Location: Livestock, Forage and Pasture Management Research Unit
Project Number: 3070-21500-001-004-N
Project Type: Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement
Start Date: Jun 1, 2022
End Date: May 31, 2027
The objective of the study is to evaluate the efficiency of organomineral fertilizers on the production of crops and soil quality in cropping systems of the U.S. and Brazil.
This study will be conducted at the USDA-ARS Grazinglands Research Laboratory in El Reno, Oklahoma and farms near UEMS in Mundo Novo, MS, Brazil. The experiment will comprise of four plots within an area of 1 acre. Five treatments will be performed: a) control treatment (without fertilization), b) fertilization with synthetic fertilizer, c) fertilization with organomineral fertilizer based on poultry litter, d) fertilization with organomineral fertilizer based on cattle manure, and e) fertilization alternated annually with organomineral and synthetic fertilizer. Crops will be sown using standard practices for each country. Each treatment will have three replications. Soil samples will be collected before the experiment implementation to get the initial soil characterization. During crop development, leaf samples will be collected to study the nutritional balance of crops. Crop yield will be evaluated in each season. After the harvest of each crop, plant and soil samples will be collected to evaluate chemical characteristics, nitrogen fate, and carbon sequestration.