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Research Project: Reimbursement for Potato PVP Accessions Cryopreserved and Maintained as Tissue Culture as Specified under the Plant Variety Protection

Location: Agricultural Genetic Resources Preservation Research

Project Number: 3012-21000-017-010-I
Project Type: Interagency Reimbursable Agreement

Start Date: Oct 1, 2021
End Date: Sep 30, 2024

The objective of the project is to maintain a voucher germplasm of Plant Variety Protection (PVP) potato (Solanum tubersoum) cultivars registered with the U.S. Plant Variety Protection Office. The voucher potato germplasm remain the property of the PVP office and is securely maintained and kept viable for the duration of the donor's intellectual property rights. After expiration of the PVP, the potato genetic resources are publicly released through the National Plant Germplasm system.

The potato cultivars are deposited at the USDA-ARS, National Center for Genetic Resources Preservation as tissue culture and are maintained as mini-tubers as well as in long-term liquid nitrogen tanks as shoot tips. Currently, the droplet verification method developed by Kim et al. 2006 is the widest protocol used. According to the lab standards, a minimum of 40% viability is required for an accession to be considered successfully cryopreserved at the Laboratory. Procedural modifications are made for genotypes not responding to the established protocols.