Location: Diet, Genomics and Immunology Laboratory
Project Number: 8040-10700-006-001-N
Project Type: Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement
Start Date: Jun 1, 2021
End Date: May 30, 2026
To achieve the goal of precision nutrition or personalized nutrition, data on an individual’s genomics, diet and biomedical information are needed. In addition, bioinformatic tools are also need to process, compare the data to elucidate the relationship and health impact. NIH funded “All of Us research Program” to facilitate such efforts.
The objective for this agreement is to allow ARS scientists access and usage of the government-funded, cooperator-administered "All of Us Research Program" Research Hub, consisting of the Researcher Workbench platform, tools and the research data (“Research Hub”), to obtain biomedical and health data at individual level to elucidate impact of nutrition on an individual's health.
Bio-informatics and computational biology approach will be used to query health information, multi-omics information to identify, delineate the relationship between an individual's health outcome as related to diet and nutrition. The information will be further used to develop strategy for precision nutrition, health promotion and dietary recommendation.