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Research Project: Understanding the Biosynthesis of Volatile Phenylpropenes in Carrots

Location: Vegetable Crops Research

Project Number: 5090-21000-073-102-R
Project Type: Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement

Start Date: Jul 1, 2024
End Date: Jun 30, 2027

We propose to investigate the formation of MDPCs in carrots and herbs of the Apiaceae family. They are of interest because of their demonstrated anti-microbial and insecticidal activities in cultivated or wild accession of these specialty crops and their available genomic and transcriptomic resources. We will attempt to metabolically modify myristicin accumulation in the roots and foliage of cultivated carrots with the prospect of reducing bitterness and enhancing resistance against carrot psyllids, respectively. We also plan to investigate initial steps in myristicin formation in spices of the Magnoliids such as nutmeg to develop genetic markers for a more precise control of the compound.

Develop CRISPR guide RNAs for four genes in the myristicin biosynthetic pathway. Apply CRISPR technologies to edit those genes. Grow plants putatively edited. Evaluate gene expression of those genes in unedited and edited plants.