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2024 Benjamin Y. Morrison Memorial Lecturer

Bridget K. Behe, Ph.D.

Professor, Horticulture Marketing
Michigan State University

Dr. Bridget Behe is a Professor Emeritus of Horticultural Marketing at Michigan State University. Before she retired from full-time work in January 2023 from Michigan State, she taught courses on marketing and management for horticulture majors. Bridget conducted over 500 consumer and market research projects on horticultural products, both edible and ornamental. She wrote nearly 1000 publications in the trade press and peer-reviewed journals. She joined Michigan State’s faculty in August, 1997. Before working at Michigan State, she spent 8 years on the Horticulture faculty at Auburn University (Alabama).

Bridget earned degrees from Penn State University (Ph.D. Horticulture, B.S. Horticulture, B.S. Agricultural Education) and The Ohio State University (M.S. Horticulture). Each year, she speaks to professionals and industry groups nationally and internationally. She writes articles for trade magazines to share the findings of her consumer research studies. In 2016, she was recognized as the Outstanding Extension Specialist in Michigan. In 2018, she was awarded the American Society for Horticultural Science Undergraduate Educator of the Year. In July 2022, she was awarded Syngenta’s Horticulture Industry Leadership Award. Many of her peer-reviewed publications can be downloaded for free at and she can be contacted at or at 517-881-0876.

Benjamin Y. Morrison (1891-1966)

The B.Y. Morrison Lecture was established in 1968 by the Agricultural Research Service to honor the memory of Benjamin Y. Morrison (1891-1966) and to recognize scientists who have made outstanding contributions to ornamental horticulture and other environmental sciences, to encourage the wide application of these sciences, and to stress the urgency of preserving and enhancing natural beauty.

B.Y. Morrison was the first director of USDA's National Arboretum in Washington, D.C. A scientist, plant breeder, landscape architect, plant explorer, author, and lecturer, Morrison advanced the science of botany and horticulture in the United States. His legacy to the American public includes dozens of new ornamental plants, including the Glenn Dale azaleas.

The B.Y. Morrison Lecture is a forum for a presentation on a scientific topic, trend, issue, or policy of the lecturer's choice. The awardee will receive a $5,000 honorarium, an engraved plaque and medal. They also, become part of a prestigious cohort of ARS Memorial lecturers, and are featured on the ARS website and social media platforms.


Nominees may be outstanding senior scientists in industry, university, or government positions. Current ARS employees are not eligible.

To nominate someone for the 2025 Benjamin Y. Morrison Memorial Lecture, please send a letter explaining the nominee’s contributions to ornamental horticulture and other environmental sciences and their current curriculum vitae to