Location: Soil Management Research
2022 Annual Report
Our overall goal is to develop multipurpose alternative oilseed and grain crops and innovative crop management strategies to diversify agricultural systems, reduce and/or efficiently utilize agricultural inputs, and add new economic opportunities and agroecosystem services for crop production in the Upper Midwest region. Over the next five years our research will focus on the following objective:
Objective 1: Identify sustainable alternative crops that complement corn and soybean and develop innovative production systems suitable for the Upper Midwest that efficiently use agricultural inputs and provide agroecosystem services, as well as new economic opportunities for end users.
• Subobjective 1A. Identify alternative oilseed crop genotypes with improved agronomic traits such as abiotic stress tolerance and reduced seed shattering that optimize productivity.
• Subobjective 1B. Develop new and improve existing practices for managing alternative oilseed crops and traditional crops to produce food, feed, and fuel while providing agroecosystem services (e.g., reducing soil erosion, scavenging excess N & P, and supporting pollinators).
• Subobjective 1C. Develop new and improve existing double- and relay-crop sequences with winter oilseed cover crops while protecting soils, suppressing weeds, and promoting pollinator abundance and diversity throughout the growing season.
• Subobjective 1D. Determine interactions of climate, soils, plants, and agricultural management on agroecosystem functions of pollinator forage and nutrition, crop nutrient capture and usage, soil GHG emissions, and carbon dynamics in novel and traditional cropping systems.
Our primary objective and overall goal is to develop new crops and innovative strategies to deploy them across the agricultural landscape to diversify Midwestern cropping systems, reduce or minimize negative impact, and improve economic and environmental sustainability while enhancing production. The following approaches will be taken to accomplish this: 1) identify new and alternative oilseed and small grain genotypes best suited for production in the Northern Corn Belt region, 2) develop best management practices for their production, 3) integrate them with traditional crops into innovative cropping systems (e.g., double- and relay-cropping) to sustainably intensify crop production, and 4) develop a better understanding of the impact of climate, soils, plants, and crop management on pollinator forage and nutrition, crop nutrient capture and usage, soil greenhouse gas emissions, and carbon dynamics in new and traditional cropping systems. These new crops and cropping systems will provide new economic opportunities, create healthier food choices, and increase agricultural input-use efficiency while adding agroecosystem benefits such as improved soil, air, and water quality and abundant resources to sustain healthy pollinator populations. Together, the outcomes of this research will enhance agricultural land-use efficiency and benefit U.S. farmers, rural communities, human health, chemical and food industries, as well as government and academia scientists.
Progress Report
Conducted the second year of a winter camelina variety trial in collaboration with the University of Minnesota. Evaluated five of the camelina accessions last year and added six additional accessions to the study this year. Despite a harsh winter, most of the accessions showed good winter survival ranging from 77% to 100% survival. Again, this year, one of the lines we are keenly interested in (RMT-EF9) flowered nearly 2 weeks earlier than the standard variety (Joelle) that we have been extensively researching. Earlier flowering and maturity like that shown by RMT-EF9 will help us to optimize the productivity of double and relay cropping systems that we are developing in Subobjective 1B. Seed yield of RMT-EF9 is not statistically different than Joelle, but its seed oil content averaged 3% less in the first year of the study.
Completed a field trial with six different mutant accessions of pennycress. Results revealed one accession with significantly reduced seed shatter and one or more lines with improved seed germination and seed oil profile, which are traits of importance that are being selected. Our collaborators from the University of Minnesota are currently doing crop breeding work to transfer these important identified traits into elite pennycress lines for commercial development.
Initiated a field trial to evaluate date of flowering and maturity, plant architecture, seed yield, and seed oil content of five chemically mutated accessions of cuphea compared with a standard line (PSR23) that we have used in most of our agronomic research. Two traits that we have been searching for in cuphea are early maturity and larger seed size. Selected three of the mutants grown in the study based on their early maturity. Selected one mutant for large seed size (twice as large as PSR23). A further mutant was selected based on its dwarf stature and vigor.
