellows, R.A., Staigmiller, R.B., and Corah, L.R. 1992. Management considerations in heifer development and puberty. J. Anim. Sci. 70:4018-4035.
Deland, M.P. and Newman, S. 1991. Lifetime productivity of crossbred cows 1. Experimental design, growth and carcass characteristics of progeny. Aust. J. Exp. Agric. 31:285-292.
MacNeil, M.D. and Newman, S. 1991. Using heterosis to increase profit, p. 129-133. In : Proc., Int. Beef Symp., Great Falls, MT, Jan. 15-17.
MacNeil, M.D., Urick, J.J., Newman, S., and Knapp, B.W. 1991. Selection for postweaning growth in inbred Hereford cattle. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. Proc. 42:81-84.
MacNeil, M.D., Bailey, D.R.C., Urick, J.J., Gilbert, R.P., and Reynolds, W.L. 1991. Heritabilities and genetic correlations for postweaning growth and feed intake of beef bulls and steers. J. Anim. Sci. 69:3183-3189.
Newman, S. and Deland, M.P. 1991. Lifetime productivity of crossbred cows 2. Age and weight at first oestrus, calf birth weight, assisted calvings, calving interval and reproduction rate. Aust. J. Exp. Agric. 31:293-300.
Reynolds, W.L., Urick, J.J., Knapp, B.W., and MacNeil, M.D. 1991. Maternal breed of sire effects on postweaning performance of first-cross heifers and production characteristics of 2-year-old heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 69:4368-4376.
Reynolds, W.L., Urick, J.J., Veseth, D.A., Kress, D.D., Nelsen, T.C., and Short, R.E. 1991. Genetic parameters by son-sire covariances for growth and carcass traits of Hereford bulls in a nonselected herd. J. Anim. Sci. 69:1000-1007.
Speer, N.C., Brinks, J.S., Richardson, G.V., and MacNeil, M.D. 1991. Genetic parameters for growth traits of crossbred bulls and steers, p. 165-171. In : Beef Program Rep., Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins.
Urick, J.J., Reynolds, W.L., and Knapp, B.W. 1991. Maternal breed of sire effects on postweaning performance of heifer and steer progeny: Postweaning growth and carcass characteristics. J. Anim. Sci. 69:4377-4387.
Urick, J.J., MacNeil, M.D., and Reynolds, W.L. 1991. Biological type effects on postweaning growth, feed efficiency and carcass characteristics of steers. J. Anim. Sci. 69:490-497.
MacNeil, M.D. 1990. Adapting crossbreeding systems to individual farms and ranches, p. 26- 34. In : Proc. Bovine Connection,NDSU Ext. Serv., Williston, ND.
Reynolds, W.L., Urick, J.J., and Knapp, B.W. 1990. Biological type effects on gestation length, calving traits and calf growth rate. J. Anim. Sci. 68:630-639.
Greer, R.C. and Urick, J.J. 1989. Purebred bull breeding price. Montana AgResearch 5:6-9.
Greer, R.C., Urick, J.J., Frank, M.D., and Carroll, L.G. 1989. A comparison of the breeding performance of yearling and 2-year-old Hereford bulls. J. Anim. Sci. 67:1175-1182.
Reynolds, W.L., Urick, J.J., and Knapp, B.W. 1989. Birth and weaning traits of calves from Charolais and Tarentaise sires mated to Red Angus dams. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. Proc. 40:31-33.
Urick, J.J., Pahnish, O.F., Knapp, B.W., Reynolds, W.L., and Milmine, W.L. 1989. Comparison of two- and three-way rotational crossing, beef x beef and beef x Brown Swiss composite breed production: postweaning growth and carcass traits. J. Anim. Sci. 67:2603-2618.
Veseth, D.A., Kress, D., Reynolds, W.L., Urick, J.J., and Short, R.E. 1989. Paternal half-sib heritabilities and genetic, environmental and phenotypic correlation estimates from randomly selected Hereford cattle. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. Proc. 40:46-49.
