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Research Project: Developing Low-cost Mapping Technologies for Precision Nitrogen Management with Cover Crops

Location: Sustainable Agricultural Systems Laboratory

Project Number: 8042-22000-167-116-I
Project Type: Interagency Reimbursable Agreement

Start Date: Aug 1, 2024
End Date: Jul 31, 2029

Develop a cover crop species and biomass mapping technology that integrates with a cover crop nitrogen calculator to provide variable rate nitrogen recommendations to farmers.

1. Develop the business requirements and computations for integration of PlantMap3D with CC-NCALC. Adapt the technology to be operational on tractor sprayers, UTVs, robots, and via hand-held. 2. Calibrate cover crop species and biomass mapping technology for a diverse array of cover crops with the Plant Material Centers and public/private agricultural professionals for both handheld and tractor-mounted systems. Includes user testing and ground-truth data collection. 3. In cooperation with NRCS state techical committees. Conduct on-farm nitrogen response trials using cover crop species and biomass mappinng technology coupled with the CC-NCALC DST (variable rate vs. standard rate). Estimate N fertilizer reductions, economic gain, and GHG/C footprint reduction. Partners will include: a. Large-scale corn growers; b. Minority and underserved farming groups including HBCUs; c. Soil and water conservation districts engaged in on-farm work. 4. In cooperation with state conservationalists, provide technical assistance and training for farmers to install cameras on their equipment and use the app to adjust nitrogen application rate and distribution in a field. This work will also include developing culturally tailored technical assistance. Partners include: a. Large-scale corn growers; b. Minority and underserved farming groups including HBCUs. 5. Train NRCS staff, HBCUs, and minority/underserved farmers on using the technology, through field days, webinars, and in-person train-the-trainer events.