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Research Project: Enhancing Sustainability and Production Efficiency through Improved Management and Housing Design in Commercial Broilers

Location: Poultry Research

Publications (Clicking on the reprint icon Reprint Icon will take you to the publication reprint.)

Comparison of outside air and sol-air design temperatures for estimating insulation needs Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Chesser, D.G., Purswell, J.L., Davis, J.D., Ward, J.K., Tabler, G.T., Zhao, Y. 2023. Comparison of outside air and sol-air design temperatures for estimating insulation needs. Transactions of the ASABE. 39(4): 409-416.

Age-related effect of high-frequency LED lighting in laying hens on biochemical, enzymatical, and electrolytes variables Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Olanrewaju, H.A., Evans, J.D., Collier, S.D., Purswell, J.L., Branton, S.L. 2023. Age-related effect of high-frequency LED lighting in laying hens on biochemical, enzymatical, and electrolytes variables. Journal of Applied Poultry Research. 32:3.

Age-related effect of high frequency LED lighting in laying hens Part 1: Blood Physiological Variables Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Olanrewaju, H.A., Purswell, J.L., Evans, J.D., Collier, S.D., Branton, S.L. 2023. Age-related effect of high frequency LED lighting in laying hens Part 1: Blood Physiological Variables. Canadian Journal of Animal Science.

Modeling gait score of broiler chicken via production and behavioral data Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Yang, X., Zhao, Y., Gan, H., Hawkins, S., Eckelkamp, L., Parado, M., Burns, R., Purswell, J.L., Tabler, T. 2023. Modeling gait score of broiler chicken via production and behavioral data. Animal. 1(2023): 100692.

Design and development of a broiler mortality removal robot Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Li, G., Chesser, Jr, G.D., Purswell, J.L., Magee, C.L., Gates, R.S., Xiong, Y. 2022. Design and development of a broiler mortality removal robot. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 38(6):853-863.

Effect of photoperiod on live performance in broiler chicks from placement to 14-days-of-age Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Magee, C.L., Olanrewaju, H.A., Campbell, J., Purswell, J.L. 2022. Effect of photoperiod on live performance in broiler chicks from placement to 14-days-of-age. Journal of Applied Poultry Research. 31:100295.

Comparison of commercial broiler house lighting programs using LED and natural light: Part 1 – spatial and temporal analysis of light intensity Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Linhoss, J.E., Davis, J.D., Campbell, J.C., Purswell, J.L., Griggs, K.G., Edge, C.M. 2022. Comparison of commercial broiler house lighting programs using LED and natural light: Part 1 – spatial and temporal analysis of light intensity. Journal of Applied Poultry Research. 31:100272.

Effects of ground robots on hen floor egg reduction, production performance, stress response, bone quality, and behavior Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Li, G., Hui, X., Zhao, Y., Zhai, W., Purswell, J.L., Porter, Z., Poudel, S., Jia, L., Zhang, B., Chesser, Jr, G.D. 2022. Effects of ground robots on hen floor egg reduction, production performance, stress response, bone quality, and behavior. PLOS ONE. 17(4).

Effect of increased ventilation during feeding on broiler breeder biochemical, enzymatical, and electrolytes parameters Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Olanrewaju, H.A., Collier, S.D., Mccafferty, K.W., Magee, C.L., Fussell, L., Purswell, J.L. 2022. Effect of increased ventilation during feeding on broiler breeder biochemical, enzymatical, and electrolytes parameters. FASEB Letters. 36(S1).

Age-related effects of feeder space availability on welfare of broilers reared to 56 days of age1 Part 2: Blood physiological variables Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Olanrewaju, H.A., Purswell, J.L., Collier, S.D., Branton, S.L. 2022. Age-related effects of feeder space availability on welfare of broilers reared to 56 days of age1 Part 2: Blood physiological variables. Poultry Science. 101:101698.

Age-related effects of feeder space availability on welfare of broilers reared to 56 days of age1 Part 1: Biochemical, enzymatical, and electrolytes variables Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Olanrewaju, H.A., Purswell, J.L., Collier, S.D., Branton, S.L. 2022. Age-related effects of feeder space availability on welfare of broilers reared to 56 days of age1 Part 1: Biochemical, enzymatical, and electrolytes variables. Journal of Applied Animal Research. 31:3.

Effect of feeder space on live performance and processing yields of broiler chickens reared to 56 days of age Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Purswell, J.L., Olanrewaju, H.A., Zhao, Y. 2021. Effect of feeder space on live performance and processing yields of broiler chickens reared to 56 days of age. Journal of Applied Poultry Research. 30(3). Article 100175.

Effects of feeder space on broiler feeding behaviors Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Li, G., Zhao, Y., Purswell, J.L., Magee, C.L. 2021. Effects of feeder space on broiler feeding behaviors. Poultry Science. 100:101016.

Effect of stocking density on crop fill progression in broilers grown to 14 d Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Linhoss, J.E., Purswell, J.L., Magee, C.L., Chesser, G.D. 2021. Effect of stocking density on crop fill progression in broilers grown to 14 d. Poultry Science. 100:100929.

Effect of stocking density and dietary antimicrobial inclusion of male broilers grown to 35 days of age1 Part 2: Blood physiological variables Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Olanrewaju, H.A., Purswell, J.L., Collier, S.D., Branton, S.L. 2020. Effect of stocking density and dietary antimicrobial inclusion of male broilers grown to 35 days of age1 Part 2: Blood physiological variables. International Journal of Poultry Science. 19:447-454.

