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ARS Home » Northeast Area » Beltsville, Maryland (BARC) » Beltsville Agricultural Research Center » Sustainable Perennial Crops Laboratory » Research » Research Project #446754

Research Project: Cacao Genotypic Response to Abiotic Stresses

Location: Sustainable Perennial Crops Laboratory

Project Number: 8042-21000-303-017-S
Project Type: Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement

Start Date: Aug 31, 2024
End Date: Aug 30, 2029

Evaluate cacao germplasm for tolerance to soil moisture deficits, and identify promising parental clones in order to develop drought-tolerant varieties.

Fundação Pau Brasil (FUNPAB) actively promotes sustainable cacao production through collaborations with various cacao research institutions in Brazil. Collaborative research will be carried with scientists from UESC (Univ. Estadual de Santa Cruz) and CEPLAC/CEPEC (Comissao Executiva do Plano da Lavoura Cacaueira/Centro de Pesquisas de Cacau). This non-assistance cooperative agreement (NACA) will emphasize the coordination of research approaches of the USDA/ARS and all collaborating institution mentioned here and will promote sustainable cacao production research and identification of abiotic stress (drought) tolerant cacao germplasms. The agreement promotes international partnerships and cooperation with the USDA-ARS.