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Effectively Marshal the Diverse Capabilities and Resources of ARS.

OBJECTIVE 6.1: Support Education: "Support higher education in agriculture to give the next generation of Americans the knowledge, technology, and applications necessary to enhance the competitiveness of United States agriculture."

All of the activities relating to this objective are crosscutting in nature and reflected in the strategies and performance goals under the six ARS Goals.

OBJECTIVE 6.2: National Agricultural Library: "Serve as the primary agricultural information resource of the United States."

STRATEGY 6.2.1: Increase awareness and use of National Agricultural Library (NAL) products and services: Collect, organize, and provide access to information that supports agricultural programs and responds to information needs.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Maintain up-to-date data on customer information needs and satisfaction.


During FY 2000, NAL will

begin the process of reviewing information center programs ensuring targeted focus and customer satisfaction and collection of relevant data.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: An Alternative Farming Systems Information Center review was convened to look at the center•s program and make recommendations. The final report was received with recommendations for future program directions.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: Increased and continued financial support from the Sustainable Agriculture Research Education Program of CSREES for the Alternative Farming Systems Information Center.

continue collecting data on reference and research information services and begin combining them with information center service data.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: A system was established to collect and analyze incoming requests as to type of service needed and appropriate service point for delivery of material or answer.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: Refinements of the reorganization and reinvention of reference and information services can be made to continue speeding up delivery of reference and research information services.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Integrate customer data into continuous refinement of operations.


During FY 2000, NAL will continue to reduce turn-around times in serving customers by collecting data and incorporating results into customer service operations.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: New Service Desk model of tiered services with reference triage allows use of library technicians to answer simple reference requests.

Based on the results of the Document Delivery Usage Study, the Document Delivery Services Branch and

Acquisitions & Serials Branch identified serial titles to be claimed, missing issues to acquire and a variety of other actions to be taken on specific titles.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: More efficient use of subject specialist librarians.

Increased availability of materials to fill document delivery and interlibrary loan requests speeds up responses to customers, reduces the number of items to be borrowed from other sources, and lowers associated costs.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Develop and improve NAL information delivery systems.


During FY 2000, NAL will

continue to develop and improve its web-based information delivery systems.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Three new Web sites have been made available and two information centers reformatted and refreshed their home pages. Several sites were recognized by professional organizations for their high quality.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: NAL Web sites continue to increase access to quality agricultural information. Several Web sites have received awards with high marks from professional organizations and the U.S. press for quality and importance.

investigate electronic mechanisms for improving the delivery of materials to patrons.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Identified two mechanisms to improve document delivery services: (1) RELAIS document system to support document delivery to USDA staff; and (2) Document paging system to make more efficient processing of document retrieval for customers in the Abraham Lincoln Building.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: Faster delivery of requested documents to clients and re-allocation of staff resources from document delivery to reference services, outreach and Web product development.

increase by thirty percent the total volume of services delivered to NAL customers.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: The total volume of direct service transactions delivered to NAL customers grew to almost 23 million, an increase of 58 percent from FY 99, largely due to rapid growth in usage of NAL Web-based services.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: There was a dramatic increase in diffusion of information to NAL•s global customer base.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Develop an agricultural subject headings thesaurus.


During FY 2000, NAL will

develop the top structures of the subject hierarchies and obtain input from expert reviewers in various subject areas.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: The top structures and categories for the subject organization of all facets of agriculture were completed and the preliminary edition of the thesaurus is developing on schedule. Terms within most of the categories have been reviewed and revised. Feedback from subject experts was solicited from within and outside of USDA and their input helped expedite the development of the preliminary edition of the thesaurus.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: USDA agencies, such as ERS and ARS, and others needing a subject structure to organize and facilitate searching of their Web-based electronic documents, databases, and other Internet resources will have an authoritative thesaurus that is maintained by NAL. The first application of the thesaurus will be to index and organize the research projects in the ARIS system of the Agricultural Research Service.

contract with a thesaurus expert to assist in development, evaluation and testing of the thesaurus for use with the RMIS database.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: A contract was negotiated with a recognized expert in thesauri for indexing scientific literature who will assist in suggesting terms, reviewing thesaurus principles, categories, and testing the thesaurus for indexing research reports.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: The contractor•s experience and knowledge of other scientific vocabularies helps ensure that NAL•s agricultural thesaurus will be as compatible as possible with other standard terminologies.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Increase collaboration via AgNIC (Agriculture Network Information Center).


