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Analysis of Results: This is the focus of ARS' research related to food safety and the security of the
OBJECTIVE 3.1: Provide Science-Based Knowledge on the Safe Production, Storage, Processing, and Handling of Plant and Animal Products and on the Detection and Control of Toxin-Producing and/or Pathogenic Bacteria and Fungi Parasites, Mycotoxins, Chemical Residues, and Plant Toxins So As To Assist Regulatory Agencies and the Food Industry in Reducing the Incidence of Foodborne Illnesses.
Performance Measure 3.1.1: Develop new on-farm preharvest systems, practices, and products to reduce pathogen and toxin contamination of animal- and plant-derived foods. |
During FY 2003, ARS will
using new detection and quantitation methodologies, including genomic technologies, and through study of epidemiology, ecology and host pathogen relationships, intervention strategies, and antibiotic resistance in food producing animals, develop practices, products and information that will reduce preharvest pathogen and toxic residue contamination of animal derived food products. Ensure that these technologies can be utilized by regulatory agencies and/or producers to help produce safe food products.
IMPACT/OUTCOME: The methods that have been developed are critical to: (1) establishing and maintaining, in cooperation with the Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), an export market inspection program for horses, (2) maintaining a certification program for these parasites in pork (modeled on the National Trichinae Certification Program), and (3) achieving an extremely low incidence of Trichinella and Toxoplasma parasites in swine, which has significantly increased consumer acceptance of pork products.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ARS scientists at Clay Center, Nebraska, generated monoclonal antibodies as accurate diagnostic reagents for the detection and characterization of shiga toxin producing E. coli (STEC) and Salmonella. Other ARS scientists at
IMPACT/OUTCOME: Several of these antibodies have been formatted for diagnostic tests, including one currently sold by Meridian BioSciences, are widely used in the
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ARS scientists at Clay Center, Nebraska, demonstrated that STEC O157 is endemic in
IMPACT/OUTCOME: These findings demonstrate that because of the ubiquitous nature of STEC O157, eliminating exposure will be almost impossible. They also establish the need for a live animal treatment to kill the pathogens prior to slaughter, and the need to target non-fecal sources as important for both within herd livestock transmission and in-plant carcass contamination.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Through the National Antibiotic Resistance Monitoring System (NARMS), which is located in the ARS facility at Athens, Georgia, scientists determined the antibiotic resistance of over 35,000 Salmonella isolates and lesser numbers of Campylobacter, Enterococcus, and E. coli. Other ARS scientists at
IMPACT/OUTCOME: As the only national program for surveillance of resistant bacteria in animals in the
IMPACT/OUTCOME: This research has demonstrated that just one method will never be sufficient to control Campylobacter in poultry, and multiple target interventions will be needed to reduce the incidence of contamination in production flocks. Campylobacter may be stable in rooster semen and the bacteria may be carried to lymphoid organs. This is a source of potential transmission among poultry flocks in addition to environmental sources. Producers of hatching eggs can now work to eliminate this source of contamination.
using new detection and quantitation methodologies, including genomic technologies, and through study of crop fungal toxin relationships, production practices and expert systems, breeding targets for resistant crops, biocontrol technologies and chemical toxicity, develop practices, products, and information that will reduce preharvest fungal/toxin contamination of plant derived food products. Ensure that these technologies can be utilized by regulatory agencies and/or producers to help produce safe food products.
IMPACT/OUTCOME: These assays offer environmentally friendly alternatives to traditional instrumental methods and ELISAs. They will be useful screening tools for both State and Federal government agencies and industry to determine mycotoxin contamination.
IMPACT/OUTCOME: This information on fungal transmission provides a basic understanding of the very complex fungal endophyte/crop interaction which is necessary to develop effective strategies to prevent mycotoxin accumulation in crop plants. This knowledge will also help reduce investment and utilization of ineffective control strategies for fumonisin mycotoxins produced by Fusarium verticillioides.
IMPACT/OUTCOME: This computer program provides farmers with a valuable tool for creating a comprehensive mycotoxin management program. It has been made available to producers in an easy to use format. This information is critical in predicting the usefulness of genetically engineered corn and in providing corn producers with information on the specific benefits that they can expect from planting.
IMPACT/OUTCOME: This gene library will allow deciphering of how environmental factors affect the fungus, which genes are turned on during the plant-fungus interaction and aflatoxin production, as well as fungal survival in the field environment. It will provide identification/characterization of a complex set of genes involved in fungal virulence, aflatoxin formation signaling pathways between the fungus and the environment, and fungal reproduction/survival, and processes which need to be understood if fungal infection and aflatoxin production in crops is to be prevented.