Greer, R.C. and Urick, J.J. 1988. An annual model of purebred breeding bull price. West. J. Aric. Econ. 16:l-6.
Kress, D.D. and Nelsen, T.C. 1988. Crossbreeding beef cattle for western range environments. In collaboration with: DeNise, S.K., Brinks, J.S., Reimer, D., Kress, D.D., Bailey, C.M., Rankin, B. J., Hohenboken, W.D., Gaskins, C.T., Nelms, G.E., Knapp, B.W., Reynolds, W.L., Richardson, G.V. and Urick, J.J., Nevada Agric. Exp. Sta., Univ. of Nevada-Reno.TB- 88-1 (a WRCC-1 publ.).
Reynolds, W.L. 1987. Using crossbred bulls in a production system. In : Proc. Beef Improvement Federation Annu. Meet., Wichita, KS.
Reynolds, W.L., Bellows, R.A., Staigmiller, R.B., Petersen, M. K., Short, R.E., and James, L.F. 1987. Feedlot response of yearing steers raised on pasture. Montana AgRes. 4:16-19.
Urick, J.J. 1987. Animal genetics: an effective tool for productive management of rangelands, p. 44-49. In : White, R.S. and Short, R.E. (eds.) Achieving Efficient Use of Rangeland Resources, FortKeoghRes. Symp.
Nelsen, T.C., Short, R.E., Urick, J.J., and Reynolds, W.L. 1986. Heritabilities and genetic correlations of growth and reproductive measurements in Hereford bulls. J. Anim. Sci. 63:409-4l7.
Reynolds, W.L., Bellows, R.A., Urick, J.J., and Knapp, B.W. 1986. Crossing beef x beef and beef x Brown Swiss: pregnancy rate, calf survival, weaning age and rate. J. Anim. Sci. 63:8-l6.
Urick, J.J., Pahnish, O.F., Reynolds, W.L., and Knapp, B.W. 1986. Comparison of two- and three-way rotational crossing, beef X beef and beef X Brown Swiss composite breed production. J. Anim. Sci. 62:344-356.
Nelsen, T.C., Short, R.E., Reynolds, W.L., and Urick, J.J. 1985. Palpated and visually assigned condition scores compared with weight, height and heart girth in Hereford and crossbred cows. J. Anim. Sci. 60:363-368.
Pahnish, O.F., Urick, J.J., Burns, W.C., Butts, W.T., Koger, M., and Blackwell, R.L. 1985. Genotype X environment interaction in Hereford cattle: IV. Postweaning traits of bulls. J. Anim. Sci. 61:1146-1153.
Urick, J.J., Nelsen, T.C., Short, R.E., and Reynolds, W.L. 1985. Factors affecting growth of bull calves from unselected Herefords in a range environment. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. Proc. 36:33-36.
Nelsen, T.C. and Bellows, R.A. (eds.). 1984. Breeding beef cattle in a range environment. In : Proc. FortKeoghRes. Symp. Sep.
Nelsen, T.C., Short, R.E., Urick, J.J., and Reynolds, W.L. 1984. Genetic variance components of birth weight in a herd of unselected cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 59:l459-l466.
Urick, J.J., Reynolds, W.L., and Bellows, R.A. 1984. Factors affecting growth of bull calves from unselected Herefords in a range environment. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. Proc. 36:33-36.
Urick, J.J., Pahnish, O.F., Richardson, G.V., and Blackwell, R.L. 1984. A comparison of crossbred and straightbred cow-calf pairs. I. Heterosis effects on total feed efficiency. J. Anim. Sci. 58:1151-1159.
Wagner, W.R., Brinks, J.S., Urick, J.J., Pahnish, O.F., and Richardson, G.V. 1984. A comparison of crossbred and straightbred cow-calf pairs. II. Biological efficiency of the cow-calf unit. J. Anim. Sci. 58:1160-1170.