Completed two multilocation experiments with collaborators from University of Minnesota, Illinois State University, and Ohio State University. One of the experiments looked at the tradeoffs of establishing pennycress as a cash cover crop after corn hybrids of earlier relative maturity than the most common full-season hybrid for a region. Results showed that across locations from Minnesota to Ohio, corn hybrids that were about 9 to 10 days earlier in maturity did not have lower grain yield than a common full-season hybrid but did allow pennycress to be direct-drill planted at a near optimum time in the fall before soil freezing. Planting pennycress after earlier maturing corn led to better fall establishment than seeding after full-season corn. However, better pennycress fall establishment did not always lead to improved seed yields and oil content, indicating that producing pennycress after corn is still challenging and may perhaps be related to planting into corn residue left behind after harvest. In another related experiment, we explored using different pennycress planting methods (direct drilling versus broadcast seeding) following shallow vertical tillage after corn harvest. Results of this work indicated that shallow vertical tillage immediately followed by broadcasting pennycress seed worked the best across locations for establishing pennycress. Data from both experiments is being analyzed for publication and has been presented at scientific meetings. Related to the second experiment above, initiated a new experiment across all four locations to use the best planting management technique (i.e., vertical tillage and broadcasting seed) and compare productivity of black seed pennycress (developed in Minnesota) versus yellow seed pennycress (developed in Illinois).
Initiated a new study with collaborators from University of Minnesota, Illinois State University, and Ohio State University to evaluate the best cropping system for integrating pennycress. At all experiment sites pennycress will be planted after corn, soybean, and spring wheat or oat. The following summer after pennycress harvest, soybean will be planted in all sequences. The productivity and economics of the three sequences that include pennycress as a cash cover crop will be compared with their control counterparts of each of the summer annual crops (i.e., corn, soybean, and wheat or oat) followed with soybean leaving the field fallow over the winter.
Initiated a double-crop study to evaluate the agronomics and economics of double-cropping dry bean, millet, and sunflower after an early maturing accession of winter camelina. The early maturing accession of winter camelina being used in this study is EF9 which was identified in Subobjective 1A as being significantly earlier in maturity than Joelle winter camelina that we have previously used in several agronomic studies. Included Joelle in this study as a check/control to compare its productivity to EF9. Furthermore, our newly hired Agroecologist is also evaluating the visitation of flowering winter camelina by pollinators and assessing flowering phenology and pollen production of camelina in this study. The intensity and duration of flowering in camelina is being assessed by measuring plant canopy light reflectance using both a handheld device and by drone flights. These measurements, in addition to counting flowers per plant and collecting pollen, will be used to establish a method(s) for estimating the amount of camelina pollen produced per land area, which in turn can be used to estimate the number of domestic bee colonies that could be provisioned in that area based on camelina floral resources. Overwintering survival of camelina was good, but early season flooding, and cold temperatures led to some stand loss and slow growth. Despite this, winter camelina yields were decent at around 1000 kg/ha. Initial data collection also indicates a wide variety of pollinators visiting camelina flowers, and reflectance measurements of green and blue light may be useful for evaluating intensity and duration of camelina flowering.
Initiated study to determine and compare soil greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and crop and soil carbon dynamics in a business as usual (BAU) crop rotation of corn and soybean with our newly developed spring wheat-winter camelina-relayed soybean system, which provides year-round living cover on the agricultural landscape for 2 out of 3 years. Preliminary evidence indicates that the wheat-winter camelina-relayed soybean rotation can reduce soil carbon dioxide emissions compared with the conventional BAU rotation. Plots being used for the new study are included in the LTAR (Long-Term Agricultural Research) network complementary to an on-farm project. As such, we will be quantifying GHG emission (i.e., carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane) using soil-based chambers with a field-portable infrared gas analyzer over the next several years to build a robust data base. The GHG emission measurements will extend into a new NP 305 Project Plan. Soil and crop carbon balance also will be evaluated to determine the carbon sequestration potential of the new winter camelina relay-crop system compared with the conventional corn-soybean rotation that predominates in the upper Midwest.