IMPACT/OUTCOME: Over 30,000 acres of crops will be treated in collaboration with ARS in
Performance Measure 3.1.2: Develop and transfer to Federal agencies and the private sector systems that rapidly and accurately detect, identify, and differentiate the most critical and economically important foodborne microbial pathogens. |
During FY 2003, ARS will
develop innovative methods and advanced technology systems that: rapidly and accurately detect, identify, and differentiate the most critical and economically important foodborne contaminants, such as bacterial, viral, and protozoan pathogens; drug and chemical residues; and pathophysiological and processing surface contamination that will assure food safety. Ensure that the technologies are transferred to the Food Safety Inspection Service (FSIS) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in their regulatory authority; to the Department of Homeland Security relative to food security; and industry for implementation into Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) programs and Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) protocols for both large and small producers and processors.
IMPACT/OUTCOME: By implementing this technology, FSIS could redeploy thousands of inspectors to HACCP inspection tasks. The broiler industry would financially gain billions of dollars in discounted value. A hand held version of the technology, approved by FSIS, is already in use by the beef industry.
IMPACT/OUTCOME: Development of this technology can have significant impact on the ability of FSIS and the Food and FDA's ability to increase sampling of locally produced and imported foods.
IMPACT/OUTCOME: Development of this technology will have a significant and immediate impact for FSIS and FDA, which have a critical problem with the differentiation between the beta-lactam antibiotics, ceftiofur, and penicillin in their current regulatory monitoring program.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ARS scientists at Albany, California and Athens, Georgia, are part of a European Union funded (EU) international consortium, bringing together nine participants from six EU countries, South Africa, and the United States to develop international "gold standard" procedures for the routine isolation and detection of emerging Campylobacter bacteria from food, water, environmental, and clinical samples. The bacterium is a significant national and international public health risk. It is the cause of human bacterial associated gastroenteritis worldwide, responsible for 500 million cases of diarrhea each year. The bacteria can also cause reactive arthritis and the neurological disease Guillain-Barre which can result in paralysis and death.
IMPACT/OUTCOME: The procedures which will be developed will have application both in epidemiological and inoculation studies in determining the prevalence and assessing the survival of these pathogens throughout the food chain. Factors that affect pathogenicity will be determined, practical control strategies will be developed, and data will be produced which will allow development of a risk assessment model.
determine the microbial ecology and transmission of human pathogens during animal, plant, and seafood (shellfish) processing, and identify the critical control points to reduce contamination. Develop innovative postharvest intervention strategies for improving the microbial and chemical safety of foods while reducing the impact on quality and consumer acceptance. Ensure that these technologies can be implemented into HACCP and GMP protocols for both large and small producers and processors, and have efficacy for approval by FSIS and FDA.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ARS scientists in Clay Center, Nebraska, in association with industry and universities in the National Alliance for Food Safety and Security, investigated the problem of seasonal variations in the prevalence of E. coli O157:H7, Salmonella, and non-O157 Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) during beef production and processing. The studies indicated a marked seasonal effect on the prevalence of these pathogens, emphasized the efficacy of antimicrobial interventions used by the industry, and implicated hides as a major source of pathogens on beef carcasses.
IMPACT/OUTCOME: Regulatory action agencies, in particular FSIS, and industry will use this information to develop risk assessments based on seasonal prevalence, and to support the development of new antimicrobial strategies for preventing hide-to-carcass transfer of pathogens.
IMPACT/OUTCOME: Although cage costs and space requirements make routine storage of transportation coops between uses impractical for industry, these data justify the storage of soiled cages during periods of non-use. That airborne contamination is not a significant issue will allow future studies to focus on other potentially critical sources of pathogens, such as feces and ingesta. Sources of contamination of poultry are a critical issue for both FSIS and industry.
