Location: Animal Disease Research Unit
Project Number: 2090-32000-040-044-S
Project Type: Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement
Start Date: Aug 1, 2023
End Date: Sep 30, 2026
Diagnostic assays and vaccine development have been valuable tools to protect animals against diseases. However, discovery of novel methods to improve diagnostic tools and vaccine development are necessary to provide efficient control strategies for preventing the spread of diseases. Many studies have attempted to identify other targets that might improve diagnostic assays or provide more consistently effective protection against infectious diseases of livestock. The objective of this project is to characterize antibodies for the development of accurate diagnostic tests and effective vaccines to prevent pathogen dissemination.
The approach is to characterize livestock antibodies for the development of accurate diagnostic tests and effective vaccines for preventing pathogen dissemination. In this project, characterization of antibodies will facilitate development of strategies for producing recombinant antibodies to study immune responses to livestock pathogens. Having the appropriate antibodies will allow us to study the immune correlates of protection for streamlined vaccine development. ADRU project plans are heavily focused on immunology. Unfortunately, due to several personnel changes, ADRU does not have enough expertise to fulfill the project objectives regarding immunology. WSU will provide personnel to help fulfill ADRU project plans objectives until suitable hires are found.