Pahnish, O.F., Koger, M., Urick, J.J., Burns, W.C., Butts, W.T., and Richardson, G.V. 1983. Genotype X environment interaction in Hereford cattle: III. Postweaning traits of heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 56:1039-1046.
Reynolds, W.L., Miller, R.J., Bellows, R.A., and Stanley, M.E. 1983. Growth rate and carcass characteristics of crossbred steers on different management systems. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. Proc. 34:69-72.
Urick, J.J., Pahnish, O.F., Richardson, G.V., and Blackwell, R.L. 1983. Comparison of two- and three-way rotational crossing and synthetic variety production involving inbred lines of Hereford cattle: Postweaning traits. J. Anim. Sci. 57:577-584.
Reynolds, W.L., Bellows, R.A., Urick, J.J., Knapp, B.W., and Pahnish, O.F. 1982. Rate of pregnancy, calving rate, calf survival rate to weaning and net calf crop of Angus, Hereford, Charolais and Brown Swiss dams mated to Angus, Hereford and Charolais sires. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. Proc. 33:366.
Reynolds, W.L., DeRouen, T.M., and Koonce, K.L. 1982. Postweaning growth rate and weaning traits of Angus, Zebu and Zebu-cross cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 54:241-247.
Elfellah, T.K., Brinks, J.S., Richardson, G.V., Pahnish, O.F., and Urick, J.J. 1981. Mating systems by environment interactions. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. Proc. 32:313-316.
Knapp, B.W., Pahnish, O.F.. Urick, J.J., Brinks, J.S., and Richardson, G.V. 1980. Preweaning and weaning heterosis for maternal effects of beef X beef and beef X dairy crosses. J. Anim. Sci. 50:800-807.
Burns, W.C., Koger, M., Butts, W.T., Pahnish, O.F., and Blackwell, O.F. 1979. Genotype by environment interaction in Hereford cattle: II. Birth and weaning traits. J. Anim. Sci. 49:403-409.
Greer, R.C., Whitman, R.W., Woodward, R.R., and Yager, W.A. 1979. Reasons for culling beef cows and estimates of the proportion culled for each reason. Montana Agric. Exp. Sta. Bull. 708.
Koger, M. Burns, W.C., Pahnish, O.F., and Butts, W.T. 1979. Genotype by environment interactions in Hereford cattle: I. Reproductive traits. J. Anim. Sci. 49:396-402.
Woodward, R.R. 1979. Selecting beef sires. Montana Agric. Exp. Sta. Bull. 711.
Pahnish, O.F., Urick, J.J., Knapp, B.W., Brinks, J.S., and Blackwell, R.L. 1978. Periodic growth of first-cross steers postweaning. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. Proc. 29:46-49.
Reynolds, W.L., DeRouen, T.M., and Bellows, R.A. 1978. Relationships of milk yield of dam to early growth rate of straightbred and crossbred calves. J. Anim. Sci. 47:584-594.
Urick, J.J., Pahnish, O.F., and Knapp, B.W. 1978. Visual scores on steers at slaughter as indicators of carcass quality. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. Proc. 29:56-59.
Woodward, R.R. 1978. Selection and breeding options for beef cattle. Int. Stockman's School.
Woodward, R.R. 1978. A linebreeding success story. Int. Stockman's School.
Urick, J.J., Pahnish, O.F., Richardson, G.V., and Woodward, R.R. 1977. Growth and maternal responses resulting from selection as observed in two inbred lines of Hereford cattle. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. Proc. 28:10-12.

Brinks, J.S. and Knapp, B.W. 1975. Effects of inbreeding on performance traits of beef cattle in the Western Region. In collaboration with: Richardson, G.V., Roubick, C.B., Rollins, W. C., Kress, D.D., Pahnish, O.F., Urick, J.J., Bailey, C.M., Holland, L.A., Bogart, R., Bennett, J.A., Nelms, G.E., Colorado State Univ. Exp. Sta., Tech. Bull. 123.
Franke, D.E., Burns, W.C., and Koger, M. 1975. Variation in the coat-color pattern of Hereford cattle. J. Hered. 66: 147-150.
Pahnish, O.F. 1975. Response of genetically different groups of cattle under contrasting environments. In : Proc. Stockmen's School, Agriservices Foundation, Clovis, CA for publication in a bound book.
Urick, J.J., Knapp, B.W., Hiner, R.L., Pahnish, O.F., Brinks, J. S., and Blackwell, R.L. 1974. Results from crossing beef X beef and beef X Brown Swiss: carcass quantity and quality traits. J. Anim. Sci. 39:292-302.
Benson, C.R., Brinks, J.S., Knapp, B.W., and Pahnish, O.F. 1972. Genetic response to selection in beef cattle. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. Proc. 23:23-27.
Brinks, J.S., Knapp, B.W., Urick, J.J., and Pahnish, O.F. 1972. Heterosis in preweaning maternal traits among lines of Hereford cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 34:14-20.
Pahnish, O.F., Knapp, B.W., Urick, J.J., Brinks, J.S., and Willson, F.S. 1972. Periodic growth of first-cross heifers postweaning. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. Proc. 23:35-40.
Brinks, J.S., Knapp, B.W., Urick, J.J., and Pahnish, O.F. 1971. Maternal heterosis in postweaning traits of cattle. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. Proc. 22:181-187.
Butts, W.T., Koger, M., Pahnish, O.F., Burns, W.C., and Warwick, E.J. 1971. Performance of two lines of Hereford cattle in two environments. J. Anim. Sci. 33:923-932.
Pahnish, O.F., Knapp, B.W., Urick, J.J., Brinks, J.S., and Willson, F.S. 1971. Results from crossing beef X beef and beef X dairy breeds: postweaning performance of heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 33:736-743.
Reynolds, W.L., DeRouen, T.M.,, Meyerhoeffer, D.C. and Bellows, R.A. 1971. Effect of percentage of Zebu breeding, inbreeding and weight at different periods on calving percent of Brangus and Africander-Angus heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 32: 500-506.
Urick, J.J., Knapp, B.W., Hiner, R.L., and Pahnish, O.F. 1971. Carcass measurements and and palatability of rib roasts in beef and beef X dairy steers. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. Proc. 22:267-271.
Urick, J.J., Knapp, B.W., Brinks, J.S., Pahnish, O.F., and Riley, T.M. 1971. Relationships between cow weights and calf weaning weights in Angus, Charolais and Hereford breeds. J. Anim. Sci. 33:343-348.
Pahnish, O.F., Brinks, J.S., Urick, J.J., Knapp, B.W., and Riley, T.M. 1969. Results from crossing beef X beef and beef X dairy breeds: calf performance to weaning. J. Anim. Sci. 28:291-299.
Ray, D.E., Roubicek, C.B., Pahnish, O.F., and Brinks, J.S. 1968. Breeding merit of topcross progeny of inbred beef sires. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. Proc. 19:325-330.
Urick, J.J., Brinks, J.S., Pahnish, O.F., Knapp, B.W., and Riley, T.M. 1968. Heterosis in postweaning traits among lines of Hereford cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 27:323-330.
Brinks, J.S., Urick, J.J., Pahnish, O.F., Knapp, B.W., and Riley, T.M. 1967. Heterosis in preweaning and weaning traits among lines of Hereford cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 26:278-284.
Pahnish, O.F. 1967. A look at some effects of breed crossing on beef cattle productivity. In : Proc. Beef Prod. School, Montana State Univ., Bozeman (1966); and In : Proc. Eighth Annu. Beef Cattle Shortcourse, Univ.of Wyoming, Laramie.
