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Research Project: Minor Use Pesticide Testing on Vegetables and Sugar Crops

Location: Crop Improvement and Protection Research

2018 Annual Report

Conduct laboratory and field tests to provide residue data needed to establish a tolerance on a specific commodity or to support a crop group tolerance. [NP 304, C2, PS 2A3 and C3, PS 3A2].

Research to suppport registrations of minor use pesticides. Apply pesticides according to IR-4 protocol guidelines. Obtain performance data, phytotoxicity, yield and efficacy from treated and untreated field plots. Ship samples to laboratories for residue analyses. Protocols will be employed using appropriate Standard Operating Procedures and conducted under provisions outlined in 40CFR part 160 in accordances with EPA's Laboratory Practice Standards.

Progress Report
Crops were grown and sprayed according to the provided, crop-specific protocols with various test substances using small plot sprayers that simulate commercial application equipment. Crops were frequently monitored for phytotoxicity. Plant samples were collected at harvest and frozen until shipment to a designated analytical laboratory for residue analysis. Prometryn, for broad leaf weed control, was applied to leek when transplants were established in the field, after growth of one to three new true leaves; a second application was made 50-days prior to harvest. Sulfentrazone herbicide (for control of hophornbeam, copperleaf, and pigweed) was applied to broccoli and cabbage plants, as a shielded or hooded spray, so as not to contact the foliage, with the goal to shorten the pre-harvest interval (PHI) to 30-days. Flutianil, for control of powdery mildew diseases, was applied to lettuce in two field tests as three foliar sprays at seven-day intervals with pre-harvest intervals of zero, one, three, seven and 10 days. NMG787, an unregistered nematicide, was evaluated using two means of treatment: soil application into the seed line at planting using untreated seed, and seed treatment that was applied to the seed by a commercial seed treatment facility before planting. Uniconazole-p, a plant growth regulator that is used to control size (height) of greenhouse-grown transplants, was applied to broccoli 21 to 42 days prior to transplanting, in order to regulate stem elongation, a major problem associated with growing vegetable transplants, that is traditionally done using temperature management.
