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Research Project: Determination of Round Cotton Module Weights to Improve Data Accuracy for Improvement of Cotton Gin Operations Efficiency and Bale Traceability

Location: Cotton Ginning Research

Project Number: 6066-41440-009-018-S
Project Type: Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement

Start Date: Sep 1, 2024
End Date: Aug 31, 2025

1. Develop a cotton module weighing device utilizing a spear-type module retrieval platform and radio frequency identification (RFID) technology for data collection and association. 2. Conduct field evalutations of developed cotton module weighing device.

The Cooperator will accomplish the objectives by modifying a commercially-available module spear, which is the most common method of moving round modules of seed cotton on farms. The module spear will be outfitted with load cells and a weight indicator with data logging and communications capabilities. The device will be outfitted with bending-beam load cells on each of the spears, obtaining weights from each cotton module as they are retrieved from the field and staged for transport to the gin yard. The device will also incorporate the ability to read the identifying radio frequency identification (RFID) tag embedded in the wrap which encloses each module, the RFID tag will pair the weight data to the corresponding module. This data will be used to validate/calibrate the cotton picker’s weigh and to establish the correct weight for each module through comparisons between the two systems. After developing the system, the second objective will be accomplished by the Cooperator conducting trials to to evaluate the device for accuracy in both static and dynamic operations. Standard operational procedures will be developed for the cotton module weighing device’s use to include module orientation, position of lift, moving vs. stationary operation, and sample size for cradle calibration. Additionally, methods for data flow and integration into the module attributes database will be investigated to identify and create standard operating procedures for the device. The RFID and weight information from the developed device will use standard data communication protocols to integrate the data into the USDA-developed cotton module handling and identification software modules.