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Research Project: Comparative Aspergillus Population Survey and Microbiome Analysis of Predicted Aflatoxin “Hotspots” in Peanut Fields

Location: National Peanut Research Laboratory

Project Number: 6044-21600-001-005-S
Project Type: Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement

Start Date: Jul 29, 2024
End Date: Jul 28, 2025

1. To survey the populations of Aspergillus flavus and other aflatoxin-producing fungi associated with aflatoxin “hotspots” in peanut fields. 2. To examine the effects of drought and heat stress on pod zone microbiome composition over time in peanut fields.

The Cooperator will collaborate with ARS in conducting research to develop reduce aflatoxin contamination in United States peanuts. Specifically, the cooperators will work with ARS in the following approaches: 1) Initial soil sampling for the microbial population survey will focus on established routines and locations used for physiological evaluation of plants in defined plots within peanut fields and also utilizing movable rainfall shelters and/or at the ARS Environmental Control Plot Facility at the National Peanut Research Laboratory. For microbiome analyses, a subsample of soil taken from the rainout plots at 0, 14, and 28 DAI will be used for genomic DNA isolation using a commercial soil DNA isolation kit. The results of the various research components will be published in refereed journals, trade magazines, or extension articles, presented at professional and grower meetings. Information from the research will be integrated into standard peanut processing procedures.