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Research Project: Special Compounds in Foods and Dietary Supplements

Location: Methods and Application of Food Composition Laboratory

Project Number: 8040-10700-004-034-S
Project Type: Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement

Start Date: Aug 24, 2024
End Date: Aug 29, 2025

The currently available data on the content of important compounds in U.S. foods and dietary supplements are very limited. With the final product of published research, data for FoodData Central and Special Interest Databases, support is needed. Up-to-date analytical data are needed for a publicly available dataset which can be used for nutritional and epidemiological research and for developing rational dietary guidance pertinent to multiple health conditions. The purpose of this collaboration is to determine and provide data for important contributors of public health compounds of importance.

The Methods and Application of Food Composition Lab (MAFCL) plans to obtain data, secure scientific support for products to deliver food composition data which are non-existent or very limited in the scientific literature. Data would be collected from new scientific literature and through analysis; technical support would help identify data gaps, conduct literature reviews, manage projects and conduct analysis in the University of Maryland lab and internally at USDA, Beltsville. Support would also be provided in readying products for quality control review and release to the public.