Location: Exotic & Emerging Avian Viral Diseases Research
Project Number: 6040-32000-072-000-D
Project Type: In-House Appropriated
Start Date: Oct 11, 2016
End Date: Oct 10, 2021
Objective 1. Identification of circulating and emerging Newcastle disease viruses, including conducting prevalence studies for NDV in poultry and in synanthropic birds from countries where virulent NDV strains are endemic to determine the presence of variant and emerging viruses in vaccinated poultry and in wild birds, and developing rapid identification assays for variant NDV strains.
Objective 2. Identify agents that may cause NDV vaccine failures in endemic countries, including NDV variants and co-infecting agents that may immuno-compromise animals or enhance disease in vaccinated poultry flocks.
Objective 3. Develop predictive biology strategies for risk assessment of virus evolution, including developing predictive biology strategies using NexGen (next generation) sequencing to evaluate the rate of change in different virulent NDV strains from unvaccinated, sub-optimally vaccinated, and well-vaccinated poultry.
Objective 4. Develop improved NDV vaccines platforms, including identifying and evaluating effective and user friendly NDV vaccine platforms for in ovo or one-day old broilers, and identifying and characterizing protective immune responses for new vaccines platforms that are effective in ovo or in one-day old broilers.
Identification and characterization of new variants will be addressed by conducting active surveillance, and characterization of new isolates, and by developing rapid diagnostic assays that assures appropriate detection of these exotic samples (objective 1). Identifying immune suppressing agents and Newcastle disease viruses (NDV) variants that may cause disease in vaccinated animals will address the inadequate efficacy of commercial vaccines in endemic countries (Objective 2). Predictive strategies for identifying vaccines and vaccination practices that cause emergence of variant viruses will be addressed by Next Generation (NexGen) sequencing of viruses that emerge under different vaccination regimes (Objective 3). Reduced efficacy of commercial vaccines in young chickens with maternal antibodies will be addressed by developing an improved vaccine platform based in vector that is unknown to chickens (Objective 4).