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ARS Home » Southeast Area » Byron, Georgia » Fruit and Tree Nut Research » Research » Research Project #434677

Research Project: Development of New Stone Fruit Cultivars and Rootstocks for the Southeastern United States

Location: Fruit and Tree Nut Research

Publications (Clicking on the reprint icon Reprint Icon will take you to the publication reprint.)

Plant growth stimulants and defense activators fail to control phony peach disease in mature peach orchards Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Johnson, K.A., Chen, C., Bock, C.H., Brannen, P.M. 2023. Plant growth stimulants and defense activators fail to control phony peach disease in mature peach orchards. Crop Protection. 171/106282.

Phylogenetic relationships of USDA peach rootstock accessions - (Abstract Only)
Chen, C. 2023. Phylogenetic relationships of USDA peach rootstock accessions. American Society of Horticulture Science Meeting. N/A.

No evidence for vertical transmission of xylella fastidiosa subsp. multiplex in peach seed Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Johnson, K.A., Chen, C., Bock, C.H., Brannen, P.M. 2023. No evidence for vertical transmission of Xylella fastidiosa subsp. multiplex in peach seed. Plant Health Progress. 24(4):516-518.

Historical chill hours at Byron and production data in Georgia - (Popular Publication)
Chen, C. 2023. Historical chill hours at Byron and production data in Georgia. University of Georgia Peach Blog.

Fruit characteristics of the joy peach cultivars Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Chen, C. 2023. Fruit characteristics of the joy peach cultivars. HortScience. 58(4): 428-432.

Population structure and phylogeny of some United States peach cultivars Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Chen, C., Okie, W.R. 2021. Population structure and phylogeny of some United States peach cultivars. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. 147, 1, 1-6.

Considerations on Use of Hydrogen Cyanamide Products on Peaches - (Trade Journal)
Chen, C. 2021. Considerations on Use of Hydrogen Cyanamide Products on Peaches. American Fruit Grower. Vol 141:11-14.

Three New Peach Cultivars from the USDA - (Popular Publication)
Chen, C. 2020. Three New Peach Cultivars from the USDA. . 1.

‘Crimson Joy’ Peach Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Chen, C., Okie, W.R. 2020. ‘Crimson Joy’ Peach. HortScience. 55(6):972-973.

‘UF-1013-1’: An infertile cultivar of Lantana camara Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Deng, Z., Wilson, S., Ying, X., Chen, C., Freyre, R., Moseley, A., Czarnecki Ii, D.M. 2020. ‘UF-1013-1’: An infertile cultivar of Lantana camara. HortScience. 55(6)953-958.

‘Liberty Joy’ Peach Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Chen, C., Okie, W.R. 2020. ‘Liberty Joy’ Peach. HortScience. 55(6):951-952.

‘Rich Joy’ Peach Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Chen, C., Okie, W.R. 2020. ‘Rich Joy’ Peach. HortScience. 55:4 591-592.

Fruit characterization, genotyping, and genetic assessment of peach-to-nectarine mutants - (Abstract Only)

Pigments in citrus fruit: mutants, compounds, genes, and beyond - (Book / Chapter)
Chen, C. 2020. Pigments in citrus fruit: mutants, compounds, genes, and beyond. Book Chapter. 195/209.

Effect of a late spring application of hydrogen cyanamide on high-chill peaches Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Chen, C., Beckman, T.G. 2019. Effect of a late spring application of hydrogen cyanamide on high-chill peaches. Agronomy. 9(11):726-736. .

Effect of tissue and sampling season on PCR detection of Xylella fastidiosa in peach - (Abstract Only)
Chen, C., Bock, C.H., Brannen, P.M. 2019. Effect of tissue and sampling season on PCR detection of Xylella fastidiosa in peach. American Society of Horticulture Science Meeting. 54(9):S130.

Peach cultivar releases and fruit trait distribution in the USDA-ARS Byron program Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Chen, C. 2021. Peach cultivar releases and fruit trait distribution in the USDA-ARS Byron program. Acta Horticulturae. 1304/29-35.

New somatic hybrid mandarin tetraploids generated by optimized protoplast fusion and confirmed by molecular marker analysis and flow cytometry Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Calovic, M., Chen, C., Yu, O., Orbovic, V., Gmitter Jr, F.G., Grosser, J.W. 2019. New somatic hybrid mandarin tetraploids generated by optimized protoplast fusion and confirmed by molecular marker analysis and flow cytometry. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. 144(3):151-163.

Novel primers and sampling for PCR detection of Xylella fastidiosa in peach Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Chen, C., Bock, C.H., Brannen, P.M. 2019. Novel primers and sampling for PCR detection of Xylella fastidiosa in peach. Phytopathology. 109(2):307-317.

Disease resistance of ‘MP-29’, a clonal interspecific hybrid rootstock for peach, in post-release trials Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Beckman, T.G., Rollins, A., Pitts, J., Chavez, D., Chaparro, J.X. 2019. Disease resistance of ‘MP-29’, a clonal interspecific hybrid rootstock for peach, in post-release trials. HortScience. 54(4):638-641.

Fruit quality in citrus: genetics and breeding for flavor and aroma - (Abstract Only)

Advances and challenges in peach breeding - (Book / Chapter)

Rootstocks for Florida stone fruit - (Experiment Station)
Sarkhosh, A., Olmstead, M., Chaparro, J., Beckman, T.G. 2018. Rootstocks for Florida stone fruit. HS1110 BUL., University of Florida Experiment Station Bulletin. 6 p.

Fungal Gummosis in peach - (Experiment Station)
Mancero-Castillo, D., Sarkhosh, A., Sherman, S., Olmstead, M., Harmon, P., Beckman, T.G. 2018. Fungal Gummosis in peach. Experiment Station Bulletins. 6 p.

Tree fruit orchard of the future: An overview - (Abstract Only)
Chen, C. 2018. Tree fruit orchard of the future: An overview [abstract]. American Society of Horticulture Science. 53(9):S155.

Almond rootstocks Reprint Icon - (Literature Review)
Beckman, T.G. 2018. Almond rootstocks. p. 748. In: K. Gasic, J.E. Preece and D. Karp (eds.). Register of New Fruit and Nut Cultivars List 49. HortScience. 53(6):748

Comparative analysis and genetic study of aroma volatiles from different citrus selections and hybrids - (Abstract Only)
Yu, Y., Bai, J., Chen, C., Plotto, A., Baldwin, E.A., Gmitter Jr, F.G. 2015. Comparative analysis and genetic study of aroma volatiles from different citrus selections and hybrids [abstract]. American Society of Horticulture Science. Paper No. 21402.