Urick, J.J., Brinks, J.S., Clark, R.T., Pahnish, O.F., and Willson, F.S. 1966. History and performance of inbred lines of Hereford cattle developed at the United States Range Livestock Experiment Station. Montana Agric. Exp. Sta. Bull. 602.
Brinks, J.S., Clark, R.T., and Kieffer, N.M. 1965. Evaluations of response to selection and inbreeding in a closed line of Hereford cattle. USDA Tech. Bull. 1323.
Krehbiel, E.V., Kincaid, C.M., and Pahnish, O.F. 1965. Alternative R.O.P. growth regimes for swine. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. West. Sec. Proc. 12(16):LX, p. 1-4.
Brinks, J.S., Clark, R.T., Kieffer, N.M., and Urick, J.J. 1964. Predicting wholesale cuts of beef from linear measurements obtained by photogrammetry. J. Anim. Sci. 23:365.
Brinks, J.S., Clark, R.T.. Kieffer, N.M., and Urick, J.J. 1964. Predicting producing ability in range Hereford cows. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. West. Sec. Proc. 15:II-1-5.
Brinks, J.S., Clark, R.T., Kieffer, N.M., and Urick, J.J. 1964. Estimates of genetic, environmental and phenotypic parameters in range Hereford cows. J. Anim. Sci. 23:711.
Brinks, J.S., Clark, R.T., and Kieffer, N.M. 1963. Sex differences in response to inbreeding in a line of Hereford cattle. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. West. Sec. Proc. 14:V1-V6.
Clark, R.T., O'Mary, C.C., Brinks, J.S., and Kieffer, N.M. 1963. Sex ratios in range Hereford cattle. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. West. Sec. Proc. 14:VII1-VII5.
Shelby, C.E., Harvey, W.R., Clark, R.T., Quesenberry, J.R., and Woodward, R.R. 1963. Estimates of phenotypic and genetic parameters in ten years of Miles City R.O.P. data. J. Anim. Sci. 22:346.
Willson, F.S., Flower, A.E., Kieffer, N.M., and Miller, R.W. 1963. Topcross tests of record of performance and visually selected herds of Hereford cattle. J. Anim. Sci. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. West. Sec. Proc. 14:XIII-1-6.
Brinks, J.S., Clark, R.T., and Kieffer, N.M. 1962. Relationship of performance and ultrasonic measurements with certain carcass traits. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. West. Sec. Proc. 13:XXXV-1-5.
Brinks, J.S., Clark, R.T., Kieffer, N.M., and Quesenberry, J.R. 1962. Genetic and environmental factors affecting performance traits of Hereford bulls. J. Anim. Sci. 21: 777-780.
Kieffer, N.M., Brinks, J.S., Hiner, R.L., and Clark, R.T. 1962. Comparison of straightbred and crossbred steers for certain performance and carcass traits. In : Proc. Beef Prod. School, Montana State College, Bozeman.
Kieffer, N.M., Brinks, J.S., Hiner, R.L., and Clark, R.T. 1962. Comparison of straightbred and crossbred steers for certain performance and carcass traits. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. West. Sec. Proc. 13:XXXIV-1-6.
Pahnish, O.F., Roberson, R.L., Taylor, R.L., Roubicek, C.B., Clark, R.T., and Quesenberry, J.R. 1962. Postweaning performance of MilesCitysires. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. West. Sec. Proc. 13:XXI-1-6.
Brinks, J.S., Clark, R.T., Kieffer, N.M., and Quesenberry, J.R. 1961. Mature weight in Hereford range cows: heritability, repeatability, and relationship to calf performance. J. Anim. Sci. 21:501-504.
Brinks, J.S., Clark, R.T., Rice, F. J., and Kieffer, N.M. 1961. Adjusting birth weight, weaning weight and preweaning gain for sex of calf in range Hereford cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 20:363-367.
