Location: Sugarbeet and Bean Research
Project Number: 5050-21430-012-010-S
Project Type: Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement
Start Date: Aug 15, 2023
End Date: Aug 14, 2025
1) Characterize the impact of milling method on pulse flour functionality and on pulse product flavor and texture.
2) Characterize the impact of pre-processing method on pulse flour functionality and on pulse product flavor and texture.
a) Apply milling protocols for chickpeas and dry beans for five mill types (pilot scale hammer, roller, stone, compression decompression, and lab scale hammer). b) Measure the impact of mill type on pulse flour characteristics. c) Apply pasta, porridge and cracker formulations. c) Apply a standing descriptive analysis panel to characterize pulse product flavor and texture. d) Establish Gas Chromotography-Olfactometry and texture analysis methods for instrumental characterization of flavor and texture. d) Characterize the impact of mill type and pretreatments (raw, roasted, IR treated) on pulse product flavor and texture.