Location: Vegetable Crops Research
2019 Annual Report
1. Transfer of resistance to common scab from wild to cultivated potato. Common scab, caused by the soil-borne bacterium Streptomyces scabies, is a persistent threat to the potato industry. It causes unsightly pits on the surface of potatoes and results in economic losses and waste due to grade-out for all potato market classes. There is no chemical control option and cultural control methods do not produce consistent results. We identified strong scab resistance in a wild relative of potato and demonstrated that resistance can be transferred to cultivated potato. Through a series of crosses, we incorporated resistance into parental lines and released them to breeders (our stakeholders) who are using them to develop resistant cultivars. The development of cultivars with enhanced levels of resistance to common scab will address a major cause of marketable yield loss for potato growers and will provide more attractive potatoes to consumers.
Review Publications
Marand, A.P., Jansky, S.H., Gage, J.L., Hamernik, A.J., de Leon, N., Jiang, J. 2019. Residual heterozygosity and epistatic interactions underlie the complex genetic architecture of yield in diploid potato. Genetics. 212(1):317-332. https://doi.org/10.1534/genetics.119.302036.
Fulladolsa, A., Charkowski, A., Cai, X., Whitworth, J.L., Gray, S.M., Jansky, S.H. 2019. Germplasm with resistance to Potato Virus Y derived from Solanum chacoense: Clones M19 (39-7) and M20 (XD3). American Journal of Potato Research. 96(4):390-395. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12230-019-09719-6.