IMPACT/OUTCOME: Implementing the use of bacteriophages as an intervention strategy in certain pre-packaged food products has the potential to significantly reduce the number of outbreaks of foodborne disease, thus decreasing the public health risk. Use of bacteriophage as an intervention strategy has the support of industry and regulatory agencies. A national and international patent has been filed for its use.
undertake genomic and proteomic analysis of pathogens affecting food safety. Develop bioinformatic databases and tools, and predictive user friendly models to understand pathogen behavior and acquisition of virulence characteristics when under various stress conditions. Determine the key risk factors of human pathogens in foods, and evaluate systems interventions for their impact, which will allow regulatory/action agencies to make critical food safety decisions that impact public health and food security.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ARS, in association with The Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR), sequenced, annotated, and compared the genome of four L. monocytogenes strains. In association with university collaborators, the National Alliance for Food Safety and Security, and the
IMPACT/OUTCOME: The availability of this new genetic information will make it possible to better address food safety related problems through the application of powerful genomic and proteomic technologies. For example, the development of better and more rapid detection techniques, the identification of those proteins essential for bacterial pathogen survival and growth in foods, and the development of data for risk assessment will ultimately be used by FSIS and FDA to develop strategies to decrease the public health risk.
IMPACT/OUTCOME: The PMP software is utilized by national and international regulatory agencies and various food industries to control the presence and levels of bacterial pathogens in food. Microbial models assist in identifying specific food processing steps that can serve as critical control points in HACCP systems. At the international level, predictive models are an integral part of microbial risk assessment used to support food safety measures adopted by member countries of the World Trade Organization. ComBase is a unique database and on-line resource, impacting the development and validation of new microbial models, providing the food industry with an efficient location of specific food microbiology data, and allowing access to improved models that consider the complex nature of pathogen-food interactions. The Chief Executive of the United Kingdom Food Standards Agency described ComBase as "an exemplar of the way that governments and the research community can successfully work together to help improve the safety of food products" while the Co-Director of the Australian Food Safety Center stated "the ComBase initiative will be a watershed in the evolution of predictive modeling and its widespread application."
OBJECTIVE 3.2: Develop and Deliver Science-Based Information and Technologies To Reduce the Number and Severity of Agricultural
Performance Measure 3.2.1: Provide scientific information to protect animals from pests, infectious diseases, and other disease-causing entities that affect animal and human health. |
During FY 2003, ARS will
determine partial and full genomic sequences of four important animal pathogens or vectors to better understand the evolution of new variants, determinants of virulence, host range specificity, and factors that enable evasion from host defense mechanisms.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ARS has taken the lead in coordinating an international effort (involving researchers worldwide) to sequence the tick genome (more than one billion nucleotides) and organizing the sequencing of Boophilus microplus. In 2003, the first library of 20,000 clones of expressed genes was produced. It is now being analyzed.
IMPACT/OUTCOME: No tick or related arthropod has yet been sequenced. The economic and health significance of ticks makes this a priority project. By the end of 2004, it is estimated that 60,000 clones of expressed genes will have been isolated.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Seven regions of the DNA of Mycobacterium paratuberculosis (Johne's disease) that stimulate protective responses and one that exacerbates infection were identified. Sequencing was completed on two of the putative protective regions; a microarray system of gene pooling was developed and is ready for testing.
IMPACT/OUTCOME: The identification of M. paratuberculosis genes that are associated with host protection is an important milestone in the development of an effective molecular vaccine to control Johne's disease.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: The Brucella abortus (Brucellosis) genome sequencing project was used to identify variable regions in the genome in an effort to differentiate Brucella abortus strainsresulting in the development of a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay.
IMPACT/OUTCOME: The Brucella abortus PCR assay developed by ARS will allow Federal (APHIS) and State action and regulatory agencies to determine the source of a brucellosis infection in a cattle herd (including wildlife or other cattle) and help determine if a brucellosis outbreak is from single or multiple sources.
investigate the pathogenesis of two important animal pathogens to better understand tissue tropism, disease transmission, virulence, and the identification of phenotypic markers.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ARS scientists conducted and published the first pathogenesis studies of high and low virulence Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV) and generated tag sequence libraries for sequential analysis of gene expression (SAGE libraries) in infected cells in vitro.
IMPACT/OUTCOME: The BVDV SAGE libraries, developed by ARS, provide a tool to study the interaction of high and low virulence viruses with host cells and identify the factors that control virulence which will enable the development of intervention strategies to limit the effects of viral infection.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ARS obtained 18 different Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) virus isolates from disease outbreaks in the
IMPACT/OUTCOME: The sequence analysis of a number of PRRS virus isolates will lead to an understanding of the host-virus interactions in the field and identification of viral genes responsible for induction of a protective immune response.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ARS conducted functional genomics studies of selected Marek's disease viral genes to better understand the mechanism by which the virus causes changes in infected chickens. Several virus preparations with specific deletions or changes in selected genes were developed and the effects compared to unaltered viruses. Results to date indicate that the 132 base pair nucleic acid repeats are non-essential for Marek's Disease Virus (MDV) replication in cell culture, and chickens and viruses lacking these repeat sequences are still pathogenic. Furthermore, the putative MDV oncogene called "meq" could be deleted but was found to be essential for the transformation of lymphocytes in infected chickens. It was also found that the pp38 gene in the vaccine virus, Rispens, functions identically to the pp38 gene in the very virulent Md5 virus.
