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item Enhancing evaluation of bull fertility through multivariate analysis of sperm (Dec 2024)
item Assessment of genetic diversity, inbreeding and collection completeness of Jersey bulls in the US National Animal Germplasm Program (Dec 2024)
item Direct in vitro propagation of avian germ cells from an embryonic gonad biorepository (Aug 2024)
item Metabolic shift in porcine spermatozoa during sperm capacitation-induced zinc flux. (Jul 2024)
item Effect of chronic cyclic heat stress and supplemented inorganic and organic zinc source levels on grow-finish pig growth performance and estimated body composition (Apr 2024)
item Germplasm preservation for rare domestic animal breeds (Mar 2024)
item Gene expression patterns as a screening tool for assessing turkey ovarian tissue vitrification protocols (Mar 2024)
item Efforts to cryopreserve shrimp (Penaeid) genetic resources and the potential for a shrimp germplasm bank in the United States (Feb 2024)
item Biobanking animal genetic resources: Critical infrastructure and growth opportunities (Feb 2024)
item Turkey hen sperm storage tubule transcriptome response to artificial insemination and the presence of semen (Jan 2024)
item Incorporation of biotechnologies into gene banking strategies to facilitate rapid reconstitution of populations (Oct 2023)
item First person—Kayla Mills (Aug 2023)
item Low colostrum intake results in accumulation of peroxisome lipid substrates in stratified epithelial vaginal tissue of 3 week old gilts (Aug 2023)
item Bibliographic mapping for heat tolerance in pigs and poultry (Jul 2023)
item A gene bank’s collection of genetic diversity among minor chicken breeds (Jun 2023)
item Global gene expression of the turkey hen reproductive axis during the preovulatory hormonal surge (Feb 2023)
item Bibliographic mapping of heat tolerance in farm animals (Jan 2023)
item Lentivirus susceptibility in Brazilian and US sheep with TMEM154 mutations (Dec 2022)