During FY 2000, NAL will

continue efforts to increase collaboration and partnerships within AgNIC through outreach and discussions between existing and potential partners.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: The Agriculture Network Information Center (AgNIC) Alliance made substantial progress in expanding participation and increasing access to the information contributed by members, through its web site ( More than 30 million accesses were delivered by AgNIC participant Web sites. The number of members increased to 36 covering more than 40 subjects. The AgNIC Coordinating Committee met in April 2000 at NAL with over 50 international participants. In August, the technical development team released version 2 of the Web site.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: The alliance increased global access to reliable agricultural information via the Web. The new version of the AgNIC interface provides improved searching and retrieval capabilities for researchers.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Develop programs and services for previously under-served audiences.


During FY 2000, NAL will

improve the utility of its web resources by instituting American Disabilities Act (ADA) guidelines.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: The NAL•s Web Management Team received training in ADA requirements and briefed the NAL staff on actions needed. Review of the upper two levels of the NAL web site was done with the Bobby evaluation program; needed modifications were made. The Federal ADA compliance deadline of August 2000 was postponed until sometime in 2001, so the NAL report will be filed at that time.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: NAL•s awareness of and compliance with ADA guidelines will result in improved access to agricultural information for people with various disabilities.

develop partnerships and networks to reach minority, disabled, and other under-served customers.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: The NAL continued to expand outreach to under-served groups by collaborating with land grant and other universities; library associations; and community groups on training programs; development of informational and instructional materials, including Web-based materials; and funding internships.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: Agricultural information was more available to previously under-served customers.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Support increased diversity in librarianship and information management.


During FY 2000, NAL will

begin development of a diversity program plan.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: The NAL completed a discussion version of its diversity program plan.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: The NAL is prepared to move forward with implementation of its diversity program plan in FY 2001.

continue to mentor minority librarians and information professionals through various professional association partnerships and other leadership and career development programs.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: The Library Director and other staff members mentored minority students and young professionals.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: Minority librarians and information professionals• career development was assisted by NAL•s staff.

continue to participate in professional development seminars and programs for minority-serving institutions.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: The NAL continued to participate in seminars and programs for the land grant universities and tribal colleges.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: More librarians of land grant universities and tribal colleges received direct training in agricultural information sources and systems.

continue to provide minority high school and college student internships that expose interns to library and information management career opportunities.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: The NAL provided nine internships for minority high school and college students.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: The NAL continued to demonstrate the effectiveness of student internships in directing minority students towards careers in librarianship and agriculture.

STRATEGY 6.2.2: Strengthen National Agricultural Library Operations: Anticipate and provide information products and services, including educational programs, that enable NAL's diverse customers to identify, locate, and obtain desired information on agricultural topics.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Expand acquisition of information in all formats.


During FY 2000, NAL will

begin to systematically identify, acquire, and create links to electronic full text documents in the field of agricultural economics from the World Wide Web site called Research in Agricultural and Applied Economics,, developed at the University of Minnesota with the cooperation and financial support of USDA•s Economic Research Service and others.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: The Public Services and Technical Services Divisions cooperated to establish routines to link from AGRICOLA to the "AgEcon" documents at the site of the University of Minnesota. The NAL•s project to include these documents in AGRICOLA began in FY 2000 and is ongoing.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: Faster more effective access for NAL•s global customers to agricultural literature was achieved via AGRICOLA.

select and increase links to relevant water quality resources identified by the Water Quality Information Center.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Approximately 170 titles of freely available, online documents covering water and agriculture were reviewed for inclusion into the AGRICOLA database. A prototype database of several hundred of these titles was made available to the public on the Water Quality Information Center Web site.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: People seeking online water quality information have improved means for locating it.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Gain space for collection growth.


During FY 2000, NAL will

continue to identify printed items in its collection that are on deteriorating newsprint which can be replaced by alternate formats.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: In FY 2000, the team identified 60 titles on microfilm to be acquired from other sources.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: Replacing deteriorating newsprint with microfilm improved accessibility to the information because the newsprint in its existing form could not be used.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Preserve and secure collections.