IMPACT/OUTCOME: The functional genomics studies of selected Marek's disease viral genes are enhancing our knowledge of the mechanisms of virus replication and virulence, which is an important milestone for developing a new class of vaccines against this very important poultry disease.
investigate the epidemiology of two important animal diseases to better understand their ecology and life cycle and provide effective disease surveillance to facilitate the development of control strategies and prevent disease transmission.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ARS collected swabs from the species of wild birds previously found to have Avian Pneumovirus (APV) antibodies. Avian Pneumovirus was identified from 12 of the sampled wild birds and it was determined through sequence analysis of the glycoprotein, matrix, and fusion genes that the wild bird viruses are closely related to viruses found in domestic poultry.
IMPACT/OUTCOME: The identification of APV in wild birds and its relationship to viruses found in domestic poultry indicate the potential for wild birds to spread APV infections in areas of the
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ARS identified the viral shedding patterns of Malignant Catarrhal Fever (MCF) in both adolescent and adult sheep. The data indicate that nasal shedding is the major mode of sheep-associated MCF virus transmission among domestic sheep and that the adolescents are by far the heaviest shedders of virus for other species.
IMPACT/OUTCOME: The kinetics of the shedding patterns of MCF in adolescent sheep appear to be a unique biological phenomenon without precedent, and definition of the virus-host mechanisms underlying this behavior should lead to new knowledge on the potential ways viruses can interact with hosts.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ARS scientists established that the tonsils of deer are a reliable early indicator of infection and established a valid method for detecting Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) in live deer. This test is suitable for use in surveillance of deer in highly populated areas, where hunting is not allowed but artificial feeding may increase disease prevalence. In addition, scientists have established that the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve is the earliest site of PrP-CWD accumulation in mule deer. This research identifies the tissue to be selected for diagnostic testing in hunter harvest surveys.
IMPACT/OUTCOME: The CWD pathogenesis studies conducted by ARS in deer and mule deer have resulted in the identification of tissue samples that has enabled the development of effective diagnostic procedures for live animals.
Performance Measure 3.2.2: Identify, develop, and release to the |
During FY 2003, ARS will identify one genetic marker and one gene from food animals that can be used to identify animals with disease resistant traits.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ARS developed a DNA-based test for the Avian Leukosis Virus (ALV) receptor gene known as TVB (a tumor necrosis factor receptor-related protein). This genetic test can distinguish if a chicken carries TVB alleles that confer resistant to ALV subgroups B or E, which are some of the most prevalent ALV types in the field.
IMPACT/OUTCOME: The TVB DNA-based assay developed by ARS allows poultry breeders to accurately select for chickens for resistance to specific ALVs, which will enhance egg production and decrease mortality losses.
Performance Measure 3.2.3: Develop and transfer tools to the agricultural community, commercial partners, and Federal agencies to control or eradicate domestic and exotic diseases that affect animal and human health. |
During FY 2003, ARS will
discover and develop two novel diagnostic technologies to detect and control diseases that impact animal health, animal production, and trade.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ARS scientists developed serotyping polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers designed from variable regions of the Listeria monocytogenes genome. Three primer sets were used in conjunction with a previously described Division III primer set in order to classify 122 Listeria monocytogenes strains into five serotype groups.
IMPACT/OUTCOME: The Listeria monocytogenes serotyping PCR primers developed by ARS will enhance the ease and accessibility of the "gold standard" serological classification system that permits differentiation between important food-borne strains.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Poult Enteritis Mortality Syndrome (PEMS) is a highly infectious disease of young turkeys. Currently, no rapid or sensitive laboratory tests are available to identify the viruses involved in PEMS production. A rapid and sensitive real time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction test (RRT-PCR - a biotechnology test to detect genes) was developed to detect turkey astrovirus type-2, one of the major viruses involved in production of PEMS in turkeys.
