Location: Global Change and Photosynthesis Research
Project Number: 5012-12220-010-023-S
Project Type: Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement
Start Date: May 1, 2023
End Date: Apr 30, 2024
The goal of this project is to identify causal factors of weed control failure in Northwest vegetable processing legumes. The objective is to determine the scope and complexity of weed problems in snap bean. The following aspects will be investigated: influence of planting and harvest dates; differences within and among production regions; and associations among weed composition and weed management/field history.
Weed, crop, and field history surveys of snap bean production fields will be conducted in the Northwest production region. A goal of 30 fields will be surveyed at the time of harvest. Within each field, 30 0.5-m2 quadrats will be used along a 500m 'W' transect through the field, avoiding 20m near field edges. Within quadrats, species presence, density, and height will be recorded. Outside quadrats, records will be made of other species observed. Species producing apparently viable seed will be recorded. Records also will be made of crop stand, overall crop condition, and overall weed load. Field information obtained from processors will include state, county, latitude/longitude, acreage, water supply, previous crop, cultivar, maturity, planting date, preplant tillage, interrow cultivation, stand, PRE herbicides/rates, POST herbicides/rates, handweeding dates, harvest date, and yield. Fields passed over by the processor for harvest, due to excessive weed infestation levels, will be identified.