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Research Project: Plastic Contamination Removal Robot for Cotton Fields

Location: Cotton Ginning Research

Project Number: 6066-41440-009-019-S
Project Type: Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement

Start Date: Sep 1, 2024
End Date: Aug 31, 2026

To develop a multi-functional Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) capable of performing various tasks within cotton fields, including: 1) removal of field plastic contaminations, 2) replanting vacant areas in rows, 3) field scouting, and 4) mechanical precision weeding. This proposal endeavors to tackle the critical problem of plastic contamination in cotton through the development of novel detection and removal methods. Harnessing advancements in image processing, mechatronics, robotics, artificial intelligence, and real-time kinematic positioning, the project seeks to address plastic contamination originating from cotton fields across the supply chain. By targeting this aspect, the initiative aims to protect the economic interests and reputations of stakeholders within the industry. Specific objectives for this project are: 1. Designing and fabricating a robotic arm, an end-effector to handle field plastic contaminations. 2. Integrating a perception system, robotic arm, and end-effector into a robotic platform.

The Cooperator will accomplish Objective 1 by developing preliminary designs for both the robotic arm and the end-effector. Upon reaching consensus between project team members a prototype will be fabricated for both the end-effector and the robotic arm. To accomplish Objective 2 the Cooperator will procure a robotic unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) platform and modify it as needed. The UGV will be equipped with multiple actuators and sensors to control the robotic arm and end-effector. A depth camera and a light detection and ranging (LiDAR) sensor suite will be installed to both direct the robot and image plastic contamination for removal. The sensors will integrate with the robotic platform for both directional control and processing of images to locate and remove plastic contamination.