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ARS Home » Southeast Area » Canal Point, Florida » Sugarcane Field Station » Research » Research Project #446851

Research Project: Development of High Sugar Yield, High Ratoonability, and Disease Resistant CP Germplasm for Florida

Location: Sugarcane Field Station

Project Number: 6030-21000-007-039-S
Project Type: Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement

Start Date: Sep 1, 2024
End Date: Aug 31, 2026

The development of new high-sugar-yielding, high ratoonability, and disease resistant sugarcane germplasm specifically adapted for Florida.

Evaluate and select superior high-sugar-yielding, high ratoonability, and disease-resistant sugarcane clones in multi-year trials in a cooperative program on ARS and on grower farm locations to vegetatively increase seed cane of the seeded clones. For sugarcane germplasm for organic soils, 'stage 3' and 'stage 4' trials constitute the scope of this agreement. For sugarcane germplasm for sand soils, 'stage 2', 'stage 3', and 'stage 4' trials constitute the scope of this agreement. 1) Stage 2 (muck and sand): Approximately 1,000 Selected clones from either the Seedling Stage on sand soils or from Stage 1 from the muck soils will be planted into unreplicated Stage 2 plots on their respective soil types with standard check varieties planted randomly throughout the trials. Data collected in Stage 2 trials will include visual ratings for vigor, visual ratings for major diseases and other agronomic traits that might affect yield, and sucrose determinations. Stage 2 trials will include both plant cane and first ratoon crops. Approximately 135 clones are advanced to Stage 3 trials on each soil type. 2) Stage 3 (muck and sand): Stage 3 trials will be planted at multiple locations on both muck and sand soils. Currently there are 3 muck locations and 2 sand locations. The trials will be conducted through 2nd stubble but preliminary advancement decisions will be made based on both the plant cane and 1st ratoon data with 1st ratoon data being given more importance than plant cane data in the decisions (to emphasize ratoonability). Clones selected for preliminary advancement after 1st ratoon will be planted at the stage 4 locations in seed increase plots to provide enough seed to plant future Stage 4 trials. Advancement decisions will be made based on adequate disease resistance, high sugar, and high yield. Up to 13 clones from each soil type are selected for advancement to Stage 4 trials. 3) Stage 4 (muck and sand): Stage 4 trials will be planted at multiple locations on both muck and sand soils. There are 9 locations (6 muck and 3 sand). The trials will include 4-6 replications each depending on the location. The trials will be planted in such a manner that they can be mechanically harvested to collect plot weights and will be carried through 2nd ratoon. Data collection procedures will be similar to those in the Stage 3 trials (e.g. visual assessments for disease, early and mid/late season sucrose determinations, stalk counts, growth habit, etc.) with the exception that entire plot weights using a mechanical harvester and a weigh wagon will be collected in addition to the stalk counts and weight.