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GOAL V: Empower People and Communities, Through Research-Based Information and Education, to Address the Economic and Social Challenges of Our Youth, Families, and Communities.

Analysis of Results: This goal focuses primarily on activities designed to get research-based information to individuals and communities that will be useful for addressing a wide range of socio-economic issues. Under Goal V, 11 Indicators are aligned under 6 Performance Goals. Because of the unique and dynamic nature of research, several Indicators were added to the Report that did not first appear in the Annual Performance Plan for FY 2000. This was done to ensure that significant accomplishments that were not anticipated last year were reported. While it is not possible to report research accomplishments numerically, the progress projected in all 11 Indicators was completed or substantially completed during FY 2000.

OBJECTIVE 5.1: Economic opportunity and technology transfer: "Conduct agricultural research to promote economic opportunity in rural communities and meet the increasing demand for information and technology transfer throughout the U.S. agriculture industry."

STRATEGY 5.1.1: Rural development opportunities: Develop farming systems tailored to diverse agricultural production enterprises to enhance profits, sustainability, and environmental quality.

PERFORMANCE GOAL Experimentally demonstrate the successful operation of small-scale production and processing systems, evaluate small scale animal production systems, and enhance high value agricultural products.


During FY 2000, ARS will determine whether high value nut trees and specialty crops, such as ginseng and mushrooms can be established in agroforestry systems being developed for Appalachia and the Ozarks. Establishment of such crops will lessen U.S. dependency on imports and provide higher income to these economically-depressed rural areas.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: On-Farm research to develop production guidelines for long-culture of four species of edible specialty mushrooms was initiated.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: Development of a production system for high-value specialty mushrooms that utilizes on-farm resources and requires little capital investment can provide a supplemental income stream for small-scale farmers in hill lands such as Appalachia and the Ozarks. This system would be compatible with diverse agricultural enterprises, including organic production systems.

STRATEGY 5.1.2: Information access and delivery: Provide improved access to and dissemination of information to increase public knowledge and awareness of agricultural research, to aid technology transfer, and to speed up sharing of new knowledge.

PERFORMANCE GOAL Make information on ARS research results and inventions available electronically via the Internet and similar resources.


During FY 2000, ARS will

develop an interactive Internet website to display and exchange information developed by the Semi-Arid-Land-Surface-Atmosphere (SALSA) global change research programs on global change and water resource management in the San Pedro Basin. Government agencies, organizations, and private citizens will be able to access SALSA research findings and other public information. SALSA collaborators will be able to interactively retrieve data from and deposit in a common database. This research and information tool will facilitate transfer of SALSA science products to user communities in the U.S. and abroad.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: The SALSA program is a multi-agency, multi-national, global change research effort that seeks to evaluate the consequences of natural and human induced changes in semi-arid environments. Current SALSA research is focused on the upper San Pedro River basin in Southeastern Arizona, USA, and Northeastern Sonora, Mexico. ARS maintains the SALSA website at

IMPACT/OUTCOME: Visitors to the website can access research results and plans; contact information for SALSA collaborators and cooperators (including individuals in U.S. Federal and State agencies, Mexican agencies, universities, and others); publications and coverage by the news media; and SALSA documents, publications, and data.Using the Internet and other electronic resources, e.g., CD-ROM, the SALSA program has effectively transferred scientific and technical information to cooperators, U.S. Federal and Mexican agencies, the State of Arizona, environmental organizations, and the public at large.

use the Internet to expand, license and development opportunities of low phytate corn to reduce phosphate in the environment, and corn fiber oil to reduce the level of blood cholesterol. ARS will also expand electronic methods to increase the adoption of biocompetitive agents in poultry and swine to increase food safety.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Modification of the OTT home page was initiated to provide a more user friendly vehicle for identifying ARS technologies available for licensing and partnerships. A plan was developed with the University of Massachusetts to proactively identify potential partners for the corn fiber oil. Two new licenses were negotiated for the low phytate corn. Negotiations are ongoing to license the biocompetitive agents for swine.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: These efforts have increased the likelihood of the successful transfer of these technologies to the private sector for commercialization.

PERFORMANCE GOAL Provide more cost-effective and efficient public information and technology transfer.


During FY 2000, ARS will

continue to develop partnerships with States, the Minority Business Technology Transfer Consortium, and Rural Conservation and Development Councils to enhance small businesses in rural communities.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Members of OTT have attended numerous meetings of the RC&D councils, as well as regional rural development meetings with local industries and presented opportunities to obtain ARS technologies. Discussions are underway on several specific technologies.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: Successful transfer of these technologies will result in new jobs in rural America and enhance economic development in those regions.

submit 70 new patent applications.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: 78 patent applications were filed.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: New technologies are available for licensing.

participate in 90 new CRADAs.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: 69 new CRADAs were developed. Although the number of CRADAs were less than anticipated, the number of Trust Fund Cooperative Agreements with industry negotiated by OTT increased by 15 percent over the prior year.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: New partnerships were formed to advance the development and commercialization of ARS technologies.

license 30 new products.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: 24 new licenses were established and 8 were renegotiated.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: Progress toward the commercialization of new ARS technologies.

develop 70 new plant varieties for release to industry for further development and marketing.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: 73 plant varieties were released.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: New varieties are available to produces to enhance production, crop quality, and disease resistance.

PERFORMANCE GOAL Research programs include information and technology transfer considerations.


During FY 2000, ARS will participate in National Program Reviews and Area Leadership Conferences to enhance technology transfer education and information.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Members of OTT made presentations at 3 National Program Reviews, 5 Area Leadership Conferences, and more than two dozen locations/laboratories.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: There is a heightened awareness of industry representatives and ARS scientist about ARS technology transfer policies and opportunities.

STRATEGY 5.1.3: Commercialize research results: Develop technology transfer systems that lead to commercialization of research results by industry.

PERFORMANCE GOAL Provide small businesses with contacts and information on the programs available from public and private sources.


During FY 2000, ARS will expand efforts to identify groups that will enhance the probability of identifying partners for commercialization of ARS technologies. ARS will give particular emphasis to organizations concerned with minority businesses and rural development.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: In addition to the efforts described in Performance Goal, OTT began the redesign of the exhibit used at trade and commodity shows to better highlight the type of technologies available for partnering and licensing. OTT hand outs for technology transfer are being redesigned to facilitate the education of industry on how to contact OTT. The technology Transfer Coordinators have become more proactive in working with potential small and minority owned business partners, and relationships have been established with several 1890 schools.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: Easier access to ARS technologies.

PERFORMANCE GOAL Expand the types of agreements used by ARS and delegate signatory authority to the lowest feasible level.


During FY 2000, ARS will expand negotiation of licenses for ARS technology by training the Technology Transfer Coordinators in procedures. This will enhance customer service and facilitate the licensing process. OTT will provide oversight to ensure consistent implementation of Federal Regulations.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Three Technology Transfer Coordinators are negotiating licenses. Two others are being trained.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: This will enhance the licensing process to improve relationships with commercial partners and speed the commercialization of ARS technologies.

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