Woodward, R.R., Rice, F.J., Quesenberry, J.R., Hiner, R.L., Clark, R.T., and Willson, F.S. 1960. Relationships between measures of performance, body forms and carcass quality of beef cattle. Montana Agric. Exp. Sta. Bull. 550.
Woodward, R.R. and Clark, R.T. 1959. A study of stillbirths in a herd of range cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 18:85-90.
Clark, R.T., Shelby, C.E., Quesenberry, J.R., Woodward, R.R., and Willson, F.S. 1958. Production factors in range cattle under Northern Great Plains conditions. USDA Tech. Bull. 1181.
Rice, F.J. 1958. Some factors affecting fertility in range cows. In : Proc. Third Annu. Beef Prod. School, Montana State College, Bozeman.
Woodward, R.R., Quesenberry, J.R., and Willson, F.S. 1958. Production and carcass quality in beef cattle. Montana Agric. Exp. Sta. Circ. No. 207.
Miller, C.O., Quesenberry, J.R., Zeller, J.H., Flower, A.E., and Willson, F.S. 1957. The Montana no. 1 hog. Montana Agric. Exp. Sta. Bull. 528.
Quesenberry, J.R. 1957. Research at the U.S. Range Livestock Experiment Station. Montana Agric. Exp. Sta. Circ. 216.
Woodward, R.R. 1957. Producing feeder cattle. In : Proc. Third Annu. Beef Prod. School, Montana State College, Bozeman.
Woodward, R.R. 1957. Optimum marketing dates for range cattle as determined by seasonal gains. In : Proc. Beef Prod. School, Montana State College, Bozeman.
Woodward, R.R. and Quesenberry, J.R. 1956. A study of vaginal and uterine prolapse in Hereford cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 15:119-124.
Woodward, R.R. 1956. Breeding systems and cattle improvement. In : Proc. Second Annu. Beef Prod. School, Montana State College, Bozeman.
Woodward, R.R. 1956. Beef production and carcass quality. In : Proc. Second Annu. Beef Prod. School, Montana State College, Bozeman.
Koch, R.M. and Clark, R.T. 1955. Influence of sex, season of birth and age of dam on economic traits in range beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 14:386-397.
Shelby, C.E., Clark, R.T., and Woodward, R.R. 1955. The heritability of some economic characteristics in beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 14:372-385.
Woodward, R.R. 1955. Growth of cattle under eastern Montana range conditions. In : Proc. First Annu. Beef Prod. School, Montana State College, Bozeman.
Woodward, R.R., Quesenberry, J.R., Clark, R.T., Shelby, C.E., and Hankins, O.G. 1954. Relationships between preslaughter and postslaughter evaluations of beef cattle. USDA Circ. 945.
Woodward, R.R., Quesenberry, J.R., and Willson, F.S. 1954. Production and carcass quality in beef cattle. MontanaStateCollege Circ. 207.
Knapp, B., Jr., Church, R.C., and Flower, A.E. 1951. Genetic history of the Line 1 Hereford cattle at the U. S. Range Livestock Experiment Station. Montana Agricultural Exp. Sta. Bull. 479.
Knapp, B., Jr. and Clark, R.T. 1951. Genetic and environmental correlations between weaning scores and subsequent gains in the feedlot with record of performance steers. J. Anim. Sci. 10:365-370.
Knapp, B., Jr. and Clark, R.T. 1950. Revised estimates of heritability of economic characteristics in beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 9:582-587.
Quesenberry, J.R. 1950. Livestock breeding research at the U.S. Range Livestock Experiment Station. Montana Information Bull. 18.
Woodward, R.R. and Clark, R.T. 1950. The repeatability of performance of several Hereford sires as measured by progeny records. J. Anim. Sci. 9:588-592.
Woodward, R.R. and Knapp, B., Jr. 1950. The heritability aspect of eye cancer in Hereford cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 9: 578-581.
Knapp, B., Jr., Baker, A.L., and Clark, R.T. 1949. Crossbred beef cattle for the Northern Great Plains. USDA Circ. 810.
