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Jalal D Jabro (Jay)
Research Soil Scientist


Jay Jabro.Jalal "Jay" D. Jabro

Research Soil Scientist 


Phone: 406.433.9442
Fax: 406.433.5038

EducationCurrent ResearchResearch ExperiencePoplular Press ArticlesPublicationsAbstracts


Additional Pages: Research Projects,*Publications*

*Taken from the Agricultural Research Information System (ARIS) database.


 B.S.  Soil Science 1972 University of Baghdad, Iraq
 M.S.  Soil Physics 1979 Iowa State University
 Ph.D. Environmental Soil Physics &
    Agricultural Engineering
1988 Pennsylvania State University
 M.S. Internet Information Systems  2004 Robert Morris University


Dr. Jabro joined his USDA colleagues in Sidney, MT in February, 2005. His general research goals include: environmental soil physics, irrigation management and water quality.

His specific research goals will address the following interrelated areas: 1) development and evaluation of diversified center pivot irrigated cropping systems that enhance nitrogen and water use efficiencies, and improve soil and water quality; 2) development and evaluation of soil and water management practices that reduce soil compaction and improve soil and water quality by reducing erosion and agricultural chemical losses to ground and surface waters; and, 3) development of databases that can be used to adapt and/or evaluate suitable soil-water-plant models. These research areas will be investigated independently and collaboratively with other NPARL scientists. 



Dr. Jabro has made significant contributions as a researcher and teacher in the soils, computer modeling, and statistics/math areas. His career was launched at the Pennsylvania State University's Department of Crops and Soil Sciences and The Environmental Research Resources Institute where he served as a Research Associate/Assistant Professor (1988-1999) and project leader or integral member on numerous interdisciplinary grants research projects. His research projects and publications focused on water flow under saturated and unsaturated conditions, nitrate transport and leaching, assessing spatial and temporal variability of soil physical and hydraulic properties, and evaluation of non-point source pollution models under various soils, crops and weather conditions during this time.

In 2000, Dr. Jabro accepted a position as a soil scientist with the USDA-ARS in Prosser, Washington (1/00-9/02), where he focused on honing his research expertise in the areas of nitrogen management, irrigation monitoring, water quality, and soil moisture sensors technology under potato cropping system.  Additionally, Dr. Jabro managed the experimental site for which he earned the appreciation award. 

In 2002, Dr. Jabro served as a Research Associate at the Irrigated Agriculture Research and Extension Center at WSU-Prosser, where he conducted research and wrote grants in the areas of irrigation practices, water quality, and soil moisture sensors technology under various cropping systems.  He also taught chemistry at the local community college and was involved in various environmentally-oriented community events.

In 2004, Jay joined the Pennsylvania Department of the Environmental Protection (PADEP) as a soil scientist. He evaluated site-specific soil conditions as they related to the feasibility and design of soil dependent sewage disposals systems and sprinkler and sub-drip irrigation systems.  Dr. Jabro has been privileged to share his knowledge with graduate and undergraduate students through graduate committee participation and instruction of numerous courses in soils, environmental sciences, statistics, and math, quantitative analysis, chemistry, and computer sciences at various universities.




Please note: The most recent publications by this scientist may not yet be listed here. Please check the ARIS " Publications" page for possible new titles.



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