Location: Tropical Crop and Commodity Protection Research
Project Number: 2040-22430-027-029-S
Project Type: Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement
Start Date: Sep 1, 2018
End Date: Aug 31, 2023
The overall goal of this project is to define, test and implement suites of control strategies in an integrated system that can optimally control coffee berry borer (CBB) across the variable coffee-growing landscapes in Hawaii. Specific objectives are to: 1) Investigate the use of frequent and effective harvesting for coffee berry borer control (CBB) on coffee farms in Hawaii. 2) Analyze the cost-benefit of various practices considering economic cost, as well as crop quality. 3) Develop CBB management recommendations for growers and field workers.
The approach includes an areawide program to control coffee berry borer (CBB) that can adapt to the complex and variable landscape of the coffee growing regions of Hawaii. Scientists from the U.S. Pacific Basin Agricultural Research Center will partner with coffee industry cooperators to collect, validate, and analyze data for inclusion in models of pest dynamics, coffee growth, and economics for control of CBB. The practice of frequent, thorough picking will be demonstrated and assessed on cooperator farms with the goal of reducing CBB damage levels to less than 5%. Technical analysis will include evaluation of CBB populations under field conditions, as well as damage caused by CBB in processed coffee. Economic analysis will include cost variables for CBB control and agronomic activities versus quality-based valuation of crop.