Location: Genomics and Bioinformatics Research
Project Number: 6066-21310-006-028-A
Project Type: Cooperative Agreement
Start Date: Feb 15, 2023
End Date: Aug 29, 2025
Support Objective 2 of the proposal which is intended to organize phenotypic information, thus develop databases compatible with each other and give breeders options for how to store and analyze their data.
1. Making the CottonGen Breeding Information Management System (BIMS) BrAPI compatible so it can interconnect with the Breeding Insight platform and other BrAPI compatible breeding tools.
2. Developing and providing training on use of BIMS, Field Book and CottonGen to cotton breeders. This will include in-person training at breeders’ programs, at workshops and through webinars. We will also work to facilitate transfer of historical breeding data from their programs into BIMS, should they choose to use this platform.
3. Participating in regular project and annual meetings.
4. Providing material as requested for reports.