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Research Project: Administration of the National Predictive Modeling Tool Initiative (NPMTI)

Location: Crop Production and Protection

Project Number: 0500-00102-001-058-S
Project Type: Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement

Start Date: Jun 1, 2024
End Date: May 31, 2025

The objectives of the NFO are: 1) Maintain and enhance the Resource Management/Accountability Center; 2) Facilitate and enhance communication within the Initiative and with its stakeholders; 3) Administer the process of developing the Initiative’s annual recommended research plan and budget; 4) Manage and implement all meetings and conferences; 5) Oversee production and distribution of NPMTI communications; and 6) Manage the NPMTI website. The objectives of the subawardee are to 1) Develop a data pipeline support; and 2) Engage with a diverse range of stakeholders.

The Networking and Facilitation Office (NFO) is the administrative and communications headquarters for the NPMTI, and it operates under the direction of the Executive Director of the NFO, under the auspices of the Executive Committee of the NPMTI in collaboration with ONP-ARS-USDA, and is governed by the Policies and Procedures of the NPMTI. To achieve objective 1, the subawardee will work with cooperators to ensure that they type of data collected is done as uniformly and consistently as possible. This will be achieved through one on one and group discussion with research cooperators to gather input and assist in making data transmission more approachable for each researcher. The subawardee will frequently communicate up and down the data pipeline to best understand current and future data challenges. To achieve objective 2, the subawardee will actively engage with cooperators to better understand how ts current capabilities can be or service to them. The subawardee will set up these meetings either through in-person visits to field sites during appropriate times of the year or conduct these meetings virtually when cooperators are available. The meetings will seek to understand how they can work collaboratively on current work or future NPMTI work. The subawardee will also seek input and advice from experts’ outsides of the NPMTI such as farmers, agronomists, and policymakers to firstly gauge the relevance of current research efforts but to secondly funnel relevant information and opportunities for future collaborations.