IMPACT/OUTCOME: The development of a real time RT-PCR diagnostic test for PEMS offers substantial advantages over the older standard RT-PCR technology, including improved accuracy, speed, and sensitivity.
develop and evaluate one new delivery system that will enhance the value of disease prevention.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ARS scientists developed a self propelled vaccinator capable of vaccinating 75,000 chickens in 7? minutes. The research has resulted in a machine that is capable of uniformly and consistently delivering Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) vaccine to 75,000 chickens in less than 8 minutes as compared to 50 minutes for conventional methods.
IMPACT/OUTCOME: The impact of the MG vaccinator developed by ARS is that producers using the available commercial vaccines can administer MG vaccines quicker and more consistently and uniformly to pullets reducing labor by 60 percent.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Lyme disease is transmitted by ticks that multiply on whitetail deer. ARS scientists have patented and licensed to the National Lyme Disease Foundation the "4-Poster," a novel device shown to control ticks on wild deer.
IMPACT/OUTCOME: Because of its feral epidemiology, Lyme disease is especially difficult to control. The "4-Poster" will reduce Lyme disease in the Northeast by controlling the vector in the forest before it has contact with humans.
discover two immunological reagents and one novel vaccine formulation to control a high priority infectious disease.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ARS scientists discovered an adenovirus-vectored H3N2 Swine Influenza Virus (SIV) vaccine with novel characteristics: it prevents shedding and it is efficacious in the presence of maternal antibodies.
IMPACT/OUTCOME: With H3N2 SIV, the first time an efficacious vaccine can be developed for the period when pigs are the most vulnerable. Unfortunately, because of potential intellectual property/patent infringement associated with the adenovirus vector selected for this research, this novel vaccine technology cannot be transferred to a commercial partner for full development.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ARS discovered and produced three monoclonal antibodies to study host immune responses in chickens and have transferred them to diagnostic firms for further development. Several of these monoclonal antibodies can now be used to assess the immune status of chickens vaccinated with different infectious agents. The results to date indicate that these monoclonal antibodies are useful in the identification of lymphocyte subpopulations and macrophages in the tissues and the peripheral blood from chickens infected with microbial agents or vaccinated with the viral vaccines.
IMPACT/OUTCOME: The discovery of immunological reagents is paramount to understanding the mechanisms of protective immunity and is a critical milestone in diagnostic and vaccine discovery.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ARS has discovered and characterized the gene for soluble CD14 which binds and neutralizes endotoxins responsible for mastitis. The gene was cloned and recombinant bovine (rbo)-CD14 protein was successfully produced and evaluated. Intraperitoneal injection of rboCD14 together with endotoxin reduced the fatality rate in mice. Preliminary studies indicate that intramammary injection of soluble rboCD14 is 100 percent effective in preventing mastitis by Escherichia coli in lactating dairy cows.
IMPACT/OUTCOME: The discovery of CD14 will potentially lead to a product that for the first time can be used effectively to treat and prevent mastitis caused by E.coli.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Solanum glaucophyllum is a plant that contains the active form of vitamin D. ARS scientists have investigated the utility of this plant in the prevention of subclinical hypocalcemia (milk fever) in periparturient dairy cows and discovered that when used in combination with diets high in anions (chloride), the incidence of subclinical hypocalcemia in dairy cows can be reduced.
IMPACT/OUTCOME: Identifying the medical benefits of using Solanum glaucophyllum in feed will offer further opportunities to dairy farmers in avoiding complications due to hypocalcemia, such as displaced abomasum, retained placenta, and mastitis.
Performance Measure 3.2.4: Develop and release to potential users varieties and/or germplasm of agriculturally important plants that are new or provide significantly improved (either through traditional breeding or biotechnology) characteristics enhancing pest or disease resistance. |
During FY 2003, ARS will
identify and characterize genes of insect resistance in crop plants, closely related non-crop species, and other species to enhance opportunities for developing host plant resistance and incorporate such genes into commercially acceptable varieties.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ARS scientists have generated greenbug resistant wheat. Greenbug resistance, bred into a new, hard red winter wheat germplasm line, is now available for use in developing new varieties of the crop. Greenbug is a major pest of wheat and plagues cereal crops in both the northern and southern
IMPACT/OUTCOME: The new greenbug-resistant wheat germplasm line, N96L9970, should provide wheat breeders with a source of genes conferring resistance to five greenbug biotypes: B, C, E, G, and I. ARS scientists are taking seed requests at the ARS' Wheat, Sorghum and Forage Research Unit in
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ARS is developing new root weevil and disease resistant citrus rootstocks. The three new citrus rootstocks developed by ARS scientists in
IMPACT/OUTCOME: The three citrus rootstocks developed by ARS and resistant to citrus root weevil and Phytophthora diseases are at least three to four years away from commercialization, but they have performed well in initial tests in damp coastal soil for combating the Diaprepes citrus root weevil and Phytophthora.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: The sunflower stem weevil, a pest of cultivated sunflower, causes severe crop losses in the Central Plains sunflower production areas of
IMPACT/OUTCOME: Sunflower accessions evaluated for resistance to the sunflower stem weevil had as high as 70 percent less weevil larvae in the stalks. Populations of larvae in the stalks were reduced as planting was delayed. Integrated pest management schemes that incorporate resistant sunflower hybrids and delayed planting dates can effectively reduce weevil damage, thus preventing yield losses to growers.
