Location: Small Grains and Potato Germplasm Research
Project Number: 2050-21310-006-017-R
Project Type: Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement
Start Date: Oct 1, 2021
End Date: Jun 30, 2023
ARS will formulate and manufacture feeds for all researchers in the four-year project supporting the goals of: (1) Use mixture model design to optimize the combination of macronutrients and alternative ingredients that can meet the production needs of white sturgeon grow-out feeds; (2) further refine amino acid balance as a means of reducing interactive growth depressions when novel combinations of ingredients are utilized in white sturgeon; (3) compare formulation effects on growth, health, meat product quality and consumer acceptance, and (4) develop an integrated outreach program including at least one Western Regional Aquaculture Center Extension publication to meet stakeholders educational needs.
Task 1: Use mixture model design to optimize the combination of macronutrients in white sturgeon grow-out feeds (Year 1-2). Task 2: Evaluate the potential of land-based agricultural alternatives as fishmeal replacement in feed production for white sturgeon (Year 2-3). Task 3. Evaluate the best performing formulations in a longer-term feeding trial (Year 3-4). Task 4. Develop an integrated outreach program to meet stakeholders’ educational needs. (Years 1-4).