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ARS Home » Plains Area » El Reno, Oklahoma » Oklahoma and Central Plains Agricultural Research Center » Research

Research Programs and Projects at this Location

ARS research is organized into National Programs. Within each National Program are research projects. Listed below are  the National Programs and research projects currently conducted at this location.

Clicking on a National Program (NP) will take you  to the main ARS site for more information on the program. Clicking on a research  project title will take you to more information on the project.

Current View: Appropriated Projects Only

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Food Animal Production (NP #101)
Enhancing Beef Cattle Production and Finishing Systems in the Southern Great Plains
(In-House Appropriated)
Water Availability and Watershed Management (NP #211)
Adapting Agricultural Production Systems and Soil and Water Conservation Practices to Climate Change and Variability in Southern Great Plains
(In-House Appropriated)
Development of a Monitoring Network, Engineering Tools, and Guidelines for the Design, Analysis, and Rehabilitation of Embankment Dams, Hydraulic Structures, and Channels
(In-House Appropriated)
Enhancing Beef Cattle Production and Finishing Systems in the Southern Great Plains
(In-House Appropriated)
Impacts of Variable Land Management and Climate on Water and Soil Resources
(In-House Appropriated)
Soil and Air (NP #212)
Adapting Agricultural Production Systems and Soil and Water Conservation Practices to Climate Change and Variability in Southern Great Plains
(In-House Appropriated)
Development of a Monitoring Network, Engineering Tools, and Guidelines for the Design, Analysis, and Rehabilitation of Embankment Dams, Hydraulic Structures, and Channels
(In-House Appropriated)
Impacts of Variable Land Management and Climate on Water and Soil Resources
(In-House Appropriated)
The USDA ARS Climate Hubs - Increasing Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability by Impactful Development and Communication of Climate Smart Agricultural Research and Practices - El Reno, OK
(In-House Appropriated)
Grass, Forage, and Rangeland Agroecosystems (NP #215)
Enhancing Beef Cattle Production and Finishing Systems in the Southern Great Plains
(In-House Appropriated)
Integrated Research to Enhance Forage and Food Production from Southern Great Plains Agroecosystems
(In-House Appropriated)
The USDA ARS Climate Hubs - Increasing Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability by Impactful Development and Communication of Climate Smart Agricultural Research and Practices - El Reno, OK
(In-House Appropriated)
Sustainable Agricultural Systems Research (NP #216)
Adapting Agricultural Production Systems and Soil and Water Conservation Practices to Climate Change and Variability in Southern Great Plains
(In-House Appropriated)
Impacts of Variable Land Management and Climate on Water and Soil Resources
(In-House Appropriated)
The USDA ARS Climate Hubs - Increasing Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability by Impactful Development and Communication of Climate Smart Agricultural Research and Practices - El Reno, OK
(In-House Appropriated)
Plant Genetic Resources, Genomics and Genetic Improvement (NP #301)
Genetic Improvement for Resistance to Aphids and Major Diseases in Wheat, Barley, and Sorghum in the Great Plains
(In-House Appropriated)
High Oleic Peanut Cultivars and Germplasm with Improved Disease Resistance for the Southwestern United States
(In-House Appropriated)
Crop Protection & Quarantine (NP #304)
Management Strategies for Invasive Aphid Pests of Cereals
(In-House Appropriated)