Location: Delta Water Management Research
Project Number: 6024-13000-004-024-S
Project Type: Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement
Start Date: Jan 6, 2023
End Date: Sep 1, 2025
1. Quantify global warming potential (GWP) and yield-scaled GWP (GWPY) of rice selections managed under continuously flooded and conservation water management i.e. furrow rice irrigation, alternate wetting and drying practice.
2. Compare irrigation water use efficiencies of rice produced using continuous-flooding and conservation water management.
We will use the vented flux chamber technique to measure fluxes of carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane from rice fields. Samples collected with static vented chambers will be analyzed for atmospheric gases using a gas chromatograph equipped with three detectors for quantifying atmospheric trace gas concentrations. These measurements will take place in several fields cultivated in various rice cultivars under conventional and innovative irrigation practices. Innovative irrigation practices include but are not limited to alternate wetting and drying and furrow irrigated rice practice (row rice).