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Research Project: Croplands Emissions - Midwest Area - Columbia, MO

Location: Cropping Systems and Water Quality Research

Project Number: 5070-12000-001-018-I
Project Type: Interagency Reimbursable Agreement

Start Date: May 2, 2024
End Date: May 1, 2029

Greenhouse Gas Research Network, and specifically the sub-group on Land Emissions. In turn AA#2 is one of seven action areas for the implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) GHG Quantification effort (i.e., IRA Section 21002 (a)(2)). The IAA builds on an initial allocation (June 2023, and IAA for equipment in Oct 2023). Action Area #2 Objectives: 1. Develop a research and monitoring network to collect and synthesize multi-scale data on nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4) emissions from cropping and livestock production systems that represent major agricultural sources of these two gases. Prioritizing which systems to monitor is a function of which data are most useful for other Action Areas to evaluate practices that can reduce emissions and improve models, including for conservation program outcomes, exploring model comparisons, and supporting the Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks (the National GHG Inventory). 2. Coordinate with other USDA agencies and IRA GHG Quantification Action Areas to maximize data utility, including AA#1 to integrate GHG data collection with soil carbon and perennial biomass data collection as much as possible; AA#3 for data management; AA#5 to support NRCS conservation practice standards and implementation; AA#6 for conservation activity data collection and synthesis; and AA#4 and AA#7 to improve models. Goals for Action Area Data Use: There are two major uses for the GHG emission monitoring data: 1. Improve predictive models for assessing GHG emission reduction outcomes at entity, state, regional, and national scales (AA#4) and advance the National GHG Inventory and the Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Assessment Program of USDA (AA#7). Model improvement will focus on using AA#2 data to validate (or independently verify) GHG emission estimates, fill calibration needs, and advanced model equations and structure. 2. Improve NRCS conservation practice standards and implementation to reflect GHG mitigation opportunities (AA#5). Specific UNIT Objectives: Evaluate conservation practices: CPS 590 4Rs of N management - variable rate; Cover crop research and Diversified crop rotation (e.g., not mono or bi-culture) code 340; CPS Residue and Tillage Management, Reduced Till, Code 345 impact on GHG emission and impacts of related soil indices.

The MWA will leverage existing resources from Congressional base-funds, networks and expertise related to the LTAR, GRACEnet and others. Base funds provide salaries for permanent scientific and their support staff. The IRA funds will be used to complement some of these efforts with purchase additional equipment, supplies, IRA related travel and adding to the ARS human potential with term employees. ARS base project objective: Determine and characterize the effects of management on water use efficiency, nutrient use efficiency, GHG emissions, productivity, and ecology. Metadata, soil data and GHG data will be collected.