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Research Project: Addressing Agricultural Biorisk Evidence Base Gaps with Applied Research

Location: Research Programs

Project Number: 3022-32000-018-056-S
Project Type: Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement

Start Date: Aug 11, 2024
End Date: Jul 1, 2027

ARS and APHIS will providing funding for applied biorisk research projects that address identified evidence gaps that impact agricultural research and diagnostic activities($250,000.00 per agency/year) to provide funds for a minimum of three years ($1,500,000.00) through Elizabeth R. Griffin Program (ERGP) in the Center for Health Security, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. ERGP will develop and administer an annual RFP to review, select and fund research projects ranging in funding levels of $75,000.00 - $100,000.00 per principal investigator.

ERGP will develop and administer an annual Request For Proposals to review, select and fund research projects ranging in funding levels of $75,000.00 - $100,000.00 per principal investigator. Acceptable topic areas for submittal will include gaps identified and published by RAV3N or applied biorisk research priorities identified in the OSTP Evidence-based Laboratory Biorisk Management S&T Roadmap or similar gap analysis (WOAH working group agent specific biorisk gap analysis published in Applied Biosafety). ERGP in consultation with USDA may have either broad or focused calls for research proposals. ERGP shall establish and manage an evaluation panel to assess proposals. The panel will include representatives from USDA ARS, APHIS, ABSA International and RAV3N. The panel shall be inclusive of scientific and biorisk management subject matter expertise relevant to the RFP and each submittal will have a minimum of two reviewers (primary and alternate). ERGP will develop RFP scoring criteria as well as integrity and confidentiality certification for review panel members (conflict of interest, etc.). Scoring criteria may include: • Will the proposed research close an identified gap • Scientific approach and feasibility • Scientific merit and organization • Budget • Adequacy of facilities and equipment(can the proposed work be carried out at this facility?) • Participation of partner laboratories (e.g. USDA ARS or RAV3N member labs) ERGP will monitor awardees on a quarterly basis, milestones identified, and a final full report when complete. An awardee will be required to notify ERGP of any significant changes to project (e.g. Timelines, milestones or objectives). ERGP will include a requirement for all awards that research findings and data shall be published in a peer reviewed journal such as “Applied Biosafety”and that the PI provide a copy of any publications in the final report.