Location: Range and Meadow Forage Management Research
Project Number: 2070-21500-001-010-I
Project Type: Interagency Reimbursable Agreement
Start Date: Feb 1, 2024
End Date: Jan 31, 2025
Objective 1: Synthesize the data needs and enabling conditions that will make the PCL information flow successful in facilitating pre-fire action.
Objective 2: Perform field-based evaluations of PCL monitoring methods.
Objective 3: Develop a participatory data collection tool.
We will use searches of existing literature and conversations with land managers to synthesize current approaches for mapping Potential Control Lines (PCLs) and associated fuel conditions in the Great Basin. Using these findings we will develop and pilot different field based methods for PCL monitoring, evaluating them based on ease of implementation, consistency of results, and compatability with potential modeling approaches. We will then develop and implement an integrated database platform, similar to ArcGIS Survey 123. This platform will be used as a fuels mapping platform that can facilitate crowdsourced data collection by a diversity of stakeholders and storage of/access to data resources by interested stakeholders. These data will then be used as a training tool to inform fuels mapping using remotely-sensed hyper spectral imagery; this linkage will, in turn, serve as a future platform to train satellite-derived data to allow for efficient characterization of fuel attributes at very large spatial scales and at time scales relevant to fuels management needs.