Location: Plant Genetics Research
Project Number: 5070-21000-045-005-S
Project Type: Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement
Start Date: Jul 1, 2022
End Date: Jun 30, 2025
The objectives of the project: 1) Clone QTL genes and construct DNA vectors for gene editing, 2) Screen transformed soybean plants for the soybean containing desirable edited genes, and 3) Characterize edited soybean plants to determine gene functions and mode of action for improving soybean seed quality and resilience to climate change.
A combination of molecular biology, system biology, genetic and genomic and physiological approaches will be employed to achieve the objectives. Specifically, the gene candidates controlling seed quality traits will be synthesized and clones into plant editing vectors or over-expressing vectors. The DNA constructs will be transformed into soybean. The primary transformed soybean plantlets will screen using PCR plus DNA sequencing for the stable transformant containing edited genes. The transcriptome sequencing of transgenic soybean seeds and phenotypic assay will be used for determining the gene functions and molecular mode of action.