Location: Sustainable Agricultural Systems Laboratory
Project Number: 8042-21220-259-001-S
Project Type: Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement
Start Date: Sep 15, 2018
End Date: Mar 31, 2023
Identification and assessment of genetic diversity of Rhizoctonia solani pathogens in relation to the effects of sugar beet cropping system on soil microbes. This agreement will develop genome fingerprint-based assays for assessment of genetic variations and identification of Rhizoctonia solani subgroup AG2.
(1) Design PCR primer-probes specific for MS loci from the AG2-2IIIB genome sequence that is specific for isolates of AG2-2IIIB.
(2) Verify that the PCR primer probes differentially identify Rs AG2-2IIIB (also if possible, identify other subgroups of AG2 like AG2-2LP, and AG2-IV in culture and in a variety of soil types and hosts).
(3) Score the primer-probes for specific identification of sub-AGs within all AG2 isolates, and possibly other pathogenic AGs,
(4) Score polymorphic markers for infra-species polymorphism and for gene flow among the AG2 isolates.
(5) Validate the AG 2-2IIIB specific primer probes for specific identification of AG2-2IIIB for detection the fungus in culture and from infested soil growing sugarbeet, turfgrasses, and ornamentals.
ARS will make tentative microsatellite probes from the AG2-2IIIB genome sequenced in the PI’s laboratory.
The cooperator will be using the agency provided protocols and develop their own protocols to isolate Rhizoctonia pathogens from sugarbeet and turfgrasses, extract DNA, carryout microsatellite-based genome fingerprinting assays, and analyze data.
The cooperator and the PI will jointly interpret the data and publish in peer-reviewed journals and/or extension notes. This information will be used by both parties to jointly develop tools necessary for assessing and identifying AG2 subgroups of Rhizoctonia pathogens.