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Research Project: Resistance to Barley Stripe Rust and BYDV in Cultivated and Wild Barley

Location: Small Grains and Potato Germplasm Research

Project Number: 2050-21000-038-020-S
Project Type: Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement

Start Date: Jul 1, 2023
End Date: Jun 30, 2025

Discover, characterize, develop, and deploy effective resistance against barley stripe rust (BSR) (incited by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. hordei) and the yellow dwarf virus (CYDV and BYDV) to protect U.S. barley production by: 1) evaluation of elite cultivated barley germplasm; 2) evaluation of barley wild relatives held by the National Small Grains Collection; 3) evaluate GWAS panels or biparental populations to advance research on resistance to these diseases.

We will test germplasm at Davis, CA using a set of materials, phenotyping protocols, and experimental designs that are also used in Corvallis, OR and Mt. Vernon, WA disease nurseries. This will facilitate comparison of results across the region. Phenotyping will be done in single-row plots using procedures that are standard at each location. Susceptible spreader rows composed of susceptible varieties, and artificial inoculation (if warranted) will be used to facilitate infection. Minimum data: barley stripe rust severity at one assessment date, heading date. We will record also other diseases present in the nursery. Disease samples will be sent to the USDA-ARS Pullman lab for race identification. Several categories of germplasm will be evaluated: (A) PNW BSR screening trial: This nursery, including checks, will consist of ~ 60 entries composed of mixture of new and previously tested entries from California, Idaho, Oregon, Montana and Washington public breeding programs, resistant and susceptible checks, and a set of differentials. This trial will be grown at each location using a minimum of three replicates. The samples from ID will include stable breeding lines and/or other materials. (B) Uncharacterized wild and cultivated barley accessions selected from the National Small Grains Collection: These nurseries will be used to identify potential new sources of resistance. Promising accessions will be used as parents to develop new populations. (C) Novel germplasm/population screening: These nurseries, consisting of GWAS panels and/or biparental populations, will be used to elucidate the genetics of barley stripe rust resistance, towards deploying resistance. The materials will be assessed using a Type II augmented designs or a replicated complete block design. Data and analyses will be posted at When sufficient data are generated, manuscripts will be submitted for publication in peer-reviewed journals.