Location: Genetics and Animal Breeding
Project Number: 3040-31000-104-001-A
Project Type: Cooperative Agreement
Start Date: Oct 1, 2019
End Date: Mar 30, 2024
Employ next-generation sequencing (NGS), third-generation sequencing (TGS), bioinformatic technologies, and high throughput sensitive and rapid diagnostics to identify respiratory viral and bacterial agents associated with BRD.
Using data produced by the collaborative team, Cooperator will apply and improve existing software pipelines from the Cooperators lab to analyze and match metagenomic reads generated by Oxford Nanopore MinION shotgun sequencing to two databases: the MvirDB of virulence factors and the MetaCyc database of enzymes. The Cooperators software is well-adapted to this purpose and can: 1) translate metagenomic reads in all six reading frames, retaining long open reading frames; and 2) search those translated reads against a sequence database.