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Research Project: Development of New Approaches to Manage Exotic Ambrosia Beetles in Nurseries

Location: Application Technology Research

Project Number: 5082-21000-001-081-S
Project Type: Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement

Start Date: Sep 18, 2023
End Date: Sep 17, 2026

(1) To evaluate agrochemical and biopesticide treatments, adjuvants, and rates for efficacy against pest ambrosia beetle species under varying levels of simulated plant stress (2) Development of a tool for detection of ambrosia beetle susceptible trees.

For Objective 1, field bioassays of insecticides, biopesticides, and adjuvants will be performed with artificial tree bolts using ethanol at various volatilization rates. Bolts will be made from a lumber product to standardize field bioassays (based on previous testing). Ethanol volatilization rates from bolt baits will be modified to create a range of ethanol emission rates. that can be lower, equivalent, or higher than typical stressed trees. Both ambrosia beetle attacks and ethanol release volumes will be quantified during tests. For Objective 2, a handheld ethanol detection tool will be used to assess susceptible trees. Detection of stress-associated volatiles in ambrosia beetle susceptible trees can help growers target treatment where plants are most vulnerable. Previous work has identified a detector product with potential for nursery application. The detector is handheld, easy to operate, and provides a clear measure of ethanol release from plant tissues like twigs, bark, and roots.