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Research Project: Increasing Winter Hardiness in Orchardgrass

Location: Forage and Range Research

Project Number: 2080-21500-002-024-S
Project Type: Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement

Start Date: Sep 1, 2024
End Date: Oct 30, 2026

This research's objective is the development of orchardgrass that has increased winter hardiness for use in harsh winter regions of North America. Vernal, UT is a harsh winter site that receives minimal snowfall, which acts as insulation to plants. Thus, orchardgrass genotypes will be screened in multi-year evaluations for winter hardiness at this locations. ARS researchers will conduct the data collection and analysis and the cooperator will provide irrigation and plot observation support.

The ARS researchers will establish orchardgrass genotypes in an experimental design at the Vernal, UT field site. The ARS researchers will then be responsible for forage yield collection and ratings of genotypes for winter hardiness. The trials are multi-year and selected genotypes will then be used as parents of subsequent generations. The cooperator and staff will provide weekly irrigation support and monitoring and observation of the plots.