During FY 2000, NAL will

identify deteriorating collection materials to be boxed for preservation.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: In FY 2000, the Document Delivery Service Branch identified 390 titles/volumes to be boxed for preservation, acquired the boxes, cleaned and inserted the volumes into the boxes and returned them to the shelves.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: These specially constructed boxes will house the fragile and deteriorating volumes tp prevent further damage due to incidental impact or scrapes which would separate pages or covers from the original volume. They will also protect the fragile volumes from other conditions which cause deterioration such as dirt, light, and rapid changes in temperature and humidity.

strengthen security of the "cage" where special collections are housed.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: The "cage" structure was evaluated and recommendations made for improving security.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: As funds become available, enhancements to the physical structure will provide increased security of collections.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Increase number of records in the AGRICOLA database.


During FY 2000, NAL will increase the number of records in AGRICOLA by 74,000.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: The NAL added over 74,700 indexing and cataloging records to the AGRICOLA database in FY 2000.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: More records of information resources important to agriculture were made available online to users of AGRICOLA.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Increase linkages from the AGRICOLA database to electronic content.


During FY 2000, NAL will create new linkages for electronic versions of food safety research information reports, water quality and drought resources.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: During FY 2000, NAL increased by 300 percent the number of citations directly linked to electronic content. There are now over 11,000 links to primary information from AGRICOLA indexing and cataloging records.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: AGRICOLA searchers have immediate access to the full text of an article, document or database described in over 11,000 database records. Increasing the speed of access to information contributes to reducing the potential for redundant research efforts.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Continue modernization of the Abraham Lincoln Building.


During FY 2000, NAL will

continue to ensure the security surrounding special collections as appropriate. In addition, security of the building will be readdressed to assess and correct areas of vulnerability.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: A security wall was built on the floor of the Abraham Lincoln Building that houses rare books. A security task force was initiated to develop a Library security plan and options.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: Better security in building.

procure Architectural and Engineering (A&E) services to redesign the 5th floor from office space to a "stack" and special collections floor.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: A&E services were procured. The design should be completed in late spring 2001 with construction commencing in late summer.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: More space for collection.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Ensure systematic upgrade of equipment.


During FY 2000, NAL will evaluate its computer base including desktops and servers to determine upgrade requirements to meet the rapidly growing electronic resource needs of NAL.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: NAL•s Web servers have been evaluated and recommendations made for replacement/upgrade. Recommendations will be acted on as resources become available. Evaluation of workstations will be conducted in FY2001 in conjunction with the acquisition of a new electronic library management system.



PERFORMANCE GOAL Ensure security of electronic data and computer equipment.


During FY 2000, NAL will contract for a thorough information system security assessment, implement a firewall and related security policies, and draft an NAL-wide information system security policy.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: NAL contracted for a security assessment of its information systems to determine vulnerabilities and practices that need to be implemented to safeguard its network and data from the "hacker community", human error, and white-collar crime. As a result of this assessment, a firewall was installed in 2000 to protect NAL•s private network as well as to support the establishment of separate security zones for the Electronic Services Center and NAL•s production network. The information system security policy is still being developed.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: NAL has significantly increased its security profile so that vital data and services are less likely to be disrupted by unauthorized actions.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Implement new electronic library management system with minimal disruption to customers and staff/operations.


During FY 2000, NAL will

begin efforts to identify and acquire a new electronic library management system, develop system and functional requirements for the new system, identify candidate electronic library management systems and make vendor contracts to arrange demonstrations, and identify hardware platform and database system that will support a new electronic library management system.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: In FY 2000, NAL completed the documentation of functional and system requirements for a new electronic library management system and identified five systems for demonstration and investigation. After vendor demonstrations, the Library identified three potential systems and obtained preliminary cost estimates from their vendors.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: The NAL is ready to proceed on a procurement plan to purchase a new electronic system as soon as funding is available. A new system will increase the efficiency of internal operations, provide more management data to inform decisions on operations, and provide new and powerful Web gateway tools to users accessing the library•s resources via the Internet.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Refine administrative and business processes, organizational structures, and functions.