identify and characterize genes of plant disease resistance in crop plants, closely related non-crop species, and other species to enhance opportunities for developing host plant resistance and incorporate such genes into commercially acceptable varieties.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Losses due to stripe rust have been severe for
IMPACT/OUTCOME: Wheat and barley accessions with stripe rust resistance can now be used as breeding sources to develop more stripe rust resistant wheat and barley varieties.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ARS scientists at Madison, Wisconsin, have been working to locate a disease resistant gene in order to permit studies on fine mapping of the wild potato (Solanum bulbocastanum), which has resistance to late blight disease. Using molecular markers, ARS scientists in collaboration with the
IMPACT/OUTCOME: The impact of identifying disease resistant genes in wild potato will be a plant resistant to late blight, thus eliminating the need for fungicide spraying.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Wheat is vulnerable to diseases and insect damage. Researchers at
IMPACT/OUTCOME: The new wheat disease resistant gene information can be used to develop wheat with improved resistance to disease or insect threats.
IMPACT/OUTCOME: The barley genome GeneChip enables cereal researchers to assess the effects of drought, pests, and diseases on most barley genes simultaneously, which will result in improvements to barley.
Performance Measure 3.2.5: Provide fundamental and applied scientific information and technology to protect agriculturally important plants from pests and diseases. |
During FY 2003, ARS will
develop fundamental knowledge about insect biology and ecology that provides the foundation for strategies to exclude, detect, and mitigate pest infestations.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ARS scientists can now predict Asian Longhorned Beetles' (ALB) roaming habits. If the ALB continues its advance, this invasive pest may potentially alter the makeup of North American hardwood forests. Losses to lumber, maple syrup, and tourism industries could reach $670 billion. ARS scientists in
IMPACT/OUTCOME: The new ALB dispersal data could be used by APHIS and officials in infested States to establish more reliable survey and quarantine boundaries, increasing the chances of successful control or eradication.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: New caterpillar attractants from flowers show promise for pest control in potato crops. Alfalfa loopers, cabbage loopers, cutworms, and armyworms damage potato foliage through their feeding, reduce yields, and require multiple applications of chemical pesticides. ARS scientists at
IMPACT/OUTCOME: In five-acre potato plots, the number of pest moths was reduced by 75 percent using new caterpillar attractants from flowers. Commercial production of this technology can provide a way to bait these moths in order to reduce reproduction and prevent damage to potato and other susceptible crops, while minimizing pesticide use.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Squash bugs and cucurbit yellow vine disease can be thwarted by kaolin particle film applications. Cucurbit Yellow Vine Disease (CYVD) transmitted by the squash bug, is an emerging and serious disease of watermelon, muskmelon, squash, and pumpkin from
IMPACT/OUTCOME: Adoption of kaolin particle film technology by watermelon, muskmelon, squash, and pumpkin growers could substantially reduce squash bug feeding and CYVD incidence in cucurbit crops.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ARS participation in the IR-4 program consisted of 77 field trials for food crops and 31 field trials for ornamentals which contributed to EPA registrations on 23 food crops for 10 insecticides and on 25 ornamental crops for 4 insecticides.
IMPACT/OUTCOME: Availability of these insecticides has enhanced the pest management options for minor crop producers.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: The Systematic Entomology Laboratory,
IMPACT/OUTCOME: Systematics is essential for all work research on combating invasive and native pest insects. Accurate identification is needed to determine pest management strategies, including finding natural enemies for pest control.
develop fundamental knowledge about weed biology and ecology that provides the foundation for strategies to exclude, detect, and mitigate weed infestations.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ARS participation in the IR-4 program with 31 field trials for food crops and 46 field trials for ornamentals contributed to EPA registrations on 10 food crops for 5 herbicides and on 33 ornamental crops for 6 herbicides.
