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Improve Animal Food Products to Help People Live Better


Research has shown numerous health benefits for the inclusion of meat in one•s diet.  Children•s learning and intellectual development have been linked to eating protein found in meat and eggs.  Milk products are a rich source of bioavailable calcium which is critical for bone development in young children, especially for adolescent girls that are more prone to osteoporosis in later life.  Minerals such as zinc and iron found in chicken, beef, and pork have been shown to benefit those with a compromised immune system.  New research suggests that there may be other compounds derived from meat and dairy products, such as conjugated linoleic acid, that may prevent certain chronic diseases. 

This goal has three objectives:

Current research in USDA•s Agricultural Research Service (ARS), and the Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service (CSREES) that directly involves meat or dairy products to achieve each of these objectives are discussed below.

Objective 1: Research the contributions of meat, eggs, and diary products to healthy, balanced diets

 CSREES Human Nutrition projects meeting this objective:

Joint ARS and CSREES projects meeting this objective:

Conducting studies to identify the most salient motivators and barriers influencing the consumption of calcium rich foods among adolescents; assessing knowledge and attitudes towards calcium rich foods among adolescents; assessing calcium intake among adolescents; and determining variation in motivators and barriers, attitudes and knowledge and consumption of calcium rich foods across age, gender and selected ethnic groups. (Involves land-grant universities from 10 states and ARS)

Objective 2: Create and identify functional foods from animals

ARS Human Nutrition projects meeting this objective:

CSREES Human Nutrition projects meeting this objective:

The human research will provide a better understanding of the antioxidant role of CLA.  The animal research will provide directions on how to increase CLA production by ruminants.  Increasing CLA in beef and milk benefits both consumers as benefitting health, and the beef and dairy industries by adding value to their products. (University of Nevada, Reno, NV, and University of California, Davis, CA, and others)

Joint ARS and CSREES Projects projects meeting this objective:

Objective 3: Determine how production and processing practices affect food quality

ARS Quality/Utilization projects meeting this objective:

CSREES projects meeting this objective:

Joint ARS and CSREES projects meeting this objective:

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