Location: Plant Genetic Resources Unit (PGRU)
Project Number: 8060-21000-027-001-S
Project Type: Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement
Start Date: Sep 23, 2018
End Date: Sep 22, 2023
The objective of this cooperative research project is to acquire, maintain, document, and distribute related wild species of tomato through the C.M. Rick Tomato Genetics Resource Center (TGRC). Acquisition of new stocks will be performed, as needed, to obtain new and useful sources of germplasm. Maintenance activities will include seed germination testing, seed regeneration, and seed storage (including providing backup samples to the USDA). Documentation activities will include publication of annual stock lists, dissemination of passport and other information through database and web-based resources. Seed will be distributed to interested researchers upon request and distribution records will be provided annually to USDA National Plant Germplasm System (NPGS) GRIN-Global.
The Cooperator will provide the required expertise, support staff, and facilities, including field, greenhouse, and laboratory resources, to carry out the objectives of this project. New accessions will be acquired through in-house research, collecting trips, and donation from other researchers. Seed increases will be performed in the greenhouse or field, using methods appropriate for each accession, so as to optimize seed yield, prevent unintentional outcrossing, and preserve, to the extent possible, each accession’s correct genetic identity, purity, and in the case of wild species, original diversity. Seed will be stored in the TGRC’s local seed vault, with backup samples deposited with the National Center for Genetic Resources Preservation (NCGRP) at Ft. Collins, Colorado. Genetic data and collection information on each accession will be thoroughly documented in the TGRC’s database and website, with data uploaded or linked to GRIN-Global upon request.