IMPACT/OUTCOME: Availability of these herbicides enhanced the pest management options for minor crop producers.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Saltcedar, Tamarix spp., is a destructive invasive shrub/small tree that has invaded riparian areas all across the western
IMPACT/OUTCOME: The saltcedar leaf beetle is rapidly spreading. At locations in
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Roundup-Ready crops have proliferated in the
IMPACT/OUTCOME: The research demonstrated that the European perception of reduced biological diversity with adoption of Roundup-Ready technology may not be valid, at least under
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Russian thistle (tumbleweed), Salsola kali, is an invasive weed across many Western States, where it competes with better forage plants for water and resources, and becomes a safety hazard when it blows across expressways and blocks the vision of drivers. Fall application of a persistent, soil-active herbicide may be an effective way to control Russian knapweed growth the following year; however, current-year. An ARS scientist in Burns, Oregon, the Oregon Department of Agriculture, Harney County Extension Service, and a private landowner cooperatively researched a new technology that mows and applies herbicide in a single pass, removing standing dead plants, and allowing more herbicide to reach the soil where it is taken up by plant roots.
IMPACT/OUTCOME: Russian knapweed control in the two years following application was improved by using this new technology. This method increases profits to hay and forage growers by reducing herbicide costs and providing better control of Russian knapweed.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Plant pathogens are needed as biological control agents for management of yellow starthistle (YST), Centaurea solstitialis, a serious invasive weed in the
IMPACT/OUTCOME: P. jaceae established quickly, and is expected to spread long distances without human intervention, attack YST throughout the
develop fundamental knowledge about plant disease biology and ecology that provides the foundation for strategies to exclude, detect, and mitigate pest infestations.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ARS participation in the IR-4 program consisted of 31 field trials for food crops and 24 field trials for ornamentals which contributed to EPA registrations on 11 food crops for eight fungicides and on 11 ornamental crops for four fungicides.
IMPACT/OUTCOME: Availability of these fungicides enhanced the pest management options for minor crop producers.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Little is known about the genetic variability on maize chlorotic dwarf virus, a corn virus that causes significant disease problems in the
IMPACT/OUTCOME: Wide variability among the corn chlorotic dwarf viruses suggest that the disease may be caused by a complex of more than one virus, a finding that will likely impact the design of disease control strategies.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Citrus Tristeza Virus (CTV) is the most important virus disease of citrus. Evaluation of the rate of spread and virulence of CTV in the San Joaquin Valley of California remains critical to the local citrus industry and the fate of the CTV eradication program. ARS scientists at Parlier,
IMPACT/OUTCOME: Findings from the characterization and epidemiology of citrus tristeza virus suggests that the eradication program in its present state may no longer be useful or cost effective.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (TSWV) is a significant viral pathogen on peanut in the southwest
IMPACT/OUTCOME: The NsM gene of TSWV will aid in the identification of stable sources of resistance for the peanut germplasm.
Performance Measure 3.2.6: Provide needed scientific information and technology to producers of agriculturally important plants in support of exclusion, detection and early eradication; control and monitoring of invasive insects, weeds and pathogens; and restoration of affected areas. Conduct biologically-based integrated and areawide management of key invasive species. |
During FY 2003, ARS will
develop and demonstrate technologies for excluding, detecting, and mitigating native and invasive insect pests, including integrated pest management (IPM) and areawide approaches, and deliver IPM components and systems to the ARS customer base.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: The boll weevil has wreaked havoc on the American cotton industry, with yield losses and control costs totaling more than $22 billion since its 1892 arrival in the
IMPACT/OUTCOME: Eradication of the boll weevil is now a major success, thanks in large part to ARS research. The success story of boll weevil eradication was built on cooperation between government research and regulatory agencies, especially ARS and USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, which has regulatory responsibility for the eradication program - along with universities, industry, states, and growers.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: The ARS partnership Hawaiian fruit fly areawide pest management project has resulted in the first successful program to control fruit flies that have been devastating Hawaiian agriculture for almost 100 years. The control system is based on a combination of techniques, such as field sanitation, male fruit fly annihilation, and protein bait sprays, developed primarily by ARS, which have been adapted and coordinated into an IPM initiative specifically designed to work in
IMPACT/OUTCOME: ARS' Hawaiian fruit fly areawide pest management program has found wide-spread acceptance by Hawaiian growers. The 285 signed cooperating growers in this program, representing 6,200 acres, across the major islands of
IMPACT/OUTCOME: Attempts to commercialize the fungus had previously stumbled on high production costs, quality control problems, and other setbacks. The researchers have overcome these obstacles through their innovations on how the fungus' spores are cultured, formulated, and made stable for long-term cold storage.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ARS overseas biological control laboratories in
IMPACT/OUTCOME: Invasive weeds and insect pests of foreign origin cause major economic losses (greater than $100 billion each year) and ecological problems in the
IMPACT/OUTCOME: The easy-to-use system allows grain storage and milling companies to use insecticides and fumigants as well as non-toxic alternatives only when needed, based on monitoring, rather than routinely scheduling preventive treatments. This system will provide early warning of insect infestations giving grain managers more options for handling the situation, whether immediate milling of the grain or applying an insecticidal treatment. This will provide a cost saving to the industry and a better quality product to the public.