During FY 2000, NAL will continue to seek opportunities to streamline administrative processes.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: As opportunities arose, administrative personnel reviewed processes and streamlined them where possible.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: More efficient and effective internal administration.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Develop Intranet.


During FY 2000, NAL•s Web Management Team will make a preliminary assessment of NAL•s internal electronic communication needs.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: NAL began an assessment of developing an Intranet to improve internal communications.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: An Intranet will be developed beginning in FY 2001.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Ensure equitable opportunities for staff development.


During FY 2000, NAL will ensure that each staff member receives adequate training to support his or her function. Staff members will also be given career enhancement opportunities such as details, shadowing assignments, and agency leadership development programs.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Supervisory training was scheduled for supervisors. Other employees participated in details and shadowing assignments outside of NAL. Others participated in agency sponsored programs and activities.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: Personnel gained a broader perspective of agency/governmental activities and brought back new knowledge/skills to their job as well as enhanced career opportunities.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Implement staff succession plan.


During FY 2000, NAL will provide opportunities for employees to gain leadership experience through acting, detail, and shadowing assignments as well as attending management meetings whenever possible.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Various staff members participated in career development assignments.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: More of the Library staff was offered opportunities for internal career development.

OBJECTIVE 6.3: Creative leadership: "Promote excellence, relevance, and recognition of agricultural research through creative leadership in management and development of resources, communications systems, and partnerships with our customers and stakeholders."

STRATEGY 6.3.1: Develop research agenda: IdentifyARS program priorities and core research capabilities and use them to provide leadership in developing national research agendas.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Annual conferences of public and private individuals are convened to discuss major researchable issues in agriculture and articulate approaches to addressing these problems.


During FY 2000, ARS will convene a number of programmatic workshops and conferences to help shape the ARS research agenda.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: In FY 2000, ARS convened 17 National Program Workshops or National Program Component Workshops covering all or part of National Programs 101, Food Animal Production; 102, Animal Health; 107, Human Nutrition; 203, Air Quality; 204, Global Change; 207, Integrated Agricultural Systems; 301, Plant, Microbial and Insect Genetic Resources, Genomics, and Genetic Improvement; 303, Plant Diseases; 304, Crop Protection and Quarantine; 306, New Uses, Quality, and Marketability of Plant and Animal Products; and 308, Methyl Bromide Alternatives.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: Customer input and interaction with ARS scientists helped to develop the research agenda for each National Program.

STRATEGY 6.3.2: Civil rights: The ARS Civil Rights Staff (CRS) recognizes that systematic communication is important as a means of ensuring that its services meet the expectations and needs of its customers and stakeholders, including managers, supervisors, and employees.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Recommendations are implemented and processes and practices are modified as appropriate.


During FY 2000, ARS will establish monthly meetings with Area Civil Rights Managers (ARCMs) to keep communication lines open.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ARS scheduled monthly meetings with the ACRMs during FY 2000 to keep communication lines open and will continue this practice in subsequent years.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: The ACRMs are kept current on ARS EEO/CR issues.


PERFORMANCE GOAL ARS managers, supervisors, and employees are better informed on EEO/CR issues.


During FY 2000, ARS will publish brochures and create an EEO/CR web page.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ARS developed a draft brochure on the ARS Civil Rights Programs. It also developed the EEO/CR web page and placed it online.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: ARS managers, supervisors, and employees are now better informed on EEO/CR issues.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Recommendations resulting from the agencywide on-site EEO compliance review are implemented.


During FY 2000, ARS will conduct an agencywide compliance review which will result in recommendations for improvements in the agency•s EEO program.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ARS conducted the agencywide EEO compliance review of headquarters and area offices during April - September 2000. A number of randomly selected location offices was also reviewed.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: A draft report will be prepared which will contain a summary of the information obtained, specific findings of fact, specific noncompliance issues, and recommendations for improvement to correct any noncompliance or other EEO problems will be prepared.


PERFORMANCE GOAL A comprehensive, fully integrated system is installed to assist in analyzing workforce profiles, analyzing adverse impacts, and monitoring every aspect of discrimination complaint processing.


