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To see our site immediately when you sign on to the Internet, make us your browser's home page. You can also bookmark the site or create a desktop shortcut. For instructions, click on the link below that matches your browser software.

Netscape 4.0

  • Go to the 'Edit' menu and choose 'Preferences.'
  • Select 'Navigator' from the Category list on the left.
  • Under 'Navigator starts with' check off the 'Home Page.'
  • Under 'Home Page' type the following address in the location field:

  • Click 'OK.'


    For easy access to, add it to your bookmarks.

    • Go to the NPS  home page.
    • Go to the 'Bookmarks' menu and choose 'Add Bookmark.'
    • To go to our home page at any time, click on the 'Bookmarks' menu and choose 'ARS National Programs'

    Internet Explorer 4.0 or 5.0

    • Go to the NPS  home page.
    • Go to the 'View' menu and choose 'Internet Options.'
    • Click on the 'General' tab.
    • Click on the 'Use Current' button.
    • Click 'Apply.'
    • Click 'OK.'

    Add to your favorites folder

    • Go to the NPS  home page.
    • Go to the 'Favorites' menu (not the 'Favorites Folder' on the button bar) and choose 'Add to Favorites.'

    • To go to our home page at any time, click on the 'Favorites' menu and scroll down to 'ARS National Programs'
    • Alternately, you may drag the icon in the 'Address' box to the 'Favorites Folder' on the 'Button Bar.'

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