Location: Sustainable Agricultural Water Systems Research
Project Number: 2032-13220-002-016-S
Project Type: Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement
Start Date: Sep 1, 2022
End Date: Aug 31, 2026
The overall objective of this research is to assess the fate of metal oxide associated contaminants during Managed Aquifer Recharge.
Managed aquifer recharge (MAR) approaches dramatically alter the geochemistry of field sites by changing the water status and/or composition (e.g., pH, ionic strength and composition, organics, nutrients, and oxygen status). This will strongly influence the dominant metal oxide species, redox chemistry, and microbial community in soils and sediments that influences contaminant adsorption and desorption, colloid retention and release, colloid facilitated contaminant transport, and clogging processes. Field, laboratory, and mathematical modeling studies will be initiated to better understand and quantify the fate of metal oxide associated contaminants during MAR. Specific contaminants of interest include oxyanions such as arsenic and nitrate, as well as indicator microorganisms.