1. Improving relay- and double-cropping productivity. ARS researchers at Morris, Minnesota, pioneered the development of relay- and double-cropping winter camelina and pennycress with summer annual crops to provide new economic and environmental benefits. However, management improvements are needed to maximize productivity of these new cropping systems. ARS researchers found that relay interseeding soybean with longer than normal maturity for central Minnesota at the time that winter camelina is bolting (stem elongation) optimized soybean yields without reducing camelina seed yield. Up to 43% more seed oil per acre was produced by relay-cropping camelina and soybean than growing just a single crop of soybean. ARS researchers from Morris, Minnesota, and Fargo, North Dakota, also demonstrated that an ultra-early maturing sunflower hybrid developed by the Fargo team was successfully double-cropped after winter camelina to produce as much as 1.5 times more seed oil per acre than growing sunflower as single crop. Results benefit farmers, agronomists, extension educators, specialty oil industries, and others interested in adopting these new cropping practices.
2. Greatest pennycress seed yield occurs at physiological maturity, not harvest maturity. Pennycress is a new winter oilseed being developed as a cash cover crop that fits between summer annual crop production in the Midwest. Better harvest management guidelines are currently needed to maximize pennycress seed and oil yields. ARS researchers at Morris, Minnesota, collaborated with University of Minnesota scientists to determine the best time to harvest pennycress. Results demonstrated that physiological maturity (PM) occurred when seed moisture was about 40% (wt/wt) and this also corresponded to maximum seed yield. Waiting until the pennycress was at harvest maturity (i.e., seed moisture about 16% or less), which happened about a week after PM, resulted in a 26% loss of yield due to seed shattering. Until pennycress varieties are developed with better seed retention, swathing or desiccating the crop at PM prior to harvesting is recommended to maximize seed and oil yields. Results inform crop breeders and agronomic scientists seeking to improve pennycress’ agronomic characteristics and harvest management while benefiting industry and other researchers interested in product uses of this or other specialty crops.
3. Winter camelina seed meal serves as an efficient component in hog rations. Oilseed camelina is becoming more popular in the U.S.; however, markets for camelina products are still in their infancy. After extracting oil from camelina seed, a market stream is needed for the seed meal byproduct (i.e., presscake), which for most oilseed crops tends to be livestock feed-use. ARS researchers at Morris, Minnesota, collaborated with animal scientists from the University of Minnesota to evaluate feeding camelina presscake to hogs. Feeding hogs up to 15% camelina presscake in their daily diets to supplement for organic corn and soybean meal did not affect meat quality compared with pigs fed a conventional organic corn-soybean diet. Growth performance of pigs was unaffected by 5% of camelina presscake in their rations. However, at a 10 % level in pig diets, final market weight was reduced by 14 pounds compared to hogs fed a conventional diet, although feed efficiency and pork quality were unaffected. Results further indicate that currently, feeding camelina presscake to organic hogs is viable when the pigs are marketed for $2.4 kg-1 live weight and camelina seed oil can be sold for $3.59 kg-1 or higher. Results benefit researchers, educators, oil producers, and the specialty oilseed industry that are developing camelina as an alternative crop for the U.S.
4. Specialty oilseed crops can increase yield of subsequent conventional crops and can reduce soil erosion. Loss of cropping system diversity in the U.S. threatens agricultural sustainability. New and alternative specialty oilseeds (e.g., camelina, canola, cuphea, and pennycress) are gaining popularity and can be used in rotations with conventional crops like corn, soybean, and wheat to increase diversity. ARS researchers from Morris, Minnesota, and Brookings, South Dakota, evaluated nine different specialty oilseed crops used in rotations with corn, soybean, and wheat. Conventional crop yields were either unaffected or increased when following specialty oilseeds in rotation. Yield increases were partly due to more available nitrogen and water left in the soil after some of the specialty oilseed crops. In addition, the ARS researchers in Morris, Minnesota, in collaboration with University of Minnesota scientists also demonstrated that relay-cropping pennycress and camelina with soybean prevented soil loss in runoff by as much as 75% compared with conventional practices of leaving the soil fallow over winter. These results give a better understanding of the impact of adding specialty oilseeds to traditional Midwestern cropping systems and benefit those interested in adopting these new crops and management practices.