Hutton, J.E., Quesenberry, J.R., Zeller, J.H., and Davis, R.L. 1948. The Hamprace hog. Montana Agric. Exp. Sta. Bull. 454.
Knapp, B., Jr. and Quesenberry, J.R. 1947. A review of Record of Performance of beef cattle. West. Branch, Am. Soc. Anim. Prod., August.
Knapp, B., Jr. 1947. Genetic and environmental correlations between growth rates of beef cattle at different ages. J. Anim. Sci. 6:174-181.
Woodward, R.R. and Clark, R.T. 1947. The repeatability of performance of several Hereford sires as proved by progeny record. West. Branch, Am. Soc. Anim. Prod., August.
Knapp, B., Jr. and Nordskog, A.W. 1946. Heritability of live animal scores, grades and certain carcass characteristics in beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 5:194-199.
Knapp, B., Jr. and Nordskog, A.W. 1946. Heritabiity of growth and efficiency in beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 5:62-70.
Knapp, B., Jr. and Baker, A.L. 1944. Correlation between rate and efficiency of gain. J. Anim. Sci. 3:219-223.
Clark, R.T., Knapp, B., Jr., Baker, A.L., and Quesenberry, J.R. 1943. Performance-testing of beef cattle. Montana Agric. Exp. Sta. Bull. 417.
Knapp, B., Jr., Baker, A.L., and Phillips, R.W. 1943. Variations in the occurrence of bloat in the steer progeny of beef bulls. J. Anim. Sci. 2:221-225.
Knapp, B., Jr. and Baker, A.L. 1943. Limited vs. full feeding in record of performance tests for beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 2:321-327.
Phillips, R.W., Knapp, B., Jr., Heemstra, L.C., and Eaton, O.N. 1943. Seasonal variation in the semen of bulls. Am. J. Vet. Res.
Knapp, B., Jr., Phillips, R.W., and Black, W.H. 1942. Length of feeding period and number of animals required to prove beef sires in record of performance. J. Anim. Sci. 1:285-292.
Knapp, B., Jr., Baker, A.L., Quesenberry, J.R., and Clark, R.T. 1942. Growth and production factors in range cattle. Montana Agric. Exp. Sta. Bull. 400.
Knapp, B., Jr. and Phillips, R.W. 1942. Differences in performances between sexes in offspring of beef bulls. J. Anim. Sci. 1:346-347.
Phillips, R.W., Black, W.H., Knapp, B., Jr., and Clark, R.T. 1942. Crossbreeding for beef production. J. Anim. Sci. 1:213-220.
Knapp, B., Jr., Baker, A.L., Quesenberry, J.R., and Clark, R.T. 1941. Record of performance in Hereford cattle. Montana Agric. Exp. Sta. Bull. 397.
Hutton, R.E. and Russell, E.A. 1939. Production of hogs suitable for Wiltshire sides. USDA Circ. 532.
Lambert, W.V., Speelman, S.R., and Osborn, E.B. 1939. Differences in incidence of encephalomyelitis in horses. J. Hered. 30:349-352.
Black, W.H. and Knapp, B., Jr. 1938. A comparison of several methods of measuring performance in beef cattle, p. 103-107. In : Proc. Am. Soc. Anim. Prod.
Russell, E.Z. and Hutton, R.E. 1938. Comparative value of mature sows and gilts for producing market hogs. USDA Circ. 472.
Marsden, S.J. and Lee, A.R. 1936. Turkey raising. USDA Farmers Bull. 1409.
Krantz, E.B. 1926. Morgan stud established at the U. S. Range Livestock Experiment Station. Published in Breeder's Gazette, The American Remount and the Western Farmer, Feb.

USDA, ARS Fort Keogh Livestock and Range Research Laboratory 243 Fort Keogh Rd., Miles City, MT 59301-4016 Phone: 406-874-8200, Fax: 406-874-8289