Automated measurement of broiler stretching behaviors under four stocking densities via faster region-based convolutional neural network Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Li, G., Zhao, Y., Porter, Z., Purswell, J.L. 2021. Automated measurement of broiler stretching behaviors under four stocking densities via faster region-based convolutional neural network. Animal-The International Journal of Animal Biosciences. 15(1):1751-7311.

Effects of elevated perching platform and robotic vehicle on broiler production, welfare, and housing environment Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Yang, X., Huo, X., Li, G., Purswell, J.L., Tabler, G.T., Chesser, G.D., Magee, C.L., Zhao, Y. 2020. Effects of elevated perching platform and robotic vehicle on broiler production, welfare, and housing environment. Transactions of the ASABE. 63(6):1981-1990.

Effect of stocking density and dietary antimicrobial inclusion of male broilers grown to 35 days of age1 Part 1: Biochemical and enzymatical variables Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Olanrewaju, H.A., Purswell, J.L., Collier, S.D., Branton, S.L. 2020. Effect of stocking density and dietary antimicrobial inclusion of male broilers grown to 35 days of age1 Part 1: Biochemical and enzymatical variables. International Journal of Poultry Science. 19:403-410.

Characterizing light leakage and spatial variation of illuminance in commercial broiler houses during tunnel ventilation Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Linhoss, J.E., Purswell, J.L., Lowe, J.W., Chesser, G.D. 2020. Characterizing light leakage and spatial variation of illuminance in commercial broiler houses during tunnel ventilation. Journal of Applied Poultry Research. 29:(4)1091-1100.

Effects of antibiotic-free diet and stocking density on male broilers reared to 35 days of age. Part 2: Feeding and drinking behaviors of broilers Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Li, G., Zhao, Y., Purswell, J.L., Chesser, G.D., Lowe, J.W., Wu, T. 2020. Effects of antibiotic-free diet and stocking density on male broilers reared to 35 days of age. Part 2: Feeding and drinking behaviors of broilers. Journal of Applied Poultry Research. 29(2):391-401.

Research Note: Effect of feed form and feeder position on feed consumption patterns in male broilers Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Purswell, J.L., Kim, E.J., Branton, S.L. 2020. Research Note: Effect of feed form and feeder position on feed consumption patterns in male broilers. Transactions of the ASABE. 63(3):655-658.

Evaluation of field-stored switchgrass hay as litter material for broilers Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Purswell, J.L., Davis, J.D., Chesser, G.D., Lowe, J.W. 2020. Evaluation of field-stored switchgrass hay as litter material for broilers. Journal of Applied Poultry Research. 29(2):391-401.

Interactive effects of light-sources, photoperiod, and strain on blood physiological variables of broilers grown to heavy weights - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Olanrewaju, H.A., Purswell, J.L., Collier, S.D., Branton, S.L. 2020. Interactive effects of light-sources, photoperiod, and strain on blood physiological variables of broilers grown to heavy weights. International Journal of Poultry Science. 19(2):86-96. 10.3923/ijps.2020.86.96.

Interactive effects of light sources, photoperiod, and strains on growth performance, carcass characteristics and health indices of broilers grown to heavy weights Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Olanrewaju, H.A., Miller, W.W., Maslin, W.R., Collier, S.D., Purswell, J.L., Branton, S.L. 2019. Interactive effects of light sources, photoperiod, and strains on growth performance, carcass characteristics and health indices of broilers grown to heavy weights. Poultry Science. 98(12):6232-6240.

Evaluation of biochar as a litter amendment for commercial broiler production Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Linhoss, J., Purswell, J.L., Street, J., Rowland, M. 2019. Evaluation of biochar as a litter amendment for commercial broiler production. Journal of Applied Poultry Research. 28(4):1089-1098.

An ultra-high frequency RFID system for studying individual feeding and drinking behaviors of group-housed broilers Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Li, G., Zhao, Y., Hailey, R., Zhang, N., Liang, Y., Purswell, J.L. 2019. An ultra-high frequency RFID system for studying individual feeding and drinking behaviors of group-housed broilers. Animal-The International Journal of Animal Biosciences. 13(9):2060–2069.

Effect of light intensity adjusted for species-specific spectral sensitivity on blood physiological variables of male broiler chickens Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Olanrewaju, H.A., Purswell, J.L., Collier, S.D., Branton, S.L. 2019. Effect of light intensity adjusted for species-specific spectral sensitivity on blood physiological variables of male broiler chickens. Poultry Science. 98(3):1090-1095.

Effects of light-sources and photoperiod on hemato-physiological indices of broilers grown to heavy weights - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Olanrewaju, H.A., Collier, S.D., Purswell, J.L., Branton, S.L. 2019. Effects of light-sources and photoperiod on hemato-physiological indices of broilers grown to heavy weights. Poultry Science. 98(3):1075-1082.

Performance of an automated whole-house spray vaccination system Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Purswell, J.L., Branton, S.L., Evans, J.D. 2019. Performance of an automated whole-house spray vaccination system. Avian Diseases. 28(1):215-220.

Effect of light intensity adjusted for species-specific spectral sensitivity on live performance and processing yield of male broiler chickens Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Purswell, J.L., Olanrewaju, H.A., Linhoss, J.E. 2018. Effect of light intensity adjusted for species-specific spectral sensitivity on live performance and processing yield of male broiler chickens. Journal of Applied Poultry Research. 27(4):570-576.

Water supply rates for recirculating evaporative cooling systems in poultry housing - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Purswell, J.L., Linhoss, J.E., Edge, C., Davis, J.D., Campbell, J. 2018. Water supply rates for recirculating evaporative cooling systems in poultry housing. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 34(3):581-590.