Review Publications
Hilbrands, A.M., Johnston, L.J., Cox, R.B., Forcella, F., Gesch, R.W., Li, Y.Z. 2021. Effects of increasing dietary inclusion of camelina cake on growth performance of growing-finishing pigs. Translational Animal Science. 5(3). Article txab140. https://doi.org/10.1093/tas/txab140.
Li, Y.Z., Lazarus, W.F., Reese, C., Hilbrands, A.M., Cox, R.B., Forcella, F., Gesch, R.W., Johnston, L.J. 2021. Integrating camelina into organic pig production - Impact on growth performance of pigs, costs, and returns. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. 5. Article 759721. https://doi.org/10.3389/fsufs.2021.759721.
Luo, L.L., Fahlgren, N., Kutchan, T., Schachtman, D.P., Ge, Y., Gesch, R.W., George, S., Dyer, J.M., Abdel-Haleem, H.A. 2021. Discovering candidate genes related to flowering time in the spring panel of Camelina sativa. Industrial Crops and Products. 173. Article 114104. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2021.114104.
Scott, D.A., Eberle, C., Gesch, R.W., Schneider, S.K., Weyers, S.L., Johnson, J.M. 2021. Yield, nitrogen, and water use benefits of diversifying crop rotations with specialty oilseeds. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 317(1). Article 107472. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agee.2021.107472.
Weyers, S.L., Gesch, R.W., Forella, F., Eberle, C.A., Thom, M.D., Matthees, H.L., Ott, M., Feyereisen, G.W., Strock, J.S. 2021. Surface runoff and nutrient dynamics in cover crop-soybean systems in the Upper Midwest. Journal of Environmental Quality. 50(1):158-171. https://doi.org/10.1002/jeq2.20135.
Zhu, Y., Cox, R., Johnston, L.J., Reese, C., Forcella, F., Gesch, R.W., Li, Y.Z. 2021. Effects of increasing inclusion of camelina press cake in diets fed to growing-finishing pigs on pork quality. Applied Animal Science. 37(4):357-366. https://doi.org/10.15232/aas.2021-02161.
Chen, C., Etemadi, F., Franck, W., Franck, S., Abdelhamid, M.T., Ahmadi, J., Mohammed, Y.A., Lamb, P., Miller, J., Carr, P.M., McPhee, K., Zhou, Y., Torabian, S., Qin, R. 2022. Evaluation of environment and cultivar impact on lentil protein, starch, mineral nutrients, and yield. Crop Science. 62(2):893-905. https://doi.org/10.1002/csc2.20675.
Crutcher, F.K., Mohammed, Y.A., Chen, C., Turner, S. 2022. Effects of host plant resistance and fungicide applications on Ascochyta blight symptomology and yield of chickpea. Plant Disease. 106(1):247-253. https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-06-21-1252-RE.
Cubins, J.A., Wells, S.S., Walia, M.K., Wyse, D.L., Becker, R., Forcella, F., Gardner, R.D., Johnson, G.A., Gesch, R.W. 2022. Harvest attributes and seed quality predict physiological maturity of pennycress. Industrial Crops and Products. 176. Article 114355. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2021.114355.
Gesch, R.W., Mohammed, Y.A., Walia, M.K., Hulke, B.S., Anderson, J.V. 2022. Double-cropping oilseed sunflower after winter camelina. Industrial Crops and Products. 181. Article 114811. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2022.114811.
Mohammed, Y.A., Gesch, R.W., Matthees, H.L., Wells, S.S. 2022. Maturity selection but not sowing date enhances soybean productivity and land use in a winter camelina-soybean relay system. Food and Energy Security. 11(1). Article e346. https://doi.org/10.1002/fes3.346.