During FY 2000, ARS will purchase the EEO Assistant Database software and the Civil Rights Staff will be trained to use the software.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: The EEO Assistant Database software was purchased and CRS employees received training in the use of the software during September 2000.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: Employees can retrieve and analyze complaint and workforce data and carry out day-to-day responsibilities in a more efficient manner.

STRATEGY 6.3.3: Management of facilities: Provide appropriately equipped Federal facilities required to support the research and information activities of ARS into the next century.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Criteria and priorities are identified.


During FY 2000, ARS will update its facilities modernization plan which identifies ongoing repair and maintenance needs of existing agency laboratory and support facilities.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: In FY 2000, ARS updated the 10 Year Facilities Plan which identified future projects or needs in terms of repair and maintenance/modernization, new construction, energy retrofit, accessibility, hazardous waste clean up, and building disposal/demolition needs from FY 2001 to 2010.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: Implemented priority construction, modernization, and repair and maintenance needs to support the research mission of the Agency. With these improved facilities, ARS scientists will have available state-of-the-art facilities to conduct research. In addition, the employee work environment will meet all safety and health requirements, as well as meet the President•s energy conservation goals.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Priority projects are proposed for funding in ARS annual building and facility request.


During FY 2000, ARS will identify facilities to be modernized and constructed in accordance with mission priorities. The facility information will be forwarded to the Department for B & F (building and facility) funding consideration.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: In FY 2000, ARS forwarded to the Department a request for $135,845,000 in new B & F funding to address facility needs. Of this amount Congress eventually appropriated $52,500,000 new construction and facilities modernization at priority locations.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: Implemented priority construction, modernization, and repair and maintenance needs to support the research mission of the Agency. With these improved facilities, ARS scientists will have available state-of-the-art facilities to conduct research. In addition, the employee work environment will meet all safety and health requirements, as well as meet the President•s energy conservation goals.

STRATEGY 6.3.4: Maintenance of core research capabilities: Develop and implement comprehensive human resource systems and other administrative and financial support systems and policies to support and enhance ARS• core research capabilities while maintaining the flexibility to shift research and form interdisciplinary teams to address emerging problems.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Identify core capability requirements and develop a scientific staff to meet long-term research needs.


During FY 2000, ARS will

increase its core capability by significantly increasing the number of research scientist positions (SYs).

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ARS began FY 2000 with 1919 SYs on the rolls. By the end of FY 2000, it increased the number to 1963 on-board and 39 SYs pending entry on duty. This totaled 2002 SYs which slightly exceeded the core capability goal set by the Administrator. This goal was reached despite the fact that 103 SYs resigned, retired, or otherwise left the Agency during the fiscal year.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: ARS has a much stronger and higher quality research capability and is able to better respond to the many rapidly emerging agricultural problems facing the U.S. and the world.

conduct three consolidated scientist recruitment cycles.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Three cycles were conducted: Fall, Spring, and Summer. Consolidated recruitment included use of paid ads and the Internet for advertising, and publicizing vacancies at major professional society meetings.An average of 10 applications was received for each vacancy.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: Conducting the three cycles contributed to the success of the Accomplishment listed above, that is, restoration of core research capability in the Agency. The ad campaigns and use of Internet advertising resulted in broader distribution of information about ARS SY vacancies and a higher number of applications being received.

develop a core curriculum for new scientist orientation for use at field offices and laboratories.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: The framework of a core curriculum has been developed, and has been used by all of the 8 Area Offices for conducting New SY orientation in FY 2000. The final version of the framework will be published by March 30, 2001.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: Newly hired SYs have become familiar with the Agency culture more quickly, have been provided with Agency information on reporting research and program accountability, and have received practical information on how to get things done (e.g. purchase equipment, hire technician support).

implement a new research leader training program. A formal leadership training program will also be established, including orientation within Headquarters and the Areas.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: The New RL Training Program was established in FY 2000. There are 35 new RL participants in the Class of 2000. The first HQ orientation was conducted inApril 2000. Participants who had not previously been enrolled in the Leadership Laboratory or attended the Congressional Briefings participated in the two offerings. IDP•s have been developed for each new RL, tailored toward the type of training they specifically need. Registration for the Class of 2001 is now open.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: New RL•s learned leadership skills, making them better leaders and supervisors. They gained exposure to Agency requirements and expectations during the HQ Orientation, and gained an understanding of how Congress works and an overview of the budget process during the Congressional Briefings.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Train postdoctoral students through the ARS Research Associate Program and competitively select 10 percent each year to fill full-time positions.


During FY 2000, ARS will maintain its Research Associate Program as a source of qualified candidates for

permanent research positions.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: In FY 2000, ARS had 365 Research Associates on the rolls.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: Thirty-nine of the ARS Research Associates competed successfully and were selected for permanent Research Scientist positions in FY 2001.

STRATEGY 6.3.5: Provide administrative support to REE: Serve as the lead agency in providing administrative and financial management services for Research, Education, and Economics (REE) headquarters and field locations.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Customer and employee participation in planning processes.


During FY 2000, ARS will continue to monitor customer and employee needs consistent with the AFM Strategic Plan and develop an AFM-wide customer and employee survey to obtain feedback on customer and employee satisfaction.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Each AFM functional division conducted a written survey of customers. Results were analyzed and action plans to address issues were developed, posted on the Division Web site, and implemented.

Teams were created to address issues raised during the biennial employee climate survey. Team recommendations were adopted regarding awards system, internal communications, employee involvement in the AFM Strategic Plan, and supervisor training.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: Customer service has been streamlined, errors reduced, and customer satisfaction increased. The employee awards system is more equitable and employee morale is improved. Communication, particularly between supervisors and employees has improved.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Strategic plan is developed and communicated to REE customers and employees.


During FY 2000, ARS will collect customer and employee feedback to identify changing priorities and begin refinement of its Strategic Plan.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Each functional area of AFM conducted extensive customer surveys. Employee and customer feedback was also collected through focus groups, all-hands meetings, employee surveys, and face-to-face meetings with key personnel. A study of customer satisfaction was conducted by a private contractor and opportunities for improvement were identified.

An executive review team was established to study the AFM strategic planning process.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: A new version of the AFM Strategic Plan is under development. The new version will include reworked objectives on customer and employee feedback.

An action plan with target dates to address the opportunities identified in the external review report was developed and sent to all agency administrators.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Formal feedback is solicited from REE customers.


During FY 2000, ARS will conduct written customer service surveys, meet regularly with REE agency administrators, conduct customer focus group sessions, and solicit customer feedback through the AFM web site.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: AFM conducts regular, written customer surveys (see Goal above). Meetings with Agency administrators are held weekly. Various AFM sections and branches conduct regular focus group sessions with REE customers. Each AFM division Web site, and the AFM main page solicits customer feedback. Responses to comments and questions are prompt and accurate.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: Areas of customer concern and interest have been quickly identified and addressed. AFM service is more efficient. Customer communication is good and customer satisfaction with AFM is high.

STRATEGY 6.3.6: Program Excellence and Relevance: Ensure excellence and relevance to ARS National Programs through peer reviews of research projects.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Panel peer reviews are conducted on all research projects before implementation and subsequently every five years. The majority of the peer reviewers are external to ARS.


During FY 2000, ARS will panel peer review approximately 75 research projects.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: 152 projects were panel reviewed in FY 2000.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: ARS met its goal to implement the new Peer Review Process with several pilot review sessions. Each project plan benefitted from its review and, in most cases, was certified for implementation within 3 months of the panel review.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Review of the productivity, quality, and impact of individual scientists is conducted as scheduled in the Research Position Evaluation System (RPES).


During FY 2000, ARS will conduct RPES reviews of approximately 350 agency scientists.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: During FY 2000, RPES peer panels reviewed a total of 356 ARS research scientist positions.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: Results of the reviews are: Upgrade - 163 (45.8%)

Remain in Grade - 185 (52.0%)

STRATEGY 6.3.7: Improve financial management: ARS/Administrative and Financial Management will support Departmental efforts to improve financial management.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Implement integrated management systems in USDA.


Reporting will begin upon issuance of Departmental evidence on the Foundation of Financial Information System (FFIS) for mandatory use by USDA agencies.

During FY 2000,ARS will

continue to work with the Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO) on the design and modification of the FFIS for use by REE.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Initiated FFIS implementation work groups for each REE agency.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: Implementation is underway.

continue to work with the NFC on implementing new and modernized financial systems for the REE agencies.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Initiated FFIS implementation work groups for each REE agency.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: Implementation is underway.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Correct in a timely manner internal control deficiencies.


Reporting will begin upon issuance of Departmental evidence on the FFIS for mandatory use by USDA agencies.

During FY 2000, ARS will continue compliance with the FMFIA, including the timely completion of audit report recommendations and the timely correction of any FMFIA weaknesses that are identified.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Reviewed all GAO, OIG, and external audit recommendations and implemented corrective action as necessary.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: All identified FMFIA weaknesses are corrected.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Clean and timely opinions are provided on audited financial statements.


Reporting will begin upon issuance of Departmental evidence on the FFIS for mandatory use by USDA agencies.

During FY 2000, ARS will prepare, review, and certify the yearly consolidated financial statements of the REE agencies as required under the Chief Financial Officer•s Act.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Auditable financial statements were prepared in accordance with approved Departmental accounting standards.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: Financial statements are prepared correctly and receive a favorable auditor's opinion.

STRATEGY 6.3.8: Outreach: ARS will bring the benefits of research to under-served populations, identify barriers that prevent under-served populations from receiving and using agency-generated knowledge/technology, and increase participation of under-represented groups in agency procurement contracts.


PERFORMANCE GOAL ARS will identify and generate a comprehensive directory of organizations that serve the under-served who are potential users of ARS research.


During FY 2000, ARS will identify research contacts in organizations serving historically under-served producers.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: As of October 31, 2000, a directory of approximately 100+ outreach research contacts has been created.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: This database will enable ARS to involve representatives of historically under-served producers in research planning and technology transfer activities.



PERFORMANCE GOAL ARS will convene a national outreach workshop that will bring together representatives of under-served populations.

Reporting will begin on this Performance Goal in FY 2001.


PERFORMANCE GOAL In FY 2001, each ARS Area will convene Area workshops to identify researchable issues of interest to under-served populations


Reporting will begin on this Performance Goal in FY 2001.


PERFORMANCE GOAL In FY 2000 (using 1999 data), establish baseline data for extramural agreements, Memoranda of Understanding, and Letters of Agreement with organizations serving historically under-served populations.


During FY 2000, ARS will establish baseline data for extramural agreement awards to organizations serving historically under-served populations.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: The FY 1999 baseline data is 17 total awards to historically under-served organizations (1890's) for a total of $1.6 million, which represents approximately 1.6% of total FY 1999 extramural funding of over $105 million.



PERFORMANCE GOAL In FY 2001, ARS will increase its extramural agreements to organizations which serve under-served populations by no less than 20 percent over its established (FY 1999) baseline.


Reporting will begin on this Performance Goal in FY 2001.


PERFORMANCE GOAL In FY 2001, ARS will show an increase in the number of invitations extended to representatives of under-served populations to participate in program workshops, symposia, project/program reviews, and site/location reviews.


Reporting will begin on this Performance Goal in FY 2001.


PERFORMANCE GOAL In FY 2001, ARS will show an increase in the number of research collaborations and technology transfer activities focused on meeting the special needs of this target population.


Reporting will begin on this Performance Goal in FY 2001.


PERFORMANCE GOAL In FY 2000, ARS will inform all senior managers and SYs of their roles and responsibilities under the outreach plan.


During FY 2000, ARS will brief senior agency managers.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: The Administrator•s Council (comprised of the Agency•s senior managers) was briefed on their roles and responsibilities under the ARS Outreach Plan during their September 12-14, 2000, meeting. Further activities directed to all scientists and other managers will occur throughout FY 2001.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: The briefing for senior ARS managers enhanced support for the Department•s outreach initiatives.


PERFORMANCE GOAL In FY 2001, ARS will expand access to research information by the historically under-served organizations.


Reporting will begin on this Performance Goal in FY 2001.


PERFORMANCE GOAL ARS will expand outreach efforts to interest under-served students in agriculture/food science.


Reporting will begin on this Performance Goal in FY 2001.


PERFORMANCE GOAL ARS will work with educational institutions and community-based organizations serving target populations to identify barriers and develop strategies to get information to under-served populations.


Reporting will begin on this Performance Goal in FY 2001.

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