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GOAL V: To Increase the Capacity of Communities, Families, and Individuals to Enhance Their Economic Well-being and Quality of Life.

Analysis of Results: This goal focuses primarily on activities designed to get research-based information to individuals and communities that will be useful for addressing a wide range of socio-economic issues. Under Goal V, 10 Indicators are aligned under 7 Performance Goals. Because of the unique and dynamic nature of research, several Indicators were added, deleted, or modified in this Report that did not first appear in the Annual Performance Plan for FY 2001. This was done to ensure that significant accomplishments that were not anticipated last year were reported. While it is not possible to report research accomplishments numerically, the progress projected in all 10 Indicators was completed or substantially completed during FY 2001.

OBJECTIVE 5.1: Economic opportunity and technology transfer: Conduct "agricultural research ... to promote economic opportunity in rural communities and to meet the increasing demand for information and technology transfer throughout the United States agriculture industry."

STRATEGY 5.1.1: Rural development opportunities: Develop farming systems tailored to diverse agricultural production enterprises to enhance profits, sustainability, and environmental quality.

PERFORMANCE GOAL Experimentally demonstrate the successful operation of small-scale production and processing systems, evaluate small-scale animal and plant production systems, and enhance high-value agricultural products.


STRATEGY 5.1.2: Information access and delivery: Provide improved access to and dissemination of information to increase public knowledge and awareness of agricultural research, to aid technology transfer, and to speed up sharing of new knowledge.

PERFORMANCE GOAL Make information on ARS research results and inventions available electronically via the Internet and similar resources.


During FY 2001, ARS will enhance online options from the Office of Technology Transfer (OTT) Home Page to maximize the transfer of ARS technologies to the private sector by adding a searchable database for CRADA opportunities.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: OTT redesigned and restructured their website to increase and enhance public access to ARS technologies. New features include a "Featured Item" button which showcases new technologies that are available for licensing; commonly-used forms (Confidentiality Agreements, Licensing Packet, Material Transfer Agreements) on the front page, in a variety of formats; an OTT staff listing that includes technology transfer coordinators, patent advisors, licensing and marketing personnel; and a "Get the Latest" feature that allows companies to sign-up and receive electronic notification of new licensing opportunities.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: The website is user friendly and should help internal and external customers more quickly and easily find information, maximizing their visit to the site. This has increased industry and consumer awareness about the variety of technology and information ARS has available. Industry response has been very positive to the new site design. The added online options have increased the amount of inquiries about licensing and other cooperative research opportunities. The new features not only have a direct benefit to the public by providing information in a timely manner, they also reduce ARS scientists? time spent identifying potential licensing partners thus allowing more time for research. They have also reduced paperwork and staff time spent faxing and e-mailing lists of technologies available. This also helps meet Performance Goal by providing more cost-effective technology transfer efforts.

PERFORMANCE GOAL Provide more cost-effective and efficient public information and technology transfer.


During FY 2001, ARS will

increase outreach activities with proactive participation at selected industry trade shows and increase activity with venture capital groups to highlight technology transfer opportunities and services.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: OTT redesigned its exhibit display, collateral handouts, and brochure for use and distribution at several industry trade shows and meetings it participated in this fiscal year. The new design and added materials highlight available partnering and licensing opportunities and give a better understanding of technologies and information available from ARS.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: Increased accessibility to agency programs and easier access to ARS technologies and information. Increased awareness of ARS research programs and technology transfer mechanisms.

submit 80 new patent applications.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Eighty-three patent applications were filed.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: New technologies are available for licensing.

participate in 92 new CRADAs.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Forty-six new CRADAs were developed. Although the number of CRADAs was less than anticipated, ARS assisted with 102 Trust Fund Agreements with industry.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: New partnerships were formed to advance the development and commercialization of ARS technologies.

license 32 new products.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Thirty-one new licenses were established.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: Progress toward the commercialization of new ARS technologies.

develop 70 new plant varieties for release to industry for further development and marketing.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Sixty-three plant varieties were released.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: New varieties are available to producers to enhance production, crop quality, and disease resistance.

PERFORMANCE GOAL Research programs include information and technology transfer considerations.


During FY 2001,ARS will expand efforts to work with NPS to develop policies for transfer of technologies and make such considerations early in the research planning process. New training programs will be developed to inform research leaders and new scientists of technology transfer procedures and concerns.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Members of OTT made presentations at two National Program Reviews, seven Area Leadership Conferences, and more than three dozen locations/laboratories. OTT has created two additional Technology Transfer Coordinators? positions in the field to enhance this activity.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: There is a heightened awareness of industry representatives and ARS scientists about ARS technology transfer policies and opportunities.

PERFORMANCE GOAL An ARS plan to achieve the requirements of GPEA will be submitted to the Department by October 15, 2000.


During FY 2001, ARS will meet the requirements of GPEA.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: The Department requested that each mission area develop a consolidated GPEA plan at the mission level. ARS completed its portion of the plan and submitted it to the Assistant Secretary?s office on October 11, 2000.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: The primary objective of the GPEA is to make government services and information more accessible to customers through electronic access. The GPEA requires agencies to upgrade systems to allow for an electronic option for accessing, submitting, and disclosing information in lieu of paper, wherever practical. The GPEA plan establishes agency accountability for meeting the requirements of the GPEA by identifying key agency systems to be upgraded, responsible organizations, target dates, and resource requirements.

PERFORMANCE GOAL Implementation of the requirements of the GPEA will be accomplished by October 21, 2003.


During FY 2001, ARS will submit its GPEA plan to the USDA in a timely manner.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ARS identified seven systems in its GPEA action plan which would require upgrading to meet the requirements of the legislation. Needed upgrades to three of the systems have now been completed. Upgrades to the remaining four systems are in progress and will be completed prior to the October 21, 2003, due date.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: The primary objective of the GPEA is to make government services and information more accessible to customers through electronic access. The GPEA requires agencies to upgrade systems to allow for an electronic option for accessing, submitting, and disclosing information in lieu of paper, wherever practical. The GPEA plan establishes agency accountability for meeting the requirements of the GPEA by identifying key agency systems to be upgraded, responsible organizations, target dates, and resource requirements.

STRATEGY 5.1.3: Commercialize research results: Develop technology transfer systems that lead to commercialization of research results by industry.


PERFORMANCE GOAL Expand the types of agreements used by ARS and delegate signatory authority to the lowest feasible level.


During FY 2001, ARS will provide the International Trade Division of the Commerce Department with ARS-linked companies for incorporation in its international industry promotion program and continue to develop partnerships with States, the Minority Business Technology Transfer Consortium, and Rural Conservation and Development Councils to enhance small businesses in rural communities.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Members of OTT attended several meetings of the Rural Conservation and Development Councils, as well as regional rural development meetings, bio-based and other industry-related meetings, and presented partnering opportunities with ARS. ARS co-hosted a technology showcase with state economic development partners to highlight and present new technologies, partnering opportunities, and information on how to access ARS technologies and subject matter experts.

IMPACT/OUTCOME: In addition to helping meet Performance Goal's successful transfer of new technologies presented at these meetings and trade shows, this will result in new jobs in rural America. Also, these partnerships should lead to more unified and strategic efforts between Federal and State agencies, and other organizations that will enhance economic development in those regions, and help small and minority-owned businesses.

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