develop and demonstrate technologies for excluding, detecting, and mitigating native and invasive weed pests, including integrated pest management (IPM) and areawide approaches, and deliver IPM components and systems to the ARS customer base.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Metham-sodium has been identified as a possible replacement for methyl bromide fumigation in vegetable crops, although questions persist regarding the optimum rate, timing, and need for polyethylene tarping for control of yellow nutsedge, Cyperus esculentus. Field studies conducted by ARS scientists in
IMPACT/OUTCOME: The research suggests that the production practices for cantaloupe and other cucurbit crops can be easily altered to accommodate metham-sodium as a replacement for methyl bromide.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Medusahead, Taeniatherum caput-medusae, is an invasive annual grass that has spread over millions of acres in the semi-arid West, reducing forage production for wildlife and livestock and displacing native plant species. ARS scientists in Burns, Oregon, in collaboration with Oregon State University and Bureau of Land Management personnel, investigated second year effects of the herbicides Oust? (sulfometuron methyl) and Plateau? (imazapic) on medusahead and associated native plant species. Medusahead may be controlled using herbicides, but the effects on associated native species are site specific.
IMPACT/OUTCOME: Public land managers and private landowners can use Oust? and Plateau? to improve the effectiveness of medusahead control while maintaining native biodiversity and forage production.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Giant salvinia, Salvinia molesta, is one of the world's worst weeds, threatening the integrity of fresh water ecosystems in 12 Southern and Western States (and
IMPACT/OUTCOME: The salvinia weevil is poised to eliminate or reduce the threat of giant salvinia, thereby restoring or preserving freshwater ecosystems, reducing the use of herbicides or mechanical control, and providing affordable, sustainable management throughout the southeastern continental
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Little information is available on the control of common waterhemp, Amaranthus rudis, which has emerged recently as one of the most problematic weed species in soybean in the
IMPACT/OUTCOME: These results will assist producers in improving the timing of management practices for common waterhemp in soybean production, resulting in increased yield at decreased cost.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: The effectiveness of thin film polyethylene mulches in suppressing nutsedge growth was evaluated in the wake of the impending elimination of methyl bromide. In greenhouse studies by ARS scientists in
IMPACT/OUTCOME: Polyethylene mulch can be an important component of a yellow nutsedge management system, while other factors will need to be explored for successful management of purple nutsedge.
develop and demonstrate technologies for excluding, detecting, and mitigating native and invasive plant disease pests, including integrated pest management (IPM) and areawide approaches, and deliver IPM components and systems to the ARS customer base.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Phytophthora infestans, the causal agent of potato late blight is considered to be the most significant pathogen of potatoes worldwide. An increase in severity and aggressiveness of the pathogen has stimulated interest in developing new biological control alternatives. ARS scientists at
IMPACT/OUTCOME: Late blight reduction provided by the biological control treatments ranged from 20 to 90 percent depending on strain and formulation composition. These results demonstrate the potential of combinations of these bacteria to simultaneously control both late blight and Fusarium dry rot.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: White mold caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum is an economically devastating disease of numerous broad leaf crops throughout the
IMPACT/OUTCOME: Highlighted findings include an improved ability to forecast white mold incidence for various crops. A risk map for canola is currently in use and is being expanded into other crops. The map has the potential to reduce fungicide costs while maintaining use of fungicides in high risk areas, thus avoiding unacceptable white mold losses.
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