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2022 Grasshopper Workshop
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Grasshopper Workshop (from March 29, 2022)

Oh no! Not again!
Grasshopper Outbreaks and Management Options in 2022

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After eastern Montana and western North Dakota farmers and ranchers endured the second largest grasshopper outbreak of the last 35 years in 2021, they’re naturally nervous about what may be coming next, particularly given persistent drought in the region.

And it appears everyone is rightfully on edge. Annual grasshopper surveys taken last fall by the USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) indicate another bad year for grasshoppers, with more than 20 million acres in the west predicted to exceed the economic threshold for the pests and another 60 million crowding that number. The vast bulk of the most highly impacted acreage is predicted to be centered in Montana and western Oregon.

To help producers in this area better prepare for the potential onslaught, researchers with the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service (ARS) in Sidney, MT and Montana State University’s Extension Service in Sidney, MT hosted a free two-hour grasshopper workshop entitled “Oh no! Not again! Grasshopper Outbreaks and Management Options in 2022” on March 29, 2022 at the Richland County Extension Office conference room in Sidney, MT.

The workshop presentations are available live online. For more information, contact Beth Redlin with ARS at 406-433-2020 or email, or Richland County Extension Agent Marley Voll at 406-433-1206 or by email at

Workshops speakers included Dr. Dave Branson, Research Entomologist and Pest Management Research Unit Leader at the USDA-ARS Northern Plains Agricultural Research Laboratory in Sidney and Gary Adams, Montana’s State Plant Health Director at USDA-APHIS in Billings, MT. In addition, Dr. Kevin Wanner, Cropland Entomology Specialist with Montana State University Extension in Bozeman, was featured in a prerecorded segment with tips on managing grasshoppers in cropland systems.

Dr. Branson, who has more than 25 years experience studying grasshoppers in rangeland systems in the northern Great Plains, discussed the biology and ecology of grasshoppers and how weather impacts them and the potential for large outbreaks. He also discussed ongoing grasshopper research in ARS, including sustainable rangeland management techniques focusing on the use of livestock grazing and rangeland fire to reduce outbreaks; new predictive tools for outbreaks being developed at ARS, and more.

Gary Adams, who has more than 35 years with APHIS’ Plant Protection and Quarantine office in Montana and who oversees grasshopper control programs in the state, discussed grasshopper management options in rangeland; available treatments and their limitations, and existing federal spraying programs and private cost share options.

Dr. Wanner’s segment included information on important pest species in Montana and management options in cropland systems in general, along with management considerations for specific crops, such as winter wheat.

The workshop wrapped up with a question and answer session with the speakers, who in addition to answering other concerns from participants, also offered insights into outbreak predictions for the 2022 growing season.



Recording Available

The link to the recording of the March 29 Grasshopper Workshop is below. Participating in the workshop were Dr. Dave Branson, Research Entomologist and Acting Pest Management Research Unit Leader at the USDA-ARS Northern Plains Agricultural Research Laboratory in Sidney and Gary Adams, Montana’s State Plant Health Director at USDA-APHIS in Billings, MT. In addition, Dr. Kevin Wanner, Cropland Entomology Specialist with Montana State University Extension in Bozeman, is featured in a prerecorded segment. Note: All three presenters, including Dr. Wanner, were available live for the question and answer session. Their contact information is below for anyone with additional questions.

Recoding Link: (Passcode: r5NmJ!XN)

Note: While there were a few minor issues with the recording, interruptions are few.

Slides Available

In addition to the recording, Dave Branson and Gary Adams have also made their Powerpoint slides available here for those interested:


For those with additional questions, contact information for our speakers include:

   Dr. Dave Branson  

   Mr. Gary Adams

   Dr. Kevin Wanner


Additional information on grasshopper outbreaks and management options can also be found at the Sidney, MT USDA-ARS Grasshopper Website: