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GOAL VI: Effectively Marshal the Diverse Capabilities and Resources of ARS.

Objective 6.1: Support Education: "Support higher education in agriculture to give the next generation of Americans the knowledge, technology, and applications necessary to enhance the competitiveness of United States agriculture."

All of the activities relating to this objective are crosscutting in nature and reflected in the strategies and performance goals under the six ARS Goals.

Objective 6.2: National Agricultural Library: "Serve as the primary agricultural information resource of the United States."


Funding by Program Activity ($000's)

FY 2000

FY 2001

FY 2002

AG Information & Library Services
















Means and Strategies: To successfully accomplish the activities under this initiative, ARS will need the level of human, fiscal, physical, and information resources portrayed in the budget estimates for fiscal years 2001 and 2002.

Verification and Validation: ARS currently conducts a series of review processes designed to ensure the relevance and quality of its work. A more detailed description of the evaluation plans can be found in the introduction to this plan.

STRATEGY 6.2.1: Increase awareness and use of National Agricultural Library (NAL) products and services: Collect, organize, and provide access to information that supports agricultural programs and responds to information needs.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Maintain up-to-date data on customer information needs and satisfaction.


During FY 2001, NAL will

begin analyzing information center programs to ensure accurate focus and customer satisfaction.

continue to collect and combine data on reference and research information services and information centers.

investigate and test a customer relationship management system.

During FY 2002, NAL will

continue analyzing information center programs to ensure accurate focus and customer satisfaction.

continue to collect and combine data on reference and research information services and information centers.

customize customer relationship management system and begin to collect detailed information on customers.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Integrate customer data into continuous refinement of operations.


During FY 2001, NAL will

continue to reduce turn-around times in serving customers by collecting data and incorporating results into customer service operations.

identify the needs of geographically remote customers.

During FY 2002, NAL will

continue to reduce turn-around times in serving customers by collecting data and incorporating results into customer service operations.

obtain digital resources identified in FY 2001 as needed for geographically remote customers and conduct related user education activities.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Develop and improve NAL information delivery systems.


During FY 2001, NAL will

continue to develop and improve its web-based information delivery systems.

install and implement the Relais Express system to deliver articles to patrons electronically.

increase by thirty percent the total volume of services delivered to NAL customers.

During FY 2002, NAL will

continue to develop and improve its web-based information delivery systems.

identify system to expand direct patron access to items in NAL collection.

increase by thirty percent the total volume of services delivered to NAL customers.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Develop an agricultural subject headings thesaurus.


During FY 2001, NAL will

complete the first version of the thesaurus.

develop initial indexing guidelines for use of the draft thesaurus.

test, evaluate, and incorporate revisions to the thesaurus for indexing research reports in RMIS.

During FY 2002, NAL will

complete indexing guidelines for use of the new thesaurus in AGRICOLA indexing.

map from CAB descriptors to the new thesaurus for subject heading conversion in AGRICOLA.

plan for the implementation of the new thesaurus to coincide with the installation of the new electronic library management system.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Increase collaboration via AgNIC (Agriculture Network Information Center).


During FY 2001, NAL will work to develop collaborative partnerships on the international level to further expand subjects covered, and promote interoperability between systems.

During FY 2002, NAL will explore and develop collaborations which support inclusion of and access to non-English language materials in AgNIC.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Develop programs and services for previously under-served audiences.


During FY 2001, NAL will

develop an innovative outreach program involving partners and networks to improve library interaction with minority, disabled, and other under-served customers, and request FY 2002 funding to implement it.

develop information guides to highlight materials within the collection that are of interest to diverse customer groups; sponsor ongoing lectures, films, and exhibits that reflect diversity within and outside the NAL community.

promote patron awareness of the richness and diversity of NAL•s holdings.

expand web-site coverage of its diverse resources.

During FY 2002, NAL will

implement an innovative outreach program to improve library interaction with minority, disabled, and other under-served customers.

increase staff sensitivity and ability to serve minority, disabled, and other under-served customers.

expand library orientations and training for customers in under-represented groups.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Support increased diversity in librarianship and information management.


During FY 2001, NAL will

complete development of a diversity program plan.

work with interagency groups, academia and professional associations to develop and maintain partnerships (fellowship programs) to attract high quality minority library and information professionals.

develop proposal(s) for funding a minority leadership and development program at NAL.

continue to mentor minority participants and expand its involvement in professional leadership and career development programs for minority library and information professionals.

During FY 2002, NAL will

implement diversity program plan strategies to recruit and maintain minority candidates locally, regionally and nationally.

explore innovative approaches for funding NAL minority fellowship programs that provide career opportunities for librarians and information professionals from under-represented groups.

STRATEGY 6.2.2: Strengthen National Agricultural Library Operations: Anticipate and provide information products and services, including educational programs, that enable NAL's diverse customers to identify, locate, and obtain desired information on agricultural topics.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Expand acquisition of information in all formats.


During FY 2001, NAL will

complete the retrospective coverage of agricultural economics documents from the Research in Agricultural and Applied Economics web site.

devise a procedure for systematic coverage of NAL•s publications in AGRICOLA.

increase the number of relevant food safety resources identified and acquired.

make a transition from print to electronic access for several reference tools.

During FY 2002, NAL will continue to make a transition from print to electronic access.



PERFORMANCE GOAL Gain space for collection growth.


During FY 2001, NAL will

evaluate the impact of reclassifying active titles in the old classification ranges, and compressing the collection housed therein.

begin conversion of the 5th floor from office space to "stack" and special collections floor. Construction will commence mid-summer of 2001 with an anticipated completion date of summer 2002.

During FY 2002, NAL will

complete conversion of the 5th floor from office space to a "stack" and special collections floor.

occupy the renovated 5th floor, thereby removing the most rare and fragile collection materials from the general stacks.

shift the entire collection as a result, making room for collection growth to last a projected fifteen years.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Preserve and secure collections.


During FY 2001, NAL will

evaluate its security policies and procedures including access to and security of the collection.

continue to ensure that security surrounding special collections is appropriate. In addition, security of the building will be readdressed to assess and correct areas of vulnerability.

preserve a significant portion of the Alvin L. Young Collection on Herbicide Agent Orange by digitizing and making the materials available via the Internet.

During FY 2002, NAL will

remove the most valuable materials from the general stacks and place them in an area specially designed to provide higher security.

move special collections and other material collections to the newly renovated 5th floor.

complete the conversion of the Agent Orange collection to a digital presentation on the web.

continue to ensure that security surrounding special collections is appropriate. In addition, security of the building will be readdressed to assess and correct areas of vulnerability.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Increase number of records.


During FY 2001, NAL will increase the number of records in AGRICOLA by 75,000.

During FY 2002, NAL will increase the number of records in AGRICOLA by 75,000.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Increase linkages to electronic content.


During FY 2001, NAL will

develop guidelines and procedures to ensure that new electronic resources on NAL•s web site are described and linked in AGRICOLA.

begin an implementation plan for linking from AGRICOLA to digitized reprints of RS scientists (ARS digital publications project).

During FY 2002, NAL will continue the implementation of AGRICOLA as the database index to ARS digital publications.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Continue modernization of the Abraham Lincoln Building.


During FY 2001, NAL will

begin construction to convert the 5th floor from office space to a "stack" floor. Construction will commence mid-summer of 2001 with an anticipated completion date of summer 2002.

utilize 80 percent of the $900,000 of Repair and Maintenance (R&M) funds on infrastructure projects. Specifically: (1) Phase 1 of 5 to upgrade the electrical system to prevent a very real possibility of system failure; (2) Phase 3 of 3 to replace reheat coils; and (3) freight elevator renovation.

During FY 2002, NAL will

complete conversion of the 5th floor from office space to a "stack" and special collections floor.

procure A&E services for office space, which is the next phase of the renovation.

continue to utilize R&M funds appropriated by Congress to upgrade/replace infrastructure projects.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Ensure systematic upgrade of equipment.


During FY 2001, NAL will develop a systematic approach to computer life cycle management.

During FY 2002, NAL will implement life cycle tracking and upgrades for all NAL computer equipment.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Ensure security of data and equipment.


During FY 2001, NAL will refine its information system security policy and continue to evaluate ways to further enhance its security posture.

During FY 2002, NAL will continue to evaluate and implement security measures as needed.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Implement new electronic library management system with minimal disruption to customers and staff/operations.


During FY 2001, NAL will

continue its effort to identify and acquire a new electronic library management system.

conduct a formal evaluation of preferred electronic library management systems.

develop a procurement strategy for the electronic library management system that best meets requirements.

During FY 2002, NAL will

procure an electronic library management system.

develop system migration plans from Virginia Tech Library Systems (VTLS) to a new electronic library management system.

implement a new electronic library management system.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Refine administrative and business processes, organizational structures, and functions.


During FY 2001, NAL will

continue to seek opportunities to streamline administrative processes. $23,000 in contractual services will be cut to continue program emphasis.

examine options for improving disaster preparedness policies and procedures.

During FY 2002, NAL will

continue to seek opportunities to streamline administrative services.

implement improved disaster preparedness policies and procedures.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Develop Intranet.


During FY 2001, NAL will

explore further its internal electronic communication needs and formulate guiding policies and procedures for internal electronic communications.

begin implementation of Intranet.

During FY 2002, NAL will continue expansion of Intranet functionalities.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Ensure equitable opportunities for staff development.


During FY 2001, NAL will ensure that each staff member receives adequate training to support his or her function. Staff members will also be given career enhancement opportunities such as details, shadowing assignments, and agency leadership development programs.

During FY 2002, NAL will ensure that each staff member receives adequate training to support his or her function. Staff members will also be given career enhancement opportunities such as details, shadowing assignments, and agency leadership development programs.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Implement staff succession plan.


During FY 2001, NAL will

develop a detailed staff succession plan.

provide opportunities for employees to gain leadership experience through acting, detail, and shadowing assignments as well as attending management meetings whenever possible.

During FY 2002, NAL will

begin implementation of detailed staff succession plan.

provide opportunities for employees to gain leadership experience through acting, detail, and shadowing assignments as well as attending management meetings whenever possible.

OBJECTIVE 6.3: Creative leadership: "Promote excellence, relevance, and recognition of agricultural research through creative leadership in management and development of resources, communications systems, and partnerships with our customers and stakeholders."

STRATEGY 6.3.1: Develop research agenda: IdentifyARS program priorities and core research capabilities and use them to provide leadership in developing national research agendas.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Annual conferences of public and private individuals are convened to discuss major researchable issues in agriculture and articulate approaches to addressing these problems.


During FY 2001, ARS will convene a number of programmatic workshops and conferences to help shape the ARS research agenda.

During FY 2002, ARS will convene a number of programmatic workshops and conferences to help shape the ARS research agenda.

STRATEGY 6.3.2: Civil rights: The ARS Civil Rights Staff (CRS) recognizes that systematic communication is important as a means of ensuring that its services meet the expectations and needs of its customers and stakeholders, including managers, supervisors, and employees.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Recommendations are implemented and processes and practices are modified as appropriate.


During FY 2001, ARS will expand scheduled meetings with customers and employees for input on meeting their needs.

During FY 2002, ARS will monitor results of meetings for effectiveness.


PERFORMANCE GOAL ARS managers, supervisors, and employees are better informed on EEO/CR issues.


During FY 2001, ARS will maintain and keep EEO/CR web page current and create a diversity web page.

During FY 2002, ARS will monitor both web pages for effectiveness and updates.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Recommendations resulting from the agencywide on-site EEO compliance review are implemented.


During FY 2001, ARS will identify the responsible officials and will implement the recommendations in the EEO Compliance Review Report.

During FY 2002, ARS will monitor the results of the implementation activities to ensure that all have been implemented.


PERFORMANCE GOAL A comprehensive, fully integrated system is installed to assist in analyzing workforce profiles, analyzing adverse impacts, and monitoring every aspect of discrimination complaint processing.


During FY 2001, ARS will use the software to analyze workforce profiles and monitor the discrimination complaint process.

During FY 2002, ARS will evaluate the system to determine its effectiveness.

STRATEGY 6.3.3: Management of facilities: Provide appropriately equipped Federal facilities required to support the research and information activities of ARS into the next century.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Criteria and priorities are identified.


During FY 2001, ARS will continue its construction, modernization, and repair and maintenance program.

In FY 2001, ARS received

$74,000,000 for replacement and modernization of selected laboratories, and will implement an $18,300,000 repair and maintenance program.

During FY 2002, ARS will continue its construction, modernization, and repair and maintenance program by updating the ARS facilities modernization plan and requested funding for construction, modernization, and repair and maintenance needs.

In FY 2002, ARS is requesting an increase of

$30,462,000 for modernization and construction of its facilities.

$18,300,000 for repair and maintenance of its facilities.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Priority projects are proposed for funding in ARS annual building and facility request.


During FY 2001, ARS will identify facilities to be modernized and constructed in accordance with mission priorities. These projects will be forwarded to the Department for B&F funding consideration.

During FY 2002, ARS will identify facilities to be modernized and constructed in accordance with mission priorities. These projects will be forwarded to the Department for B&F funding consideration.

STRATEGY 6.3.4: Maintenance of core research capabilities: Develop and implement comprehensive human resource systems and other administrative and financial support systems and policies to support and enhance ARS• core research capabilities while maintaining the flexibility to shift research and form interdisciplinary teams to address emerging problems.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Identify core capability requirements and develop a scientific staff to meet long-term research needs.


During FY 2001, ARS will continue to conduct consolidated scientists recruitment and provide orientation and training for new scientists and research leaders.

During FY 2002, ARS will continue to conduct consolidated scientists recruitment and provide orientation and training for scientists and research leaders.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Train postdoctoral students through the ARS Research Associate Program and competitively select 10 percent each year to fill full-time positions.


During FY 2001, ARS will continue its Research Associate Program as a source of qualified candidates for its permanent research positions.

During FY 2002, ARS will continue its Research Associate Program as a source of qualified candidates for its permanent research positions.

STRATEGY 6.3.5: Provide administrative support to REE: Serve as the lead agency in providing administrative and financial management services for Research, Education, and Economics (REE) headquarters and field locations.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Customer and employee participation in planning processes.


During FY 2001, ARS will review the need for revisions to the AFM Strategic Plan and seek customer, employee, and stakeholder input to the planning process.

During FY 2002, ARS will continue to review the need for revisions to the AFM Strategic Plan and seek customer, employee, and stakeholder input to the planning process.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Strategic plan is developed and communicated to REE customers and employees.


During FY 2001, ARS will implement a revised Strategic Plan reflecting the priorities of REE customers and employees.

During FY 2002, ARS will continue to implement the revised Strategic Plan reflecting the priorities of REE customers and employees.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Formal feedback is solicited from REE customers.


During FY 2001, ARS will undergo a comprehensive review by a private consultant of administrative and financial management support, conduct written customer service surveys, meet regularly with REE agency administrators, conduct customer focus group sessions, and solicit customer feedback through the AFM Web site.

During FY 2002, ARS will conduct written customer service surveys, meet regularly with REE agency administrators, conduct customer focus group sessions, and solicit customer feedback through the AFM Web site.

STRATEGY 6.3.6: Program Excellence and Relevance: Ensure excellence and relevance to ARS National Programs through peer reviews of research projects.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Panel peer reviews are conducted on all research projects before implementation and subsequently every five years. The majority of the peer reviewers are external to ARS.


During FY 2001, ARS will panel peer review approximately 250 research projects.

During FY 2002, ARS will panel peer review approximately 250 research projects.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Review of the productivity, quality, and impact of individual scientists is conducted as scheduled in the Research Position Evaluation System (RPES).


During FY 2001, ARS will conduct RPES reviews of approximately 350 agency scientists.

During FY 2002, ARS will conduct RPES reviews of approximately 350 agency scientists.

STRATEGY 6.3.7: Improve financial management: ARS/Administrative and Financial Management will support Departmental efforts to improve financial management.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Implement integrated management systems in USDA.


Reporting will begin upon issuance of Departmental evidence on the Foundation of Financial Information System (FFIS) for mandatory use by USDA agencies.

During FY 2001, ARS will

continue to work with the OCFO on the design and modification of the FFIS for use by REE.

continue to work with the NFC on implementing new and modernized financial systems, for the REE agencies.

During FY 2002, ARS will

continue to work with the OCFO on the design and modification of the FFIS for use by REE.

continue to work with the NFC on implementing new and modernized financial systems, for the REE agencies.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Correct in a timely manner internal control deficiencies.


Reporting will begin upon issuance of Departmental evidence on the FFIS for mandatory use by USDA agencies.

During FY 2001,ARS will continue compliance with the FMFIA, including the timely completion of audit report recommendations and the timely correction of any FMFIA weaknesses that are identified.

During FY 2002, ARS will continue compliance with the FMFIA, including the timely completion of audit report recommendations and the timely correction of any FMFIA weaknesses that are identified.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Clean and timely opinions are provided on audited financial statements.


Reporting will begin upon issuance of Departmental evidence on the FFIS for mandatory use by USDA agencies.

During FY 2001, ARS will prepare, review, and certify the yearly consolidated financial statements of the REE agencies as required under the Chief Financial Officer•s Act.

During FY 2002, ARS willprepare, review, and certify the yearly consolidated financial statements of the REE agencies as required under the Chief Financial Officer•s Act.

STRATEGY 6.3.8: Outreach: ARS will bring the benefits of research to under-served populations, identify barriers that prevent under-served populations from receiving and using agency-generated knowledge/technology, and increase participation of under-represented groups in agency procurement contracts.


PERFORMANCE GOAL ARS will identify and generate a comprehensive directory of organizations that serve the under-served who are potential users of ARS research.


During FY 2001, ARS will create a database directory.


PERFORMANCE GOAL ARS will convene a national outreach workshop that will bring together representatives of under-served populations.


During FY 2001, ARS will sponsor a national outreach workshop.


PERFORMANCE GOAL In FY 2001, each ARS Area will convene Area workshops to identify researchable issues of interest to under-served populations


During FY 2001, ARS will convene area outreach workshops.


PERFORMANCE GOAL In FY 2000 (using 1999 data), establish baseline data for extramural agreements, Memoranda of Understanding, and Letters of Agreement with organizations serving historically under-served populations.

Baseline data for extramural agreements, Memoranda of Understanding, and Letters of Agreement with organizations serving historically under-served populations was established and reported in FY 2000.


PERFORMANCE GOAL In FY 2001, ARS will increase its extramural agreements to organizations which serve under-served populations by no less than 20 percent over its established (FY 1999)baseline.


During FY 2001, ARS will increase its extramural agreement awards to organizations which serve under-served populations by no less than 20 percent over its established baseline.



PERFORMANCE GOAL In FY 2001, ARS will show an increase in the number of invitations extended to representatives of under-served populations to participate in program workshops, symposia, project/program reviews, and site/location reviews.


During FY 2001, ARS will demonstrate efforts to enhance participation of under-served groups in program activities.

During FY 2002, ARS will demonstrate efforts to enhance participation of under-served groups in program activities.


PERFORMANCE GOAL In FY 2001, ARS will show an increase in the number of research collaborations and technology transfer activities focused on meeting the special needs of this target population.


During FY 2001, ARS will demonstrate increased activities in these areas.

During FY 2002, ARS will demonstrate increased activities in these areas.


PERFORMANCE GOAL In FY 2000, ARS will inform all senior managers and SYs of their roles and responsibilities under the outreach plan.


During FY 2001, ARS will inform research leaders and other managers of their outreach responsibilities.


PERFORMANCE GOAL In FY 2001, ARS will expand access to research information by the historically under-served organizations.


During FY 2001, ARS will identify through national outreach workshops ways to make ARS generated information more accessible to organizations serving under-served populations.


PERFORMANCE GOAL ARS will expand outreach efforts to interest under-served students in agriculture/food science.


During FY 2001, ARS will identify through national outreach workshops and related activities ways to involve historically under-served students in agriculture and food service.

During FY 2002,ARS will continue the effort.


PERFORMANCE GOAL ARS will work with educational institutions and community-based organizations serving target populations to identify barriers and develop strategies to get information to under-served populations.



During FY 2001, ARS will identify barriers and seek to remove or overcome them.

During FY 2002